So why exactly can't we have the good character models?

So you bypassed the part of their comment stating Blizz had attempted the "toggle"before but encountered technical difficulties?

Can’t wait until you go back

not when this is the classic forum and we want to keep the games classic.

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No I understand the problem there and accept it.

My reply was directed at the absolute idiocy that is, “GO TO RETAIL.”


I really hope classic ends/restarts after wrath so these types of players who like xmog and updated models have nowhere to go


I don’t even care about you.

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idk i enjoy seeing the old models again

Telling someone to go back to retail over asking about updated CHARACTER MODELS is a kinda obnoxious, I wasn’t even aware that the toggle was removed since I barely played retail after Legion. :roll_eyes: jeez


That’s nice.

I don’t care about you either.

We can not care together.

Oh they have a place…say it with me!


The toggle worked flawlessly for the entirety of WoD until Legion introduced new spell animations that required the new skeleton. Instead of having two sets of animations, they decided the toggle would no longer use different skeletons and it became a simple reskin to the old textures.

They probably completely removed the toggle after that because without the skeletons, very few people were using it. The toggle would work fine in WoTLK Classic because the new skeletons can use all the old spell animations, as they did in WoD.


Really? If its not easy then why was the option there when they first put in the new models you could hit esc and then go to interface options and check mark the box that said use old model. Then they removed it.

Wish there was a toggle for the game. Either you can have all the updated graphics from retail or you have the “classic” ones.

give that to both sides of the game

No, don’t come in here and ask to steal our faces.

What a weird thing to want.

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Retail models look horrible, no thank you

Is the Classic koolaid really this potent? To think that classic models actually look good? What’s wrong with wanting your toon to be comprised of more than seven pixels, or, Loa forbid, be enjoyable to look at when you’re playing 16 hours straight?

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I don’t like a great deal of the changes they made in retail. At the end of the day, if they keep that crap out, I can live w/ lower res models. Wrath is one of the last versions of the game where I felt like an adventurer in a great fantasy world. I just started classic in Wrath and it feels good. Vanilla Classic and BC Classic didn’t even get me into leveling up once. Couldn’t stand them. Something about Wrath is just nice. Let’s keep it that way. :slight_smile:

God forbid people have


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Because then the “no changes” crowd would complain that it wasn’t in classic even though we now have stuff in classic wotlk that we didn’t have originally (cough heroic+ cough) which nobody seems to be complaining about.

The hypocrisy is almost unbelievable at this point.

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Wolk classic is retail. Change it all.