So yeah, we just tried a 3 man delve

First mob, 88 MILLION HP. Two DPS and a healer… 88 Million, on the very first little crap mob. With full CDs ST we do a combined 1.5-2M DPS, without CDs its around 600-1m. Soo that means, if we dont go full zug, itll take about 2 minutes to kill that mob. The first mob, in the entire delve.

Soooo unless our damage without CDs plans of getting to 3-4M anytime soon… this scaling is way off.


They completely broke delves today. Yesterday they were fun. Today they are a sweaty miserable mess.


They were pretty fun, however slightly easy yesterday for sure. Has to be better balance than this… because this is impossible.

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What tier were you in, what was your ilvl?

Tier 8, Ilvl 601

dont worry, blizz will get it scaled right… one day…

Fingers crossed we dont have an entire weekend of this…

oh that’s way too much

Your dps is kinda low. That could be the problem. My group did one last night, our combined 4 man + bran dps was closer to 5M. 10-15s for a mob pack is pretty ok. I think the twins mini boss (Vela and Vira? Something like that) was the longest fight we had, because one of them is immune the entire time. Still, less than a minute.

We went in with me (BDK), 2 mages and a warlock. Bran was set to healer

Well okay i wasnt incorporating branns DPS… but two DPS without CDs doing a combined say… even 1 million is pretty standard no?

88 million HP, 1 million DPS… thats 88 seconds… on the first little crap mob.

So bosses will have… 200 million HP?

Dont just say the DPS is low. 88 Million HP on a mob that 2 shots a ilvl 600 is a problem. They broke it. simple as that.

The final boss for us had 245M hp. We killed it in less than 90 seconds even with the heavy movement.

88M mob was likely a lieutenant or something.

before the scaling fix or after?

After. About 1:00. After our raid (ended at midnight)

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245M HP? How many dps players

You could tell when they implemented this last night. So now everything is a meat shield that takes 5 minutes to kill. Delves went from 5-10 minutes of fun to a 20-30 minute slog fest. I’m going through two burn phases on some trash mobs. Something I’ve never done aside from raids.

I’d rather play M+.

T8 Delves are easy to complete in Solo mode (yes, post hotfix).

They were never intended to be Candyland for groups.

If you want to clear Delves, go solo and have fun… if you insist on groups, go do Mythic-0 or Mythic+ next reset.


Okay, champ. Now everything is a meat shield that takes 5 minutes to kill for no reason other than your implied “difficulty”. It’s dumb.

Don’t quit your day job bud… just focus on getting the fries in the little paper box man.


Awww, baby is upset he actually has to get gud now instead of his free candy from groups.

You want good gear? Put effort into it instead of crying on the forums.


3 man sinkhole on an 8, drop down into the water, run down the hallway, tala and velo standing there having replaced the first trash pull

we pull them and proceed to die. Amazing