So Why Don't We Have Ogres?

Anybody who’s actually played a large race is annoyed by large races.

Sounds like you don’t actually play Horde after all. Or at least don’t know any Tauren.

i’m not sure the allied races are meant to be as popular as the core ones…i think we’d see at least a few of them.

you can’t deny making a highmaul style grand warlock Ogre wouldn’t be friggin cool! :sunglasses:

as far as the collision sizes of these models - i was never aware the large races had that issue tbh (we only have little people issues on alliance). i always liked the size differences & point of view in WoW…

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It wouldn’t be cool, and if you had been unable to interact with objects in the Horde HQ in WoD, or enter buildings, as a Tauren, you wouldn’t think it was cool either.

Ogres for the Alliance, fine. Leave us out of it.

Which is why Alliance should get Ogres.

lol i even said i’d make one provided the females werent completely grotesque.

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nah it’s okay you guys can have’em…they have that whole base in dustwallow marsh…

are you just agains them cuz they eat vulperras? :broken_heart:

dw narrative team will make us like them…they’re good guys you know :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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People can complain about a slight annoyance and still play the race.

Just be transparent and tell people where you’d prefer resources devoted. What race do you want to see? Much more constructive than being so arrogant as to tell other people that their wants and preferences are “wrong.” Weird hill to die on.

Because it’s a dumb idea. /thread

we already have them. our kul’tirans are the model for horde ogres.

Except we don’t want them.

Which is why this discussion is so stupid. Alliance players say they want playable Ogres, just so long as they don’t have to deal with them.

To hell with what you guys want.

ohh i havent even begun to tell you what i want. btw, nice mog.

What I want is to not have to deal with Alliance anymore. It’s bad enough that Blizzard put in cross-faction stuff just because of Alliance players’ constant crying, the last thing we need is Alliance players crying about what the next Horde race should be.

dont gotta tell me twice.

what the, you okay? lol

Why are you using the singular here?

Ogres make 0 sense for the Alliance.

The Horde at least has an Ogre clan living within the Horde as allies. Dumb as rocks though.

I don’t see Blizzard making Ogres playable due to size, gear not being worn properly on their dated model, no female model, and the fact that they’re very ugly. Very few players will play Ogre.

I guarantee you that nearly everyone asking for Ogres won’t Main an Ogre or invest a lot of time into Ogres.

So, why should Blizzard invest a ton of resources into Ogres when they could release a far more popular and easier to implement race?

I believe for a long time when blizzard use to ‘care’ about the faction war and balance for horde/alliance they didn’t want one side to "tip the scales’ of to strong. Yes I am sure rigging/armor was also a problem but they always seem to have ‘counters to’

Worgen are stated to be be as strong as orcs
Goblins and Gnomes are both smart
Blood elf and Dranie are both uh…light zealots?
Night elf and Tauren both REALLY like trees

For the most part there was some type of balance, allied races kinda threw that balance out the window and with no more faction war make hugs not warcraft, I can see ogres being folded in sooner then later.

no ogres because the doors are not wide enough.


Okay I want this :joy:.


Or Murlocs, Naga’s? Instead we have recolored Orcs, Draenei, Elves… hahaha. I don’t know, what do you think? :o:

Neither did Dark Iron Dwarves.