So when TBC launches, will it be its own thing or expand on classic?

Highest probability is that its kinda both.

Its almost a forgone conclusion that TBC will launch of the back of Classic in some format because its the most effective way to provide everyone with the true TBC Experience.

As for Classic WoW, they had a survey a while back that eluded to the fact that they were considering offering transfers to a “Classic realm”

I would assume that progress as of rollover to 2.0 would be cataloged for that use of going to a “Classic” realm.

I do feel its a very safe bet to build a 60 character for the use of Playing TBC in the future, and I feel its such a safe bet that I have 3 rogues now waiting for TBC Arenas where I can play on a few different teams. I am also building a Paladin for goofin in Battlegrounds.

A lot of the dead servers in retail were once thriving servers during earlier expansions or even during vanilla, and that’s because they’ve had 15+ years to slowly decay like that.

Classic is a success but not for the reason that most people here seem to think.

There is no way to know for certain, but I think options 2 & 3 in the survey (starting a new character at level 58 or level 1 respectively) are very unlikely. I think most people want to be able to progress their current characters into TBC and keep all their stuff, and they will lose their $hit if they have to start over from scratch or even at level 58 with none of their stuff.

So, OP, if you want to level a character now, I think it’s a pretty safe bet that you’ll be able to play him in TBC, and it won’t be wasted time.

No what isn’t?

TBC isn’t the next logical step? Because yes, it is.

TBC isn’t going to happen? Because yes, it is.

There’s overlap between retail and Classic players, sure. But overall it’s an increase in subscriptions. They make money.


There is no official word from Blizzard about this. Do you want player guesses?

In fact, Blizzard has not promised (announced) that they will create a TBC version at all. But there are plenty of player guesses.

That’s my guess too. I doubt that a firm decision has been made (inside Blizzard) about doing TBC, and what the rules will be about TBC and Classic.

I don’t know but I am quite excited for TBC and mostly excited about WotLK.

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More than likely it will be transfer your toon OR everyone goes to TBC like it originally was. I doubt they seperate classic without an option.

Nobody knows.

I’d wager that it’s an expansion, not a separate entity but I’m assuming we’re going to know how TBC will launch a year out from when it does, but even if they only gave us two months that’d be plenty of time to get to 60.

Disagree with this. Given the amount of time and work it will take to redo large portions of the TBC code to align with new approaches, servers, engines, etc., they have definitely made some decision by now. We simply aren’t privy to what that decision is.

From a business perspective, tbc is just WAY to much money on the table to not release it. Majority of the people I run into on vanilla are hoping for tbc. There will always be die hard classic fans but it seems they are a small number to the masses who will shell out money for tbc.

You know how there’s the little Dropbox that lets you pick between classic/retail?

There will probably be a selection added for tbc.

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I hope they keep tbc and classic servers separate. If they do allow transfers, you won’t be able to play draenei, but I would recommend you to only level with rested exp or not level until tbc releases due to a level nerf. But I would recommend getting the character to lvl 59 so as to get honor when tbc goes live, get pvp gear, and something about honor hold/ce/ad rep runs to bring character to lvl 70 before questing. Not sure people would want you to get tier gear if a classic player needs it and intends to stay in classic.

While we dont know all the particulars, I’d say 2 things that are highly likely are that you will be able to transfer your classic character and you wont just be given a level 60, as that makes the most sense AND most closely mirrors the original Tbc launch. That said, leveling in TBC is waaay faster so even if you decided to wait you wouldn’t be much more than a couple weeks behind the curve anyway

It is faster, but you exaggerate. The only change at launch is that all classes receive buffs to their abilities, or new abilities altogether. The 1-60 xp nerf came with a later patch.

I highy doubt that they would change the exp gain mid way though. It’ll be just like classic. Content changes will be rolled out in phases, but systemic changes will be fixed at the start based on whichever patch they decide was the most complete, and its extremely unlikely they’d pick a patch before 2.3 to do that.

Don’t conflate class balance and mechanistic design choices with tuning. Blizz picked a single patch in Classic and stuck with it because to do otherwise would have been burdensome. The Classic team doesn’t (or didn’t) have the resources to devote to coding multiple versions of the game (e.g. different versions of the client, different boss mechanics, etc.). Making those changes with each patch/phase would have been a poor use of their dev time.

Reducing the exp required per level, though, is literally as difficult as changing a single value in a single table in a database from “1.0” to “0.85” (or reducing whatever the existing modifier is by 15%, e.g. from “0.8” to “0.68”). There’s no reason for Blizz not to do this. Whether blizz will implement other exp-related changes from patch 2.3 from the outset is another matter

There was a ALOT more to the exp changes int hat patch than simply changing a modifier. Exp needed per level was reduced but quest exp was also increased dramatically, like 100 new quests were added to fill in gaps, elite mob difficuly was reduced, elite quests gave more exp, dungeon quests give more exp, and perhaps most importantly REWARDS FOR QUESTS WERE IMPROVED.

So you think Blizz is going to release a version, let people run through quests, than change the quest reward mid way through after people have already completed those quests when their stated policy is that they will never ever ever change the quest reward a player picks? Zero chance.

Of course we don’t know, but any professional gambler looking at the information we now have would consider betting on a BC release to be a very safe bet. Betting on exactly how it would be released is more of a gamble.

Quote me on it.

Burning Crusade servers will happen.

TBC servers will be their own thing. With the addition of 1 free lvl 60 boost per account. The option to COPY your char from classic over to it will also be available. Classic will end with Naxx and remain untouched. Possibly with a new ladder system launching fresh servers every other year.

I can’t see them doing it any other way. This is the most logical approach both financially, and to keep the majority Happy.

Its going to be separate servers, no transfer options from vanilla.

Its the way that it is going to happen, if Blizard doesn’t do a fresh start many of the abusers and the destroyed economy will transfer too and they don’t really care about that but they do care about money, allowing transfers will reduce the life span of the servers so 100% they will not go this route it will be fresh start or go home.

I am going to laugh at every people that is: “leveling alts for TBC”… not going to happen.

They say: “I wunt plau uf i caunt trusnfur muh chaructur!” and they will play DAY 1 100% guaranteed, they are ADDICTED and will not stop because of that, they will find an excuse to talk themselves into playing it. :clown_face:

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