This account was created way back in vanilla. I played through vanilla, into Wrath before quitting. Literally, the only reason I’m subscribed right now is for a chance at playing beta. I don’t have any interest whatsoever in playing live. I logged in for an hour, and had no idea what to do, and have no interest in learning. I’m paying $15 right now for basically nothing.
The thing that’s bugging me is that streamers, and players who have no experience with vanilla are getting invites. They have no interest in testing mechanics, testing bugs, and making sure everything is proper and ready to go (which is what a beta is).
All they’re doing is gloating, gaining more subscribers, making more money playing for jealous fans (like myself) who can’t play, and are going to be forced to watch them for the next few months until it’s released. I think it’s pretty gross tbh. Furthermore, I bet half the streamers that claim they started in vanilla don’t actually have vanilla accounts. They’re just flavor-of-the-monthing into a hyped game to get more subs.
That isn’t what this is about. Betas are about testing all the weird things and making sure everything is ready to go. i myself was there, experienced it, and have the proof that I did. I also care deeply about the game and am paying blizzard for basically nothing for the slim chance I may be selected.
I got into the stress test, but honestly, it just feels like a slap in the face. level 5? come on.
These streamers are treating this as a cash cow oppurtunity, while people like myself are paying for a subscription they don’t want at all for a dice roll. I have zero interest in playing modern wow. I want to play classic. i want to TEST classic and help y’all out.
Go ahead, check my sub history. I was there.
Blizzard specifically stated if you werent subbed and didnt plan on resubbing to play bfa the you shouldnt sub for the chance to play in the beta.
The beta pool is very small (less than one thousand players) and hundreds of thousands of people signed up to test it. Your chances of getting in were very slim.
In short, you played yourself.
You’re paying $15 a month to have a chance at playing the beta. If that is nothing then stop paying. Making a whiney post won’t change any of this.
that’s fine, no problem. I’ll unsub then.
You would just think that the people who were actually there, with the credentials to prove it, would be allowed to test the content. Seeing as how I don’t know, they’re the only ones who truely can.
There’s so many nuanced little things to test in this beta it would blow your mind. I could probably think of well over 100 things just sitting here to test. But largely, it seems as if streamers are into getting the best gear, getting more subs, and pvping. They aren’t there to actually make sure the game is functioning properly
The vast majority of people in the beta, including most of the streamers, were players in vanilla just like you.
I played in 2005 as well, and I didn’t get in. I’ve also had an active sub nearly every year for fourteen years. Yet you don’t see me complaining about not winning the lottery on this.
You aren’t entitled to anything just because “you were there”. No one is.
Because they aren’t creating 100+ servers for beta, it is very limited. If they gave you beta they would have to take it away from someone else, possibly someone that has played as long or longer than you. It’s just a beta, they are all starting over in 3 months anyways.
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Nobody’s complaining or whining by the way, what is it with you people lmao. I’m just trying to make the game as good as it can be, and have the experience to test things that need to be tested.
I figured I’m paying $15 for basically the ability to post on the forums so I figured I’d use it. Now I’m getting trolled by people saying I’m “complaining”. I could honestly care less
This is a private server for streamers not a beta
I don’t have any problem unsubbing. That’s simply business as usual for me
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You opened the 50,000th thread this week on “why don’t I have a Beta Invite.” That sounds like complaining to me.
Because its limited, and the majority of beta invites were for Vanilla subs, but there’s more of us than spots.
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Vanilla sub here, and I got an invite. I was there right from the start, got my box signed by the devs at the midnight release at Fry’s in Fountain Valley, CA. Went home, logged straight in without an install because I had the open beta already installed (which I also played).
I un-subbed roughly in the middle of Firelands in Cataclysm and only came back briefly for a free chance to check out MoP, then again for a WoD beta. The day they announced the beta, I re-subbed and got right in the day they opened it.
I don’t stream, I don’t watch streamers - and I got in. I take the beta seriously, I’ve submitted a lot of bug reports. I devote a lot of time to just exploring and observing, as well as completing every quest I come across.
I get that you are upset about a lack of an invite, but come on man, dial back the rhetoric a bit. The streamers are getting the attention, hate and vitriol but they are a mere handful compared to the hundreds (if not thousands) faithfully testing the game.
Just because you in particular didn’t get an invite doesn’t mean old players with active subs aren’t getting them. You just draw the short straw.
I don’t know?.. i’ve been playing this thing since it was released and i didn’t get an invite, my brother did and he started playing when BWL came out. I guess RNG is RNG
Well I want to be right there with you bro. But I can’t, so it sucks to watch people that don’t give a care in the world about being a faithful beta tester, stuffing their own pockets instead of actually improving the game.
Like I said earlier, and as you know, there’s thousands of little things that need testing in vanilla that nobody would ever think to unless they played it.
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Lol you did better than i did
Literally nobody is forcing you to watch the streamers.
Both myself and brother have been playing since vanilla, only one of us got a invite. He’s a bit pissed he didn’t get 1 but pumped for August.
So Blizzard has stated that there is no real way for them to see the true age of an account or character. As they updated architecture and systems that data was slowly migrated and over time eventually it was completely different from how it started. I have gone back and looked to see if it was possible to track from transaction history or another method and there isn’t.
So really blizzard has subscription time as their one true means and honestly even as someone who started playing the game from the start, I am sure my subscription time is far less than most since I’ve quit out of almost every expansion.
Because Activision wants you to buy a lottery ticket so they can get some extra money a little earlier.
It’s kind of funny. I didn’t think there were that many of us left running around. Announce Classic and old Vanilla players are coming out of the woodwork in mass…
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