So when TBC launches, will it be its own thing or expand on classic?

I have no interest in playing vanilla, but I definitely do want to play TBC or even a WotLK if that ever happens.

That said, if TBC will go on as an expansion from Classic, I would rather spend my next two months playing here to get a character ready for it whenever it happens than waste time in retail before Shadowlands.

But if it ends up being its own server, I don’t want to have wasted time here.

Anyone know?


Nobody except Blizzard knows. And they probably aren’t 100% sure themselves yet either.


Best thing you can do right now is just farm up a bunch of gold in preparation for tbc.

Best case? You have your epic flying and other expenses ready to go (4x Haris pilton bags anyone??)

Worst case: You have a crap ton of gold on classic and can now deck out all your alts in expensive stuff you never dreamed of doing before


Given blizzard’s history of paid previews for classic (must be a subscriber to play, must be a popular streamer to play on the non-fake login server, etc) we will likely have at least a couple months worth of being milked before TBC classic goes live.

So do you think leveling to 60 would be a good idea, or wait?

I don’t want to play classic. Just want to be able to play tbc out the gate when it launches.

Best advice now is to wait & see. You’ll have at least a couple months notice if it turns out that u should level up in classic 1st


Same, lvling a rogue to stunlock pvp in arena’s lvling in classic is a drag but beats just sitting in org trying to find something to do. I personally can see blizzard release all of the xpacs again.

There was a survey sent out which asked how Classic: TBC should be implemented. Every option implied there would be some way to keep playing vanilla if you want after the launch of Classic: TBC.

So we can say with a very high amount of certainty that there will be both TBC and vanilla servers.



It will 100% be it’s own thing. There’s far too much money involved to not have it be.

They didn’t even announce TBC yet, can people stop doing the same stupid questions.


Ok, but we all know it’s going to happen. Let’s not kid ourselves. Classic was a slam dunk. TBC is the next logical step for more :moneybag:


Actually, the prepatch for TBC makes leveling faster, so you may want to wait for that if you want to spend as little time in Vanilla as possible. Alternatively, I believe there are boosters who will accept retail gold in exchange for a Classic boost. (Do not attempt to use real money under any circumstances as that is against TOS, use only in-game currency.)

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It did? I don’t remember this, but then again I didn’t level anything from scratch once TBC dropped either. Had several 60s I leveled to 70. You have a reference? I am interested in reading more about this.

My bad, it was in 2.3, not the prepatch - but depending on which elements they pick and choose for Classic TBC, this is likely to end up being included either in the prepatch or at launch.

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I could see them going literally all sorts of different ways with the patching for TBC Classic. The easiest would be 2.4. The next easiest would probably be patching following the patches. The one I bet they do is 2.4 with modifications to match the earlier patches like how they did Classic. So that might include the level boost. Either way, thanks for checking!

No it isn’t.

The market for classic was always veteran players from earlier expansions that left or quit for whatever reason, not to pull mostly retail players off their main product, forcing them to release numerous extra servers many of which are now dead or dying, only to watch many of those retail players just go back to retail and leave Blizzard with the financial burden of now running these extra servers.

Blizzard has turned all their attention to Shadowlands now as they should and barely even give this game any of the attention they used to. Their focus is retail not TBC.


It is for now. Nothing says they can’t shift focus once SL is released. They likely will do exactly that. Also nothing says they can’t have 2 separate teams developing for the two separate games. From what I have read, that’s exactly how Blizzard treats Retail and Classic. They are seen as 2 distinct games. When seen through that lens, it is likely the dev teams are different too.

What are you talking about. We all ready know it’s going to be it’s own thing. You might be able to copy characters, but that’ll be it. Classic and TBC will have it’s own servers.

According to what exactly? Please link something other than that survey if you are going to make definitive statements like this. Right now, all we know is that they are considering the options in the survey. Nothing says those are the only options they are considering and there have been no further communications regarding a future TBC classic product.


What you just said makes no sense, ofc Blizzard is turning attention to SL but it doesn’t mean classic isn’t a huge success. Servers are not really a financial burden with today’s techs there are way more dead servers in retail wow than in Classic rn.