So why can't I have pre nerf pets?

Ranking remains locked until a certain time. Which reinforces my point, why cant hunters use the pets until a certain time…as it happened back then.

You’re pretending to not know the difference between why Hunter pets are 1.12 and the 1.12 everything else unrelated to any class whatsoever being released in Phases.

Name one other class whose any type of anything will change at anypoint like the change you’re requesting or how anyother class’ mechanics won’t be 1.12 and it’s just hunter relegated to being 1.12 everything

No. Thats a content release change. Just like in vanilla we didnt have ranks until a certain time.
Now. How about you stop dodging the rogue change you mentioned?

They could - but that isn’t what Blizzard has told us they are going to do. We all have things we wished were being done a little differently. Put your pet issue on the pile and relax about it.

Guys, he won lets just give him pre 1.9 pets.

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Th changes they are making are almost purely from a business standpoint.

STARTING ZONE sharding allows some breathing room for players to get to leveling - they know they will have a huge influx of players waiting on spawns and not playing. This is a business decision to keep players engaged early on.

RAID ONLY loot trading is to ease up on GM requests when the master looter in a raid clicks on the wrong player. This happened a LOT in Vanilla. Only allowed in raids. That’s a business decision to free up GMs for actual issues.

CONTENT ROLLOUT is so you don’t have folks rushing past and ignoring content. It’s there so we can witness the opening of the gates again. So we can see the scourge invasion again. It’s a time gate, not a change to game mechanics.

They aren’t changing the game for the sake of changing the game. They aren’t using a frankenpatch. They are sticking with a 1.12 patch with a content rollout.

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Correct. Your feelings are irrelevant. Blizzard doesn’t care that you want your one special ability which is in direct violation of their 1.12 policy which they’ve made pretty clear at this point. They’ve chosen 1.12 because they believe it is the most fair and balanced point in vanilla WoW and most experts would agree. You could find something overpowered from just about any class between 1.1 and 1.12.

Sorry, buddy. But you don’t get the special thing that you want just because it’s the class you’re going to play. You don’t get to break the balance of the game because you personally feel it would be really cool.

Your feelings are irrelevant.

Now if you would like to discuss patch progression for every class that’s much more of a discussion. The answer would still be no, but at least your argument wouldn’t be entirely selfish.

No, people are telling you Blizzard already answered, and the answer is 1.12.

Blizzard is as blizzlike as you can get.

DHK’s are in. :joy:

This thread delivers.

Obtopic: Can I have my pre-whatever non-diminishing returns so that my warlock can endlessly apply Fear to both you and your pre nerf pet while my dots tick? No? Aww…

Obtangent: I tamed Broken Tooth in vanilla with my dorf hunter, and renamed her Peanut. I still liked my wolf better though, even though I don’t remember his name. I could revive that character, but I would have to re-sub retail, and that ain’t happening.

cuz patch 1.12, thats why

Or they can just not mess with it.

Yea because having the pre nerf pets in phase 1 or 2 and then nerfing them in 3 would be so un-Vanilla like. What are you thinking OP? (That is sarcasm for those that don’t know me well or don’t pick up on it easily)
Some of those pets sent chills down opposing players spines and they would try to run away on sight. Hunter pets should still be able to instill that kind of reaction. If only for a bit. Their victims should also get that authentic sigh of relief when they get nerfed. With the associated social interactions that went along with it. “Haha hunter no Lupos shadow damge now you’re…omg you have Brokentooth” while running away. Lol.
That is a Vanilla experience.

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Content will exist in its most nerfed state. While I am overwhelming excited at the prospect for classic. This is the biggest let down for me personally, the fact they will not even consider tuning content, based on beta tests.

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And every class had different talents during vanilla, gear had different stats during vanilla, av was a completely different battleground throughout vanilla, bosses were buffed and nerfed throughout vanilla, the debuff limit changed during vanilla, but guess what we’re getting 1.12 in everything else except patch progression and loot trading yet you want one specific change that happened prior to 1.12 but was changed by 1.12…

Well then I want a patch progression on stats, class changes, talents, AV, raids buffs and debuffs, debuff limit, flight path changes, quest changes, DR changes, And everything else that happened prior to 1.12.

You can always run the dungeons and raids naked, if you want moar challenge.

And I want it all by summer of this year!

Hunters don’t even need a pet to dominate in pvp wth

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Gosh, this thread makes me want to start demanding my 5 minute pally buffs again. Literally one of the best mechanisms in the history of WoW that is lost by patch 1.12.
Oh, you are drinking water. No problem, I’ll just rebuff in 3 minutes and 47 seconds.