So what's the status of the Dark Lady?

You are making a lot of generalizing assumptions with very little information.

If you adhered to the same principals you would be, or should be condemning the Horde just as hard. But you don’t. This is all a false equivalency, if I had to guess I think its an emotional response to Teldrassil because if you can dehumanize them by making them out to be monsters then genociding them is more palatable and your victims are less than perfect.

Don’t feel bad. Its a human response. Its literally happening right now on the news as we speak. But console yourself that you are torn by escapism fiction.

I posted the screenshots.
If you wanna tell flagrant, pathological lies, by all means.
It’s your reputation that’s tanked, not mine.

And as I said you are making a lot of generalized assumptions with very little information.
Yes its very little information and open to a lot of interpretation.

I am making an assessment, how could that be a lie? it could be wrong but a lie? That would be impossible unless I was waving around documents and making an objective statement.

I don’t care about the popularity contest you seem concerned about. I say the truth and try to be as honest as I can. Everything else is secondary.

Smallioz stands beside a bucket of water.
Smallioz: Water is not wet.

And as I said you are making a lot of generalized assumptions with very little information.

That’s all well and good, but you still can’t genocidally blow open a wall.

These are the World of Warcraft forums. This is a receptacle for talking about a really bad game with a really terrible story. Nobody here has any kind of reputation based on the posts here, and if anything, we have a diminished reputation for being here in the first place.

Let’s all take a long hard look in the mirror here.

Water actually isn’t wet, because the property of being wet constitutes that something be soaked with water and/or liquid of some kind