So where is Sylvanas now?

if you say it loud enough Blizzard may hear you and steal this idea.


I would honestly love that,tbh. Cause I’m petty.

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me too lol.

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Can another night fae help with the annoying poking of sticks? >_>


What’s his name says they have her in custody and will see what they can out of her when she awakens…

But Uther just told in the last quest line that Frostmorne does not splits souls on evil and good parts, no, its splits souls on equal parts.
So no she wasn’t Banshee queen / ranger general, she was Sylvanas / Sylvanas.

So all what she did stays with her, and she will not going to regret about what she did. There cannot be any forgiveness or this story will be really dead.

I think they will just going to leave doors open in the prison, and Sylvanas will going to fight against Jailor as a third side.


I don’t know OP. Somewhere far, far away I hope.

Sylvanas lives in the sewers of the armpit sweat of her fans.


You left out the part where Sylvanas becomes the new Arbiter.

I mentioned it in a later post.

Slyvanas has part of the Jailer’s Powers, her Anima is infused with the same power used for the Arbiter’s Sigil. (Zovaals’)

Anduin feels himself slipping away… almost… almost like…

Anduin: The world of the living can no longer comfort me… The weight of such a burden … it must be mine . For there is no other …

Slyvanas: Hold your horses there little lion cub, this is my redemption arc. I will forever be the jailer of the damned.



If I can blow my own trumpet for a minute, I saw this “Sylvanas becoming the next Arbiter” idea coming over a month ago, even before the leaks. I even did my own thread about it.

Sylvanas will become the new Arbiter

Zovaal: Elune? Is it… over ?

I think that’s the stupidest thing Blizzard could possibly do with Sylvanas (also “conveniently” forever preserving Afrasiabi’s necro-waifu). Doesn’t mean it won’t happen.

It’s 100% going to happen.

Zovaal has done all this before.

  • He sought to “undo” what the First Ones created.
  • He sought his siblings sigils.
  • He sought “forbidden knowledge”

The Pantheon of Death know what he wants, why he wants it, and what he needs to achieve this goal.


We are going to have to wait till Slyvanas tells us.

This is to “humanize” her before her “sacrifice” at the end of 9.3.

I don’t care if you like Slyvanas, are a Slyvanas loyalist, or what not. But it’s just so stupid.

We are literally sitting next to the Primus, the guy who ripped the Jailer’s sigil out of his chest the first time. Why not have him tell us what Zovaal wants, it’s obvious his goals haven’t changed.

Why are we waiting for Slyvanas to “wake up.”


I’m so glad they spelled this out for fans. Evil soul and good soul would have been a disaster.

After watching her conversation with Andiun it seems that she was stuck at a point that Arthas made her hollow and empty and filled with darkness.

This is very similar to the Sunwell Trilogy Description of her.

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Tyrande: “…wanna go shoot bows?”
Sylvanas: “**** yeah!”

Equal souls is just as nonsensical given the lore. If the two soul parts are the same, then why do undead act completely different after becoming undead?

What actually makes sense would be “Part of your soul that experiences positive emotions” and “the rest of your soul”. So having your soul broken doesn’t MAKE you be evil, but it DOES make you miserable, which might cause you to choose to become evil.


I assume because these are Sylvanas defining moments. The Primus just don’t have the clout and investment that Sylvanas has.

I really love the way you think! I absolutely had to read what Uther said about his split and what Anduin said about Sylvanas, twice. I don’t have time atm, but I’m detecting slight differences in Uther and Sylvanas explanations.

I talked about this before, but what is the difference in what happened to Uther and what happened to Sylvanas?

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People had this theory since the Arbitor was introduced over a year ago.

Really? I never heard or saw anyone else say that until after I made that thread, and later the 4chan “leak”.

Who else had said this?

It was a popular fan theory.

Sylvanas becoming the new Arbiter is a stupid idea - she’s not an Eternal and I don’t see a way she could be elevated to being one. I don’t see it happening.

However, she is apparently the one entity that has had the most of Zovaal’s power dumped into her outside of Anduin at this point. I could see her being used to make a final sigil to allow us to go wherever Zovaal went.

If that destroys her in the process or merely takes away her spooky powers and makes her normal again (for a given value of normal, for a zombie) that remains to be seen.

Either way her being the key to pursuing Zovaal and stopping his plans is obvious.

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If it’s popular, who said this? Where did they say it? Do you have names? Forums? Websites?

I didn’t even hear, for example, the Youtuber Doronsmovies - a popular WoW lore channel - say anything about this until after I’d posted that thread (though I don’t think I had anything to do with Doron’s video). Not even from other big Youtubers who dig into PTR and focus on WoW lore and theorycrafting like Nobbel87, BelluarGaming, Aeltharius, Accolon, Taliesin and Evitel…