So where is Sylvanas now?

The cutscene ends with the good guys walking towards her, as she passes out, but they never say anything about her during the quest. Did they capture her? Kill her? What did they do with her?


Wait and see.


After you turn in the quest to clear SoD, Bolvar says that she’s imprisoned. That’s all we know.


Capture her, welcome her into oribos, forgive her, appoint her as our leader and savior from the great evil (that she enabled in the first place, but we don’t talk about that)

just the usual


Bolvar: Sylvanas will answer for her crimes, but for now we must focus on saving Anduin.

Slyvanas: Tyrande, you may not forgive me, but release me and I will help stop the jailer…
Tyrande: Oh sure, why not… hugs and kisses…

Slyvanas “sacrifices” herself to save the day.

All is forgiven, for AZEROTH!!


She will forgive because Elune told her so!

I really lack the passion and energy nowadays… but isn’t it great how they revealed Elune only to tell us that we have to forgive Sylvanas while actually not giving us any closure?
Almost as if the entire Night Elven race was just destroyed as a plot device for Sylvanas.


Sad part is, I don’t think she will have more than 1 sentence of dialogue with Tyrande.

We all want things to play out different, for characters to go against the blatantly obvious path the story is going, for all our own reasons. But Blizzard continues to do the simplistic basic thing.

Everyone’s speculation has been right.

Slyvanas is imprisoned. She regained the “courage” aspect of her soul, the one that allowed her to die for her Blood Elves.

She will say, “let me free” cause I know the jailer and I can help … “somehow.”

Skip to 9.3 ending and Slyvanas sacrifices herself to become the new warden of the damn, (There must always be a lich KING?!?! (more like Queen)) or uses her Death Magic infused Soul/Anima power to become the new Arbiter Sigil.

Sylvanas is currently a prisoner of the Ebon Blade within Oribos. Its left unclear if she’s still passed out or not though.

Yea, she will either get her death and go to heaven after again escaping justice, return to the Horde or become a neutral hero.

All while the obliterated and tortured children in the maw are like… “WHAT?!”

I also doubt there’ll be a 9.3, but by 9.2’s arrival I’m sure the Sylvanas book full of retcons will already have rewritten her history for her to be controlled by the jailer whenever she does evil things or something.

It’s so bad and predictable.

I think the 9.2 speculation is true. We go back to Northrend, take Slyvanas with us. Galakrond gets rez’d out in Dragons’ Blight, Elune gets contacted in Sholazar Basin…

yahda yahda…

9.3 travel to the Sepulcher, Slyvanas dies/gets left behind/sacrifices herself. Becomes a hero, redeeming herself. 1 slyvanas soul = countless others. :smiley:

you two should get married.


Only if you’re the maid of honor. :smiley:

do I get a gift?

She’s imprisoned. You need to stop this.


I guess this is what the Sylvanas novel will be about. Sylvie sitting in jail, thinking about all the events that led her there. It ends with Tyrande paying her a visit:

Sylvanas: Tyrande, nothing I say could ever make up for-
Tyrande: There’s no need to apologize, Sylvanas. Now that we know you were missing part of your soul, your actions were not truly your own. It was Zovaal. HE is the one ultimately responsible for Teldrassil. For the Scourge. For EVERYTHING. And now, at long last, we shall defeat him. Together.
Tyrande and Sylvanas tearfully embrace


Technically speaking the powers and knowledge Zovaal gave Slyvanas is likely the closest thing we have to what we’d need to replace the Arbiter’s Sigil, given they attendant’s are just constructs.

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on vacation

Its probably for the better. There’s no believable dialogue the tone-deaf clowns writing this dumpster fire could throw together for them that wouldn’t enrage the fan-base.

Occasionally I and Lady Moonberry drop by to annoyingly poke her with sticks… poke poke


Being made ready for her redemption arc as the writers frantically roll out the red carpet for her, encrusted with the gems and diamonds of the shattered lore.