So with the new shark hat

We really should be able to mog any armor type on any class. There’s absolutely no reason not to be able to do so.

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Oh please…

It’s not just silly armor like the pajamas.

Between heritage armor And cosmetics, there’s absolutely no reason to not unlock armor type restrictions for mogs.

You may disagree for whatever reason but you’d be 100% wrong.


It would be mind blowing if they decided to add stockings like it.


True and we can literally be a warrior female with only pants on and a bra if we want lmao there should be no restriction. Give us our clothy paladins and our battlemages

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We’ve had yeti pajamas and a giant floating brain mount that can hold 5 people for years.

Blizzard is just stubborn.


Honestly I’m hoping opening up restrictions is a secret feature in WW now that any character can collect all mogs to go along with warbands

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Honestly armor restrictions in MMOs have been outdated for over a decade now, but devs are needlessly stubborn about it for seemingly completely arbitrary reasons.

Also in terms of immersion, unrestricted transmog is infinitely more immersive. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t have so much ambiguous armor in the game, so many free range cosmetics, and so many NPC lore characters who clearly use armor design outside of the standard for their class. I’ve been arguing for this for years now, and I haven’t seen a single compelling argument that isn’t just rooted in outdated MMO design philosophy that hasn’t been relevant in years.


“BuT ANdUin iS aN NPc”

Same stupid arbitrary response people who are against unlocking mog restrictions like to parrot.


Every single time, yeah. For me it’s Khadgar. He’s wearing mail and leather mostly, and he’s supposed to be the Warcraft mage, like the poster boy for our class. It sucks as a player to look at a character like that and then realize our aesthetic is totally railroaded to hideous 2d tube robes. It’s gotten a little better recently, but the more they break the mold, the weirder it is that these restrictions exist at all.


Because people in a fantasy world can’t have funny hats :roll_eyes:

(edit-forgot a word)


The transmog restriction needs to go bye bye. Cosmetic costumes make it pointless to keep it. One of my Warriors is in a cloth cosmetic set so why can’t he transmog cloth over his plate?


i still cant wear a grey tier dress on my paladin so it was a fail lol unless im missin something
pls i wanna be a pretty paladin

If it didn’t matter, DF’s story wouldn’t have ended in 10.2(only flops end on the x.2 patch), Steve Danuser wouldn’t have “chosen to part ways with the company”, and they wouldn’t have drove dump trucks full of money begging Chris Metzen to come back.

One silly item doesn’t negate the importance of immersion. It’s easier for an immersive game with bad mechanics to become successful than it is for boring games with perfect mechanics to.


For the better part I think Blizzard’s own sets are the best looking mogs. People try very hard to top them but it rarely, if ever, works out. Probably one of the most requested things right now is being able to hide everything, which tells me where “original” mogs have landed us.

Also just going to add that I prefer armor restrictions and mog restrictions continue to go hand-in-hand. People can already be goofy enough with what is available to them.

Things like the shark hat, my clown mog, etc, are a way of placating the “let me mog everything” crowd and I hope they continue to be.

I’d rather see the odd warrior wearing a deck washer’s outfit and a shark hat than see every warrior in a mage/warlock/priest set.

hard disagree but the cool thing about Tmog you would still have the ability to just use those anyways.

And the people that want to get silly are having things fed to them through the TP and other avenues, so transmog is working out for everyone so far. It’s all breaking our way. :smiley:

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I mean, we don’t really need to focus on the silly mogs. There are plenty of universally moggable sets now that are just straight up plate, cloth, mail, etc. Today’s Lo’gosh set, the Astral Scholar, Dreadlord’s Regalia, Plunderstorm, so on and so forth. The current mog restrictions don’t add to the immersion, they actively reduce it. Then there are plenty of “cloth” items that just straight up have metal/plate textures, and you’ll find similar examples in every armor category.

I notice people who argue against loosening restrictions always resort to the most extreme examples. It’s silly.


Once again disagree, but that is okay. I don’t mind waiting and if it never comes it wont be the end of the world

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Wouldn’t be the end of the world if it does come either. I would simply view it as a net negative for the mog system.

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Removing extreme examples of people doing silly things I can’t fathom how you’ve come to this conclusion. Especially when non-goofy sets have been provided that appear as different armor types can be used by not the same armor type.

There would be no doubt people doing incredibly silly things. Nothing can be more silly than a footie pajama set or whatever last months t-mog set is. People can enjoy that but I’d wager that would last only for a small time just like the goofy mogs with in the armor types did with the launch of Tmog.

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