a legit question. has no one heard anything? is blizzard going to do anything? or are we just all going to reroll to bm hunter, dps demon hunter and demo lock?
how did we go from admittedly significantly OP to this? i am being completely sincere when i say this being monitored and observed in ptr, and blizzard just went, ‘hyuk! good enough!’ and let this abomination go live seriously shook my faith in the dev team. shadow went from significantly OP to… this, in the span of a patch. complete and total incompetence.
and i’m not asking to be OP again, the first couple nerfs were indeed warranted. but we were still competitive, and then they nerfed us a few times more. and here we are. again, they have no idea how to balance a game.
if you are chasing the meta then yea go ahead and switch. if you are trying to do the top level keys then also yea you should switch. if you enjoy the class then every class is viable in both mythic raid and high keys.
i’m not even sure what you’re trying to say here but, if chasing the meta means contributing to your run, and not keeping up with tank aoe during those pulls, then sure, that’s what i want.
if you are talking about vengence then good luck. they are basically a 4th dps at this point. if you are talking about other tanks then thats on you. we regulary play with a spriest in 20s +. havnt seen any real issues from him.
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anyway, of course it’s WoW-Player-Too-Scared-To-Post-On-Their-Main #485858585 i’m arguing with. which is what i will stop doing now. you have a good day though, for real!
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ok goodbye person who is deflecting, my account name is an inside joke between me and a very good friend of mine in game. that said i can pull up the logs and show you that spriest while not in the best position it could be in is also perfectly viable.
not deflecting when what i said is 100% truth lol. sorry for hurting your feelings bad enough that you felt the need to act out though. and that’s great for you and your friend! but why would anyone else care about this? and i know shadow isn’t in the greatest shape, hence the post…? you just wanted to turn it into a sad silly debate, hence you hiding, which i also pointed out!
idk why would any care that im posting on an alt char when my information is obviously solid. also yes “anyway, of course it’s WoW-Player-Too-Scared-To-Post-On-Their-Main #485858585 i’m arguing with” is deflecting. you are literally using the excuse of me being on an alt to deflect away from my main points.
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so you bringing up a topic about a balancing issue on the forums means that we cant have a discussion about it…weird take but ok have a good day.
the ‘no u’ argument doesn’t make it true though lol. especially considering i make the post, you say ‘no!’ and then a post later:
as i said, anonymo here just wants to fight on the forums on their level 19 character, lol. but anyway, you have a good one!
funny how you only took part of the quote when you add in the rest the real meaning behind my statement comes out.
I’m not sure why people think a spec isn’t good if it’s not spammed out fotm like how Shadow was in S2.
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not with forum trolls, def not!
i just re-read it, doesn’t change the context at all, anonymo. but i know you’re just saying as much to keep it all going. sad.
so someone wiht an oposite opinion of you is a troll. got it
if you cant see the difference in what you quoted and what i actually posted then that is also on you lol.
i’ve pointed out a few times in this very thread why. if you can’t find the difference then tHaT’s oN yOu! the horrible spelling doesn’t help your case either, tbh.
What I’ll never be able to understand is when they released DF, on launch… Shadow was close to perfect as it has been in a very long time. Why they decided to keep reworking and completing gutting utility and damage is an outcry from Mages whose tears flood twitter every time all 3 specs aren’t S tier.
It wasn’t, though. Community sentiment online was highly negative about shadow’s state in 10.0. Mage tears certainly do motivate a lot of changes, but the 10.1 shadow rework wasn’t one of them.
It’s clear that 10.0 shadow has some die-hard fans here, but it was not anywhere close to perfect.
I mean it got to be very competitive last patch.
But if you’re talking about in the future?
Probably come next expansion they’ll be decent, but their rotation will be a little wonky, then in the next patch they’ll be reworked again and you’ll either hate or love their new rotation, nobody will agree and they’ll fully rework them again so nobody is happy but there’s a new crowd that likes the new iteration that gets upset when it gets nerfed into the ground or changed again in the next expansion.
Woah, capslock lookin different all of a sudden
as for me, i feel pretty competitive in keys now after the 25% psychic link change, and i’m definitely on average higher than the tank unless they pull REALLY big and my hard target cap puts me a bit behind them due to the nature of the spec
i’m definitely not near BM or DH but i regularly outperform many specs at my current median level of keys, or am neck and neck with them
the nicest part is that between both kinds of weeks i feel like i never stop contributing, i dont give up a ton of aoe for my single target to do enough to warrant existing, nor vice versa, my main issues right now are to do with target hard caps and the overall clunk of the rotation when it comes to dotting more than ~10 targets without losing out on significant uptime
Shadows damage in m+ now is fine if you’re playing in an environment that matches your ilvl. The lack of meaningful utility is kinda bleh but just solid damage + pi for the mage makes it a good push key choice.
It’s hard to play though, at least in terms of needing to be on the same page as your tank which is something that takes practice in pugs.
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