So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

I mean Shadows Rising was good.


I like the cookbooks.

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Yeah, see? I tell you all everything is terrible, and you go ahead and find something to praise.

I did that, me. I social experimented. I manipulated you into thinking of something to be positive about.

Me, I did this, it was always me all along.

Criminal Mastermind Alynsa.


Dang my need to be a contrarian.

Foiled again!


Same reason Horde are allowed in Amirdrassil and Gilneas, the so-called “capitals” of two races most victimized by the Horde.

We’re totally friends now! :clown_face: See you in Silvermoon during Midnight.

I imagine for Garrosh it would have been tactical. For him to prepare to actually attack and the Alliance would be less prepared. I doubt he’d have been there in person agreeing either. Why didn’t he display this kind of cunning before or after? For the same reason he didn’t display the character he did when he killed Krom’gar or whatever his name was.

Awesome! I get to see my family! Nice.

Oh… is that old Troll… Ewer? Yeah that was it Ewer of the Darkspear, brutal warrior. Is he still alive? I might owe him a few drinks and probably a couple of boar… no idea how he knew but the wily old grump knew.

Oh how is Fertit Fullfire doing? She’s one of those Mag’har who took to being a guard, she used to walk out to the village and check on me from time to time, she was super sweet.

((Yes, this is an RP.))

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See this is the kind of thinking Garrosh isn’t known for, you know thinking and being tactical he’s more of the hit it harder type…

Tides Of War isn’t even the first book to have a truce. The Shattering also had a truce, after Varian declared war in Battle For Undercity during WotLK, which Garrosh also broke. It’s a repetitive trope that happened a lot during that era. Also, in the Medan comics, the Twilight’s Hammer tried to assassinate leaders at a meeting in Theramore in order to instigate war again, which caused each side to blame each other. That’s three times in the boundary of one expansion.

All the book stuff is because of Golden’s Alliance bias. She changed reasons and character motivations when it wasn’t necessary at all. It’d have been fine and justified to not have a truce at any point before MoP. Also, that thing with Garrosh somehow surviving the explosion, she said in an interview that would be explained in the future and was part of an upcoming storyline yet nothing came of it. I can’t think of any other author that introduces dropped plotlines like she does.

There are good Warcraft books, the problem is that Golden has the highest amount of books. Shadows Rising is a good book that people recommend a lot. Shadows Of The Horde is also great, that’s my favorite. People seem to really like the Illidan book, even though I don’t. I think that book might have a dropped plotline now that I think about it.

Garrosh being tactical is shown a lot in Golden’s books. Which actually goes good with him being a charismatic warmonger, he got things done. Though as noticed, everyone who has written for him has done so differently. Which now makes me question whose idea it was to villainize Garrosh, Golden’s or Metzen’s. That’s a character that no one seems to have been unified on.

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Nah, he legit has hype where he is supposed to have this really amazing tactical mind. His characterization is all over the place and he can range from a total dumb brute to a mastermind of tactics.

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Half the time when I’m saying something very silly, I’m still being earnest.

Especially about WoW lore.

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See this is why I’m not a fan of the books having plotlines and game relavant story elements.

Want to expand on a situation without changing it? Sure I’d love that.

Want to tell me all about how awesome some NPC is that never does anything that actually matters to the characters? I’d probably consider it.

Want to sequester plot relevant lore and character development to a book? Are you nuts? Why do I need to invest yet more of my money to know what is going on in a game I already pay for?


What I am about to say? Please understand I mean no offense to you.

But Garrosh and tactics go together like a peanut butter and sewage sandwich.

Exhibit #1: Borean Tundra

Saurfang: “We are here on the map. The Alliance is here. We know the Alliance is working their way east, to the center of the Lich King’s forces, and we are working our way west to the same location. Both pushes shall be dangerous, and the worst fighting will be in the center. But when we hook up with the Alliance, our combined strength should be able to overcome the-”

Garry: “Or, and just hear me out on this… We could stop what we’re doing…”

Saurfang: “Hmm…?”

Garry: “We could meet up with the Alliance now…”

Saurfang: “Ok, I’m listening…”

Garry: “And kill them all.”

Saurfang: “But then we shall be outnumbered on every front, easy prey to Arthas’s forces.”

Garry: “Yes, but the Alliance will be dead.”

Saurfang: “And ten minutes later, so will we.”

Garry: “Exactly. We will have beaten the Alliance!!! And we can point and laugh at them when we see them in the afterlife!!! Blood and thunder!!! Glory to the Horde!!!”

Exhibit #2: Twilight Highlands

Garry: “We embark on a suicide mission, hero. The air is filled with dragons, and the ground is even worse. We lack numbers capable of repelling this force, and the best we can hope for is that enough of us survive to make a beachhead. Sadly, we are alone in this fight. If only there were a second military force that could split our enemies up, then we could-”

Airboat Guy: “Warchief, below!! We go not alone!! The Alliance, sir!! They are also sending troops!! I know we are at war, but perhaps if we agree to a ceasefire, we could-”

Garry: “Alliance?!? Open fire!! All weapons!!! If they get to land first, they will have beaten us to landfall!!! Attack them while their backs are turned!!! We have the higher ground and can chop off their arms and legs!!! Strength and Honor!!!”

So in parting, Garrosh’s idea of tactics would have much more likely have been to march an army to where ever the truce is being parleyed, then gone blood mad as soon as he spotted an Alliance anything.


No I totally get it. But what I am getting at is he is inconsistent and Blizzard will either write him as a dumb brute or someone smart depending on the context. Garrosh agreeing to this truce we are talking about doesn’t exactly fit with the the kind of examples you’re giving here and yet we know they all happened(somehow). We also know he masterminded Theramore. The way I reconcile these events is that while he is a brute, he sometimes has brilliant ideas(ones that allow him to show off his brutality). Maybe it has something to do with him trying to be like his dad. I dunno.


He had the tactical genius to steal a magical artifact from blue dragons, use that to amplify an experimental bomb, herd a bunch of important Alliance commanders into one location, fake a siege on that location, then obliterate them. It’s the perfect example of how smart he was.


I really need to dust off my Shadowlands notwithstanding Garry got replaced by a dreadlord at some point theory. It explains so much…


No. The book that turned Baine useless. And excused everything the alliance ever did. Not a source. Sorry

You just used it as a source.

Taurajo was not justified and there was no ceseefire. Baine sucks and should have been executed in 2010.

That doesn’t change the book being a source.