Or wait till BGs come out. If they had offered transfers, there would be zero hope for those servers.
I’m hopeful bgs will make things better for many people let’s see. I want to be optimistic
A paid transfer wont ruin anything, the people that will take them are already not playing the game because they don’t like PvP. You already don’t see them in-game.
That’s not true.
Yes exactly my point
In the time it took to type that, you could have created a new character on another server and actually achieved something. Instead, you want Bliz to bail you out. Just reroll. You made a mistake. Move along.
Maybe…but I’m a counter-example to that point. I’m still playing, I like hanging out with my guild on raid nights…but that’s what I’m down to, 2 raid nights.
I’m still playing, albeir less and less, but still playing, and would take a transfer in a heartbeat.
I still dont understand why people rolled on a pvp server when they clearly dont like pvp. Oh and yes being killed in a 10v1 is part of a pvp server. Sorry to tell you, but life isnt fair.
I’ll pose the same question to you, maybe you’re less obtuse than your friends here. Why do you care if he takes his toon to another server and recoups the hours upon hours he has spent leveling?
How are you impacted by him transferring vs rerolling?
I’m pretty sure a lot of them wanted to transfer to pve, but they had to settle for the second best thing with Heartseeker.
Just reroll man. Lots do it every day. I have 3 60s across two realms because the faerlina queue was too much. After the first time leveling, the next is MUCH faster.
Reach out to people on these new server, lots willing to help rerollers with bags and some gold.
already answered your question infected
I wrote this post in literally a few minutes my thoughts were flowing today and I felt like I could articulate what I wanted to say. I don’t want to offend anyone I was simply trying to start a discussion about this topic
I like battlegrounds.
That doesn’t mean I want to be gy camped/farmed in nearly every bg by premade raids.
People rolled on a PvP server for a fun wPvP experience.
Instead, they got the rare NPC experience.
You can do battlegrounds from a pve server…
Actually you didn’t even come close…you didn’t even attempt. I’ll make it easier for you, forget assuming people will quit.
Let’s say reroll instead. Why do you care if they abandon their toon, or move it?
I know the answer, it’s spite. You just want people to suffer for some reason rather than take their toon somewhere they will be happier.
They don’t though. It’s why “reroll PvE” is some cardinal insult to them whenever they complain about the nature of PvP servers and how hopelessly unfair they can be. They cry about how unfair it is and how the horde have no honor, and then when given the simple solution of rerolling PvE and only fair doing fair PvP in BGs, they get mad. I’m sure J Allen Brack is smugly laughing somewhere when his “you think you do, but you don’t” comment has manifested itself in the current overall alliance mindset.
Why do people keep saying servers are dying?
Not having a 3 hour queue = dying? Like what even is this?
Most servers are still more than healthy. Unless that measure is lagging out in Org/SW.
The amount who would choose the easy route to transfer would be in the hundreds… the amount who re-roll or quit would be much less. Once BGs come out, people will see servers become a bit more normal. If they had offered transfers, there would be zero hope. I’m sorry if you don’t like my answer, not my problem though.
Got it, your assertion is that masses of unhappy players will just keep humming along in misery. You’re right, I don’t like your answer, ignorance bothers me.