So you buff BM in PvE only to gut them the next week?

  • Dark Ranger: Bleak Powder no longer damages its primary target.

  • Pack Leader: Frenzied Tear proc chance reduced to 10% (was 20%).

  • Pack Leader: Vicious Hunt damage reduced by 10%.

  • Developers’ notes: Beast Mastery is overperforming in single target, and we’d like to reduce its single target while improving its lackluster AOE.

  • Barbed Shot damage reduced by 25%.

Wth are you doing nerfing Barbed shot? And do they even realize removing Bleakpowder from the PRIMARY target is actually a M+ Nerf? Considering Dark Ranger is the preferred M+ build for BM right now. The Stomp and LOL(Multi-shot) buff will do absolutely nothing to offset the AoE Loss on Bleakpowder. Currently my Bleakpowder is most M+ runs is my second most damage…you are now removing 1/5 of that overall damage by removing the dmg from the primary target.


The comical part to all this is the multi shot dmg buff that is pointless. It was the same with the first balance patch they buff a useless ability that will make no difference. This season is just cooked. Meanwhile frost and unholy DK sneak by doing millions of dps. Bring everyone else up to those levels and let your players play what they want and enjoy the game.


One of the most frustrating feelings for me (from being a bm main) is that whenever there’s something positive going for bms, it’s nerf immediately. The community and devs will always have some sort of explanation/excuse on why.

Prior to the patch, M+ felt horrible. Thanks to WME, I can manage +9s and doing mediocre damage every two minutes felt ok. It’s doable. After the patch, things felt great. Yes Black Arrow and Hunter’s Prey is buggy and pulls extra mobs but the damage felt reasonably good. Pugging for +10s is still hard because hunters are seldom the wanted class but not bad overall. Now with the nerfs…I’m afraid things will go back to the way it was.

I don’t want things to be easy. I just want to be able to compete at a reasonable level as other classes.


Now you see how BM should have never been nerfed before launch like it was. We kept saying it was a bad idea, and it’s still a bad idea now. Go find the ones, in this class and in this forum that supported the nerfs, and thank them.

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This is not exactly a gutting. The changes amount to a 5% ST nerf and a 2% AoE nerf for Pack Leader BM.

Neither is warranted but if they redo their numbers and actually buff AoE by 5% while nerfing ST by 5% it is a reasonable trade-off.

That said, I have zero faith Blizzard can do that.

Blizzard has proven they aren’t very good at tuning, bug fixes, or timing. But hey- at least we got a cool mount for $90 right?


I think it’s those that don’t play the class and complain about it being easy cause mobility and thus bm deserves all the nerfs there ever was.

The thing is, Blizzard made the class (numbers aside) and instead of putting the blame on them, players are all so eager to blame each other for choosing and playing something they designed.

I just don’t get why bm nerfs are alway ‘justified’ and immediate while others sits in their thrones for patches on end.


Can you believe BM was so close to being S Tier this season, perhaps even after some tuning balance? When was the last time BM had S Tier? Not even for just ONE season, and the usual suspects consented to the nerfs.


m we really good in BFA in MDI is pretty port warrior and 3 BM hunter with a NW monk or 2BM hunter and one rogue for the entire expansion

Make that twice. What’s better than a good thing is more of it. I might have overlooked how good BFA BM was.

Only for one season when corruption was active was it meta because of the absurdly high critical strike chance you could stack.
It was decent when you could stack Rapid Reload with Primal Instincts and Dance of Death but those azerite traits propped up a pretty poor spec design.

It’s the constant whiplash that pisses players off. There is a reason GGG hardly ever makes changes during a league. They would rather people be OP for a few months than crush their spirit by nerfing them into the ground in the middle of a league.


season 1 and 3 of DF

Was it? Oh. I might have to do my own research. Are you sure it’s S and not A?

Dear Blizzard since you clearly don’t know how to do this yourself I am going to tell you in the hopes that you’ll take this on board and not push live what will be (as stated) a 5% ST nerf and a 2% AoE nerf for Pack Leader BM

  • Dark Ranger: Bleak Powder no longer damages its primary target. (An understandable change, but will need to be compensated for which it has not been)
  • Pack Leader: Frenzied Tear proc chance reduced to 10% (was 20%). (This is a very poor change, do not push it live, the proc chance needs to be at a reliable level for the spec to function)
  • Pack Leader: Vicious Hunt damage reduced by 10%. (Fine)
  • Barbed Shot damage reduced by 25%. (Fine - although you buffed this by 100% last week which I note so your poor QA and testing is highlighted to you)
  • Stomp damage increased by 50%. (A good change, but insufficient to compensate for the Bleak Powder nerf and the Barbed Shot nerf)
  • Multi-Shot damage increased by 100%. (A waste of time - remove this change and stop changing the damage on Multi-Shot - it exists only as a buff management tool for Beast Cleave and Trick Shots)
  • Explosive Venom now procs at 3 stacks (was 5) and will appropriately apply Serpent Sting to enemies regardless of their distance to the caster. (Finally one bug fix of the multitude that Tarlo and Azortharion maintain on the Trueshot Lodge spreadsheet, may I suggest you address the other three dozen now)

Required New Tuning (this is how you buff AoE for BM without affecting the single target damage):

  • Beast Cleave damage multiplier increased to 100% up from 90%
  • Kill Cleave damage multiplier increased to 100% up from 90%

I won’t even charge you for doing your work for you Blizz.

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October 22, 2024


  • Hunter
    • Kill Command damage reduced by 35%.
      • Developers’ notes: This damage reduction was intended to be a part of the 11.0.5 patch, but temporarily went missing.

October 23, 2024


  • Hunter
    • Beast Mastery
      • Corrected an issue causing Phantom Pain to unintentionally deal repeated damage to the same enemy player.

October 24, 2024


  • Hunter
    • Kill Cleave will no longer sometimes persist while Beast Cleave is not active.

Blizz to BM Hunters:

John Wick death of Daisy

omg BM was doing well in ST so lets nerf it to crap again.
Blizz you do realize that some class has to be good in ST why is it whenever its BM the nerf bat hits quick and hard?
Looking at the dps tier list, BM is 24th out of 26. Wow we were dominating right? 26th was Feral which just got a massive buff. So after this nerf BM will be last. Just admit that is your goal.
Getting into M+s is still impossible and now it will be even worse.
So sick of this crap!