So, why exactly are we getting Fresh hardcore servers?

People have been asking for a fresh server for years now, something that takes minimal effort and it’s ignored but some streamers who are going to ghost the streamer in at max 6 months are getting their own server?



Hope the thing with this streamer hc proyect be cause they will open not only HC server but classic and HC. Novemeber is the 20th wow anniversary and classic just turned 5 years, so hopefully they give us something and not only to the retail players.

Not sure why we need two of these threads, but maybe wait for an official announcement before getting crazy about a screamer making some claims.

Honestly most HC players would rather they merge the two servers if anything not add another.


Hardcore is literally just fresh classic. You get the fresh leveling experience. The only thing you don’t get is the months/years of raiding (but we’re currently doing that on SoD, just raid on SoD while you level on hardcore)

This will be the 5th fresh server since 2021 btw (SoM, then WotLK fresh, then hardcore 1, then SoD, and now hardcore 2)

Streamers will, at most, play a few months in the servers and then move on to the next new thing. It’s what literally happened with the first HC release: as soon as Blizzard announced SoD they jumped ship again.

world pvp while leveling is a huge part of a fresh and is not available on hardcore.

I’m going to laugh really hard if they make fresh hardcore servers because the current ones are basically fresh. What wow needs isn’t a 3rd hardcore server, but a 1st rolling fresh vanilla that self-resets every 2 years.

SoM was fresh. hardcore basically still is just no pvp.

wotlk and SoD are just retail minigames.

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This is literally what we’re doing, right now. Classic → SoM → SoD had 2 years between each.

We’re currently in the process of season 3. Another fresh on top of that just cannibalizes your preferred rolling fresh that resets every 2 years.

SoM was vanilla

SoD was not vanilla from the launch it was retail. When they released items stronger than t3 at lvl 25, that’s retail.

I mean if they make a hardcore season i don’t really mind, but it would be very ridiculous and show they aren’t listening to their community.

Literally never seen a single player asking for a new hardcore server - but I have seen many asking for consolidation of current hardcore servers because two is already too much.

Nothing would cannibalize a rolling fresh server because it would be good gameplay.

Anything will eat players from sod / cata modes because they are bad gameplay, and the players there often have no passion.

I hope they give us 1.13 back so we can be free of these vile SoD infections


Please for the love of god. I’m also baffled by this unofficial leak, but my guess is because of streamers?

Likely so, because ya know blizz, they feed their locust hearders better loot % chance and better character RNG values to bait the locusts into following them around. Blizz thinks that the way forward are the locusts because they want so badly to be rock stars again, but this isn’t possible under the present management or development team because they fully lack actual game designers and appear to lack comprehension of what the RPG audience demographic actually really looks like and truly enjoys.

This is why SoD is such a mess and why its paunfully obvious that they learned nothing from Vanilla and leaned on Retail design philosophy when re-designing Wrath and SoD and Cata and ruined all 3 with their lack of understanding and greed.

Blizz if you’re reading, but I doubt you are or do, but just in the off chance you do…

  1. Vanilla is perfect even if its slightly busted in some areas.
  2. Convenience is the enemy of an RPG of any kind.
  3. Quality game code and lack of bugs and errors is massively important.
  4. High APM and massive output values sound great on paper but are terrible because you then need to nerf the game later and everyone hates that deep down.
  5. Quality of life isn’t always quality design.
  6. Equality in Output archetype (Holy trinity Tank, DPS Healer)* where we try to make everything equal in every fight is bad.
  7. Focusing balance on Raid is disaterous every time its been the focal point because Raid PvE design with “Big boss fights” as the standard is really bad due to the fact that its focus is narrow and class variety suffers as a result of bad PVE designs.
  8. World PvE leveling and PvP should always be the focus for class design and Balance because this is the bulk of the game play for the bulk% of your players.

