Where is the compromise in letting you transfer and make the server even worse? The compromise is stay or level an alt on a diff/pve server.
You are on a PvP server.
Remember Warcraft III? If the enemy has stronger forces then you, hit him in the rear! Take out his peons…destroy is lumber mill!
While you are going head to head with a superior horde force, I am lvl 55 in a leveling zone only rarely seeing Alliance parties of 2 or 3 come through and interrupt my leveling.
If you are the Underdog, play strategically. I have had amazing fights with 60s that have come to harvest me. So much fun. More often then not I die. But every once in a while I can get my mob on one of them and take him out.
I do not respect someone who tries to sit on my face after my death. I do respect someone who is killing a leveling member of the Horde that is getting ready for BGs next week.
Be the balance you seek.
Faction imbalance is not just a pvp problem, It’s impossible to farm or do anything outside sit in major cities waiting for raid night. Happened to roll on a server where your faction is low, too bad cause your gameplay experience is now severely restricted.
I love world pvp, 10+v1 sucks but find a group of 5 and you can usually do good. It’s when there is raid groups camping LHC, TP, Winterspring flight masters.
You get very little honor in big groups killing 1 player at a time that flies into an area. If you really wanted to pvp honor grind you would be roaming around in groups of 5. It’s far more efficient and fun.
Most people forming pvp raid groups are doing it for 1 of the following reasons.
- You suck at your class.
- You’re scared to be on equal ground.
- You’re trying to counter a pvp raid group.
- You’re a sheep that likes to mindlessly follow people.
So before you sit here and tell everyone who is voicing their opinion about imbalanced servers that they are snowflakes, just think, if you were in thier shoes you’d be asking for changes as well.
I did not want to roll here but my 2 irl friends were insistent on it. I was outvoted 2:1 so I did the whole leveling thing here. We don’t really get to play at the same times anymore.
Transfer, quit, reroll, it all has the same outcome. A pvp server loses a person. Let them have a one time transfer. Your pvp server wouldve went to hell even with measures put in place. Most of the alliance population on pvp servers in classic don’t enjoy it. Going back in time and doing anything would have had the same outcome that is unfolding right in our faces.
The guys made a mistake, they admit they dont enjoy pvp servers. They should not have to bend over and take it every time they log on because it would ruin your experience. Let the pvp crowd solve their issues. Taking out pve only players would make it easier.
Well, you can’t take items or money, due to economies. You can’t leave any characters behind.
You have to transfer all characters at the same time from 1 server to 1 server. And be completely naked, no mount, keys, bags, anything. I’d be good with that.
But I don’t like opening up potential problems. So I don’t like change.
Or your faction is so severely outnumbered it the only way to wpvp the majority faction.
To a lesser degree.
Yes. That is what my 3rd note means
How to a lesser degree? I withdrew that last post because I didn’t want to say “worse” in time it’ll be better because the ones who are left will want to pvp
I know you are on Herod because of past post… anyway. Do know know why Herod has locked Alliance?
Because tons of Alliance players took the free transfer out awhile ago and also they have been qutting, rerolling, and unsubbing altogether.
Do you think that helps out your Alliance side? Nope… People need to stay on the server so balance can eventually equal out in the future. Leaving your sever only leaves your Herod Alliance buddies to be even more outnumbered.
I don’t really feel sorry for you guys. You caused the issue you are experencing.
The amount who would quit or re-roll will be far less than those who would take the easy route of transfer. On top of that, if they allowed transfers, I’m guessing people would complain enough they would open it to all pvp servers and ruin the already balanced ones.
Yes I wanted to leave but my friends are here. I wanted to play with them. However we have different schedules and I can’t really play with them anymore. If I didn’t have friends here I would’ve been gone long ago
How would transfers destroy Phase 3?
So is your worthless post…ironic, no?
It affects everybody as we can all see the scenario of everyone asking for a transfer, even off their balanced server… which they likely would cave.
Come on, try harder to understand my question before posting. Whether they quit or transfer, the net loss to the server is 1. I ask again, why do you care which method gets you to your -1, a transfer or an unsub?
Again…my question is this, someone is leaving regardless, why do you care how they leave?
You are assuming quitting and transferring would be a 1:1 basis. Most people won’t quit. But transfers, hundreds likely would.
True, I am, because eventually it will be close to 1:1.
Everyone has a limit to the amount of frustration they will endure before it’s just not worth it to continue paying to be griefed.
You also have the 6-month mark approaching, which includes many idiots like myself, who signed up for a 6 month sub…many, like myself, are not going to renew if server issues aren’t addressed.
If you want to transfer, that means you want to leave…probably because you’re not having fun. How long will people pay to not have fun? I won’t do it for long, and I’m not an outlier.
This is my point people will leave regardless. It’s like if I want to move to a different country and people won’t let me exchange my currency on the way out.