So why can't vanilla subs get beta invites?

Let me solve all of your problems for you. You want to beta test? And you hate the direction BfA is going thinking it’s too easy or not taking enough teamwork? Open your client, in that little drop down box that says Region/Account click on PTR: World of Warcraft. Go work on that, find bugs, give your feedback. Even if you don’t have a 120, changes made at 120 need to be tested across the entire leveling process. There’s your chance, and it’s guaranteed that you’ll be in. Use it.

So naive…
No. Obviously some’one’ ‘at’ blizzard disagrees with him.
The decision makers are often the most uninformed. Many times their decisions go unchecked or unchallenged. That doesnt make them correct.

Sit down.

Go upgrade your heirlooms, they’ll serve you so well in testing Vanilla.

whatever makes you feel better. lol

I get so tired of this exact comment. Why the HECK are you playing if you hate the company so much.

Go play something else, like outside in traffic.

They are still able to access the account creation date.

The process can take up to 30 days to complete and is… very detailed (from a certain point forward) across all Blizzard games/accounts associated with your email address.

For many people, the transaction history is now cut off past a certain point. I’m surprised yours goes back as far as it does (visibly). Do you have more than one WoW account associated with your Battle/net account?

I have 3 accounts. Two were made in 2004. The other one was in 2006.

There are thousands of us testing man. Literally thousands testing and submitting bugs. And you guys pretend like the 10-15 streamers are the only ones that got invites. Its crazy.

In fact, the PvE server has 0 streamers that I know of. Like none whatsoever…

Anyway. Most of us that got in do have vanilla accounts. What you see on twitch is not indicative of the number of people with invites or who are testing everyday.

Interesting. I have one from November 23 2004, one from 2005 or 2006, and like three more and I can no longer view my subscription history.

Hmm. I didin’t originally click your link - I had assumed it was the default link for checking transaction history which only goes back so far. With your link I was able to view all the way back to account creation date. Thank you!

Yea u have to use the link I provided. That’s the old version of the site that’s not easily found.

I was a vanilla player. Both my accounts got beta invites. I don’t stream, nor am i popular in any fashion.

Beta is nothing special. There isn’t much to even test asides a few minor issues here and there. If you are really excited to play it, enjoy the hype and wait.