So why can't I have pre nerf pets?

so why do hunters get there little change but no one else? not really fair is it?

sure. can we get no diminishing returns for a little bit too so rogues can be utter gods until DR was added?
and mages can just chain poly someone who can’t do anything to stop it?

Ah sweet, this thread is still going on?

How’s everyone doing? Anyone need a water or some orange slices? I brought orange slices, they’ll keep your energy up.


I’m down! Muhahahaha

I’ll have some orange slices please and thank you.

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This thread could be forever.

Thanks for the orange slices! They really hit the spot.

While we’re at it, can we undo the ability weapon speed scaling normalization? I don’t mind seeing rogues running around with Barman Shanker as long as I get to do 5-6k aimed shots.

Seems legit.

Also will help us slice oranges faster, amirite?

@OP you are right, the old Hunter pets were objectively better system. The world feels far more immersive and RPG-ish when there are pets with such unique attributes like resistances, fast attack speed, etc.

However changing the pets to how they were sounds like quite a big design task. I think they are currently focused on getting Vanilla out as soon as possible. Adding any significant new gameplay mechanics would likely delay Vanilla quite a bit, so it’s better to focus on launching the game first and the concidering other changes ( I say this because you phrased your “idea” as a question)

However I do think it’s worth discussing gameplay mechanics, both old and new, that would objectively improve the game, such as pre 1.7.0 pets, pre 1.7.0 melee survival hunters, 1.5 talent revamp, etc.

I know this may be hard to understand for you as a tourist, but there’s literally no harm in improving the game. Even if you’re a tourist, you would benefit from changes to the game, even if you don’t personally realize this yet.

Blizzard should really stop listening to level 120 tourists from retail and listening to people who actually played Vanilla and understand it’s problems. Judging from the posts here, people don’t clearly seem to understand and are not capable of objectively processing and discussing the flaws of Vanilla.

They don’t though.

Irrelevant. It was part of the game and should stay that way, to change otherwise is … changing the game.

They’ve already stated they’re using 1.12 mechanics. Sorry you won’t be able to abuse Lupos :rofl:

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It’ll change and they’ll be usable as they should until AQ just like it did then.

You’ll see :stuck_out_tongue:

This comment sums up the problem with ignorant tourists from retail. As you clearly don’t know, allow me to explain; Hunter pets don’t scale with AP in Vanilla. This means that any incremental damage increases you get with pets like Lupos are going to be pretty miniscule.

Yes, getting Lupos is probably a DPS increase. But what im saying is, that getting Lupos has more to deal about with the class fantasy of Hunter than strict power level. It’s more about getting the “ultimate pet” and adding a higher knowledge cap to pets, adding an element of depth to the game that doesn’t exist if the pets exist in the current homogenized form that they do on 1.12.1 and live.

For example, imagine you have been training Hunter normally, just getting whatever pet you thought was the most cool, or one of the first ones you saw while leveling.

Then you hear someone say there are pets that have unique abilities like shadow damage from Lupos, now there’s like an extra element to pet management and taming you know in addition to the other stuff you already know about. In the simplest terms, it makes the hunter class more immersive, and the game more expansive.

I know it must be difficult for a tourist like you to understand why homogenization is bad for the game because you’re so used to clear cut balance and years of mind-numbing from live, but at least try.

Also, if you don’t actually understand how Vanilla actually was(as you clearly don’t), it’s better to leave discussion for those who do, otherwise you’ll just end up touting your own ignorance and ridiculing yourself.

There was a reason for that change. Stop crying like a baby and learn to play without your buffed pet. Or choose another class

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He did 100% shadow damage that bypassed 100% armor. “Miniscule”

Which is why the OP wants it so badly.

No, I think it has to deal with strict power level. Otherwise he’d be crusading for some other mechanic like weapon normalization, or no DRs on CC.
What’s a higher knowledge cap? Something you made up?

Not really. It’s more like a, “get this pet or you’ll be gimping yourself”. I don’t think a pet with that big of a buff in PvP/PvE is anything but mandatory. And when you’re forced to pick a pet for their performance over what your preference is, that’s the antithesis of fun. That’s slavery.

Go back to begging for staves to affect feral DPS, bud. You’re an awful troll, go roll another character and try again.

Yeah, and I’m in the employee alpha.

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Lupos wasn’t the only rarespawn with unique abilities…

No one cares about Takk’s pursuit speed or Snarler’s Resist All. Neither do you. Stop pretending like there is any choice but Lupos.

If you’re a Hunter player you care.

You are just trying to justify nerfed hunters because you don’t want to die to one.

You are just trying to justify buffed Lupos because you are so trash at the game you need a broken pet to kill anyone in PvP because you play like the spawn of Hellen Keller and Private Pyle

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