So why can't I have pre nerf pets?

This affects all beasts not just Lupos.

Why do you keep harping on about that wolf?

Well I’ve accepted the fact that I’m gonna do sh*t dps in raid from the start, so should the other hunters on this forum.
There’s no way for 1 class to be vocal enough and not be drowned in the #no1.12change

Having early pet mechanics until 1.9 would be a nice surprise but my hopes are low. Let’s roll with 0dps scaling from the start and enjoy those 2weeks of fame.

oh look here’s farthir trying to further get anything in he can so he can add his “improvements”.

what you view as an improvement another does not.

they weren’t a melee tree. they were a hybrid melee/ranged tree using the melee parts to get to ranged and survive.

and what of those of us who quit retail and are waiting for classic but are still 120. are we tourists?

except they are basing the game on 1.12. not 1.5. not 1.7. not 1.9

good luck with that. still waiting for you to show us what other classes are getting to use pre 1.12 mechanics.

no, its more like it sums up the stance of blizzard.
look, i would love older style threat, older av, etc.
but we aren’t getting it. blizzard has made it clear that 1.12 is what we get, unfortunate as it is.

and if you’re a rogue you’d like us to have a time when we didn’t have diminishing returns on cc, among other things.
if you’re a paladin you would like pre 1.9 so you can have ST threat. others want old school threat in general so it matters more, and starting with 8 debuffs.

guess what? no one else is getting what they want either.

Because it was in your OP you goon. And it’s the “real reason” why you want it changed. Not because you think Takk running down epic mounts was cool, not because you wanted a searing roc to park inside the lava in front of Ragnaros, but because you want a stupid strong Pet to overcome your opponents.

Fun fact: I play a hunter for my alt. I hated having Lupos with shadow damage because I hate using wolves. I’d rather use a raptor or anything other than that drooling mutt. But because I min/max, anything but Lupos was laughable.

Ooh, now we’re making assumptions about other players! Fun.

I was there from day 1 of retail, and others on this thread likely were as well. There were reasons Blizzard made the changes they did in each patch, and 1.12 was as vanilla as any other. I don’t get my non-diminishing-returns Fear with a warlock, I don’t get my special pet attacks with my hunter, and neither do you.

I think there’s some orange slices left.

Well, that wasn’t a problem any more by 1.12. What pet did you replace him with?

don’t worry. farthir is so oblivious he actually thinks old school survival was actually a pure melee tree.

Yea and? Good for you.

Maybe I want a raptor that can chase people on mounts and keep up with them, or a pet with strong resistance, or maybe i want to use Lupos… WHY IS THAT A PROBLEM?

because literally no one else is getting a pre 1.12 class mechanic. why should you be the special snowflake?
literally everyone is getting the 1.12 version of their class.
literally everyone is getting 1.12 av.
literally everyone is getting 1.12 raids.
literally everyone is getting 1.12 dungeons.
literally everyone is getting 1.12 talents.
why should hunters be so dang special to get something literally no one else gets?

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Maybe I want to endlessly seduce and fear my opponents and chain dot and nuke them till they drop dead with no ability to counter me… WHY IS THAT A PROBLEM?

Mm, really tasty orange slices.

ooh can i have no dr cc so i can chain stun people until they die?

Because they are world spawns that behaved that way until a certain time. No ones touching class abilities.

Scorpion pet when premading/dueling paladins+shamans, RFK boar in general pvp, and pretty sure it was a wind serpent for raiding.

Because its a completely unfair advantage and the reason why they were changed in the first place? Wow, what a concept.

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In the dream world that is half this thread, yes you can!

except the way the pet behaved is a class ability. sorry you don’t like it.
the world is being modeled around 1.12. i don’t like that. i really don’t.
but you don’t get to be a special snowflake.

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This makes, like, no sense at all. The were world spawns that behaved a certain way in 1.12, which is what we are getting. They aren’t “touching” class abilities because there’s nothing to touch, we are getting class abilities, as they worked in 1.12, which is what we are getting, across the board.

This is fun. I could keep doing this all night.

Your delicate sensibilities are showing.


yep. and seeing as pets worked the way we are getting them, in 1.12, then it isn’t a change. do i like that? no. but i have accepted that literally everything is working around the 1.12 system.

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