Some may say “I love raids”, and I do also, but it is not and should not be the focus of class design, the same can be said for M+ in retail; attempting to balance around that is bad because you cannot have variety in class design and unique experiences when speed clear dungeon is the key focus; the same is so in the versions of wow where raid was the focus or Arena was the focus… When your focus of design is purely aimed at a competitive environment you cannot have a quality game that also has variety of classes and mechanics; its factually impossible and worse makes for boring game play when attempted.

Long winded, but the moral of the story is the reason Vanilla is so good is because it was not intended from day 1 to be a PvE Raid lobby game. Certainly raid loggers do this, but the design instead caters to Leveling characters, casual dungeon groups and PvP. If you look at the game meta for Vanilla pre-AQ loot, this should in practice be your target, tho a word of caution; DPS on demand output trinkets such as ZHC, BWL class trinkets, Talesman of Ephemeral power are actually bad for play and should be avoided even if PVE zugs think its awesome.


Honestly, I am 95% sure that he mis-spoke and was actually explaining that it is a fresh start on hardcore for the guild, not a whole fresh server. I don’t see any benefit to having a fresh hardcore server at all as people don’t really play hardcore for the AH economy, gear reset or PvP.

Edit: The only way a fresh hardcore server would make sense would be if there were new rules or changes made.


they bring in revenue.

businesses need revenue to run. it’s very important.

Axewipe is a WD member, and they want a fresh. Good chance he’s taking the stance he is to salt farm, and is fully aware of why SoD/HC don’t meet ‘fresh’ wants. Heck especially as a WD member, their whole memo is world pvp.

Oh I forgot your opinion is the only that matters.

Yeah I am kinda confused by his stance.

Either he wants to make content on a hardcore fresh with the streamers or I’m just getting farmed for all my salt.

:fire: I’ll burn up a few WD members in AV later and question them as to what is happening :fire:

Hopefully we can get more stable servers that don’t DC more often than any other version of the Classic servers do.

Instead of 2 HC realms with 3 layers each, make 6 HC realms with one layer each. No potential for stack overflows that way, no massive lag spikes, very small chance of a ransom DC that way. When we have a mass realm DC on HC and yet can play every other version of Classic just fine…you know it’s an HC server ONLY problem and nothing to do with our own connections like they keep trying to make it seem as though it is…

6 HC realms with one layer each. And also…I died die in a cave because I was helping some friends, dropped their group when I was done…but the NPCs were all cleared in their layer, not in mine. Another death in a cave…what’s new though.

SoD sucks though


I agree that a fresh hardcore server over something like a regular fresh doesn’t make sense.

There are a few problems here:
#1 The bigger streamers do get insider, early, information. That’s what makes rumors like that more “credible”. This shouldn’t be a thing. I know it’s done for marketing purposes on Blizzards end but that’s not a good enough reason. Yes, this could be fake news here, we don’t know.

#2 While a lot of the bigger streamers may have started out doing this because WoW/gaming is a passion, it’s become more about the paycheck and/or the ego to most of them. Not all, but most.

For these types, a bigger amount of viewers is what it’s about over something that would be good for the game overall. Short-term thinking from both them and the devs, and that’s because this is literally what puts food on the table. The long term consequences are irrelevant.

That’s why I put streamers on the same level as any other player who wants things for selfish reasons and I don’t think they should get privilege but that’s not the call of players obviously.

Basically, I think if fresh hardcore is the fresh we get, it’s a misstep. The original hardcore release, and the fact that hardcore still exists, is good though.


One thing to consider, is that a Fresh HC server, assuming it was launched similar to the original HC servers, is not really equivalent to what people are asking for in a Fresh ERA server, since the HC servers never went through any phases and launched with Naxx open. From an effort/cost perspective skipping the phases is huge, and I think many of the fresh ERA crowd would be unhappy with that. An actual phased server might be interesting in HC, specifically since I think the Petri Flask was introduced in P6 with Naxx, so not having it would have a huge impact on actual end game.

That said, a TBC, or even a Fresh ERA, or WOTLK server makes far more sense.