So with the new shark hat

This would be the norm. It’s already the norm without opening this option up.

You feel that it would be, and there would be players who of course do it. It isn’t anymore silly than what blizzard has already provided. Opening it up would allow people who don’t fall into the categories I feel that you’re listing out.

Silly or just mogging what blizzard has made. There is with out a doubt a middle ground and I argue it is majority of players who interact with Tmog.

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It has nothing to do with immersion. It’s about players being able to parse visual information and know what things are without having to read tooltips. It’s Game Design 101. Game dev degrees have entire courses just on making recognizable silhouettes for class based games.

This is an extreme example, but imagine going into pvp and every single character on the other team looks 100% the same, because they all mogged their gear to look like a Stormwind Guard. The only way to tell them apart would be to read tooltips, click on nameplates and read the words, or wait for them to do something and look at the animation/spell effect, which for melee classes might not even help because the animations are race/gender based.

This is an incredibly old and tired argument that went out the door many times over with literal blizzard sets provided. As for Pvp, addons already list and announces what class it is. The days of players digesting the information purely visually, especially for WoW are long gone.


This is so mind-numbingly false I don’t even know how to respond. Yikes.

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If that’s true, then what’s the problem? You can’t get more silly with existing armor types than you already can, but you’d certainly open up a lot of new possibilities with people who like to mix and match. It’s also just healthy for a game - MMO Barbie is more popular now than it ever has been before.

This is simply not a barrier to transmog design. You may personally think it’s important, but that ship has already sailed - and then some. This argument predates transmog itself, not just the cosmetic gear type.

WoW players do not identify each other by gear. Nor is this a problem in other MMOs that are almost entirely unrestricted.

Also, if you do use armor as a visual cue to identify other players in PVP, you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage. There are literally infinite ways already to make your class visually ambiguous, or even to look like another class entirely.


No, no it isn’t. Not in the slightest but okay. Go look at any YT video with WoW pvp. They have addons listing what the class is. You might not use them, that is however a different conversation.

Though lets go with the idea that it is mind numbingly false. Blizzard has the ability to have people look like different characters with items in the game like the brewfest goggles or has/does turn the player into a different model all together.

The ability to toggle off other players Tmog in settings like pvp (only place this would matter) shouldn’t be an issue or they could make players look like generic versions of the class.

In any case, false or not. Pvp has is no longer an excuse to restrict Tmog to sucha degree.


That hat was so ridiculous that I had to have it. No idea who I’m going to use it on, but I must find a use for it.


Nah I still like some difference between armor classes. Exceptions for cosmetics are fine, but classes should still have some distinctiveness.

Cosmetics allow the perfect balance of exception so that people can have fun within the existing framework.

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What remaining difference is there that hasn’t been thoroughly designed around at this point? Even a lot of normal gear doesn’t even look like it belongs to its own armor type.

The only argument I can see is for tier sets, but anything else is meaningless at this point.


If you can’t see the thematic difference between plate and cloth in general, we have no basis of conversation lmao.

Exceptions and bending are fine. But the general themes are good for class variety.

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What class will be wearing the plunderstorm pirate mog? What class will be wearing the yeti pajamas? What class will be wearing the Lo’Gash set? What class will be wearing the February TP hearts set?

You’re so wrong all I have to say is…yikes.


You need to amend your original statement, then. You said “especially for wow”, which implies you mean for the entire medium players are not relying on visual information. Any game developer would laugh in your face for such a statement. Humans are visually oriented creatures. Sight is our strongest, most important, and most complex sense. The largest processing centers in the human brain are all part of the visual cortex. What you’re saying is just nonsense, hence my bewilderment.

There is increasingly less thematic consistency in native armor types as time goes on. Almost every recent piece of cloth armor could easily pass for another armor type. How many exceptions should there be before this argument self-evidently fails?

Im not a fan of them removing role playing aspects of the game.

If they were to remove the mog restrictions, id like to see them introduce something new to keep class differences alive.
Perhaps bring back order halls as a permanent feature.

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I’d be fine with this, but they’d be adding to something that isn’t there now. Mog restrictions just do not have anything to do with making classes feel visually distinct anymore.

Uhm I don’t know, point out any 3 tier, quest, or dungeon sets in any given patch (the same patch) that don’t fit this theme generally. I’ll wait.

Please don’t reply with 3 sets from 3 different patches that have some bending or are a bit loose thematically. I’m talking about breaking it.

We have a disagreement there is a difference.

No, I don’t think I shall. Addons are ingrained in WoW and provide a substantial amount of information that subverts the need to digest all information on the screen through visual inspection of a character class.

I disagree, I think they would be able to articulate their stance better than the example you’re setting. Perhaps reread what I said and with less emotion this time.

We’re also a tool using species. You or anyone else not taking advantage of a tool to assist in your tasks, in game or other wise isn’t my issue.

Might I suggest that reading comprehension is the cause of said bewilderment?

In any case, even if said floating/arm chair game devs are here right now take issue with what I said there are other solutions than out right denial of lifting of restrictions which you’ve yet to speak on.

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A few mogs that go against the rule does not change the fact 99% of mogs follow the rule though.
Right now the classes are distinct for the most part.

I think it varies, but that it’s a lot less consistent than it used to be. Several of Amirdrassil’s sets could comfortably change armor types without raising any eyebrows, same with Suffused and Vault gear. And this is, mind you, if I even agreed in the first place that this distinction matters all that much – which I don’t, frankly.

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