Wrong? Many of us like Torghast even though it’s reward structure needs fixed. You and people like you are not a majority just because your loud.
It needs some way to save and come back to it if it’s going to literally be infinite.
Excellent. I cannot wait for some more Torghast with some new powers. Looking forward to seeing their tweaks for it in 9.1.
That is because Visions and Islands (earlier than later) were tied to increasing PLAYER POWER.
Of course people will burn themselves out when there is a very high incentive for continuously playing those things. If Torghast would have offered at least SOMETHING outside of soul ash, it could possibly be looked at differently.
But they ruined their chances at making something fun by continuing to make something feel mandatory with no other reason to run it outside of a cap of a resource that is tied to PLAYER POWER.
They repeat the same non sense over and over.
There is a datamined item called Cache of Torghast Treasures that looks to give gear.
Will see where this goes.
Why are people so surprised by this? They told us they what they were planning.
Also, making snap judgements on datamined content is what causes people to get cranky in the first place.
Yeah, you can devote 30m to it if you’re good, or have a good group, or good gear.
I took my fresh priest through a level 5 and it took me about an hour. The time investment is different for everyone, but at the end of the day, you’re saying that 30m for one wing isn’t a good-sized time sink…
But my issue wasn’t the time investment itself, it’s the time for the reward. I like Torghast and I’ve had my 30m runs on my monk, but I really don’t ever walk away feeling like it was time well spent, outside of the initial hunt for soul ash to get that legendary.
Torghast has very little replay value, if any, for a lot of people. After I snag a legendary, why would I choose this over a similar amount of time in a dungeon, or doing world quests for anima for cosmetics down the line?
If I had enough time to log in and play Torghast, there are much better things to invest my time in right now, so I do those instead.
And I don’t hate Torghast. I like it. I just have no reason to do it, so it’s useless content for me.
I still never been back after TC Fl 1 solo. The stain that left does nothing to fan the flames so to speak
Edit: & while I succeeded there’s been not enough incentive to make me go back.
Yeah…it’s definitely an investment of time. That said, being able to mount in the maw is really nice lol.
I enjoy torghast for the most part, the only reason I stopped doing it more often is I got to floor 18 on the final boss and got randomly disconnected from the servers and couldn’t get back until I was outside of the instance and my run was trashed lol. Was pretty smooth until then, I kinda wish there was a way to check point such as on the vendor floors.
True that:)
Oh, that sucks soo bad! I really feel for you on that one
I think it’s funny that complainers assume they are the majority. I enjoy Torghast.
i’m not seeing the problem tbh. 6 levels is too short when TC is 18. you just dont feel 6 floors after doing your TC.
9.1 really feels like it’s a patch made entirely out of spite.
Most people dislike the maw? Let’s make it even more important by adding even more to it and forcing people to have to expend even more time there.
Most people dislike torghast? Let’s make it even bigger and even more important by adding more floors and legendaries that will make you waste even more time inside torghast.
Most people dislike the Covenant system? Let’s make it worse by adding covenant specific legendaries that will make sure choosing the meta one is even more mandatory and also to make you need torghast even more.
Like, seems like every “new” thing is made entirely with what most people complained about.
Yeah Ion is just pissed at the player base and focusing on this stuff to piss us.
Yeah I got my leggos and instantly abandoned Torghast
Big bowl of nope from me
Not super excited to see more of it
You keep using that word incorrectly.
I haven’t been able to test it thoroughly, but the experience made the issues for me, not the concepts themselves.
They’re not going to simply drop the theme and start over in the middle of the expansion. That and they’ve likely been working on this patch since before the expansion itself dropped.
- I don’t dislike the idea covenants, I dislike power being tied to choices.
- I don’t dislike Torghast, I actually like Torghast, I just dislike how it has nothing to really go after. No cosmetics, like, one mount I’ll never use, a title and a pet. That’s it.
- I don’t dislike the maw itself. I dislike walking on foot everywhere, especially on toons with low mobility. This was obviously designed to give the torghast mount value, but it didn’t work. It just made both features feel too tedious to bother with.
If 9.1 improves the quality of the current content, then I’m on board. My biggest issue with Shadowlands is how unrewarding everything feels for the time invested. After that, I get a little petty with other things I’d normally have ignored.
If Torghast gets stuff to collect, I’ll be happy. IDK if it will, but that’s what it needs for me. It really should’ve mirrored the reward structure of Horrific Visions. But w/e.
And I don’t pretend that my gripes represent everyone else’s gripes. Are there a lot of people that likely feel the way I do? Yeah, probably. But there’s still a lot of people playing and many that feel the expansion is in the right spot for them as well.
Devs need to find a sweet spot on that bell curve that’s most-inclusive. But even then, many of us still won’t click with it.
You of all people OP don’t speak for me or this “majority” you’ve concocted.
Unfortunately they are adding a timer to Torghast.