So when TBC launches, will it be its own thing or expand on classic?

Blizz will certainly include the new quests upon launch, and probably the reward changes. Changing elite mob difficulty requires very little testing. All of the other exp changes are still of trivial difficulty. For any intelligently designed database, this could be done in a single line of SQL code.

What they do is really a matter of why they made these changes the first time around. My suspicion is that they had two reasons. First is that by the time 2.3 came around, most people had finished leveling, and it had become increasingly difficult to find people to group with for elite quests and for dungeons. Increasing the rewards is a good way to attract more people to those quests, and reducing the difficulty reduces the number of people needed. Second is that, at that point, WotLK had been announced, and this was the first step towards streamlining the leveling process so that leveling from 1-80 wouldn’t be so daunting.

This is what they did the first time around.

The entire theory that motivates RPGs revolves around the concept of character advancement. Requiring all players to abandon their characters and start fresh literally goes against every fundamental of what an RPG is.

Blizzard’s marker for what is healthy for the game is not “is this change sufficiently not-sh*tty such that a majority of players won’t quit out of frustration?”

I think they’re going to have some servers with a copy character option. Obviously there’s a lot of people who want to keep there character for progression and it would be cool to see your TBC and classic character side by side.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a handful of fresh servers for those who care about that.

It’s up to Blizzard, but I’m personally only going to continue playing into TBC Classic if there are a small number of “fresh start - no transfer” servers options available. It’s that simple.

I also hope there are Classic transfer servers available for TBC Classic, so most of the community cheating, exploiting and/or cheesing toxics will undoubtedly funnel in that general direction.


It’s blizzard to mid/max money :smiley: they would have to keep both

People WON’T quit, private servers have started multiple times and are thriving and thrived before Blizzard was closing them, people like starting from 0, that is not only why they like to start new private servers but they also like their “project 60,70,80 and so on”.

Would you really quit if they announced that you have to start from 0 in TBC?


The vast majority of wow players who quit wow never went to play on p-servers. And the majority of classic players didn’t come from p-servers. So clearly there are some differences between wow players and those who play on p-servers. The small fraction of the players that went on to p-servers isn’t a representative sample of wow players and can’t be used to conclude anything about the much larger player base.

Source: my rear.


Wow had over 12 million subscriptions. It lost over 8 million in a few years after Wrath. The numbers I’ve seen as total p-server players is at most a few hundred thousand. Even if there were 1 million p-server players, which would be a large exaggeration, that’s still just 1 in 8 of those who quit wow. Numbers don’t lie.

Source: my rear.


My source is WoW classic success and Retail still being active as one of the most popular MMORPGs if not the most popular, the game refuses to die even thought it had to die a long time ago, addicted fanboys that can’t stop paying for a sub.

Agreed. Ppl can’t stop playing. Why increase labor.

I just wish they would allow people to clone their characters to a new TBC server, a one time only transfer. Then you could play Classic for as long as you like and still play TBC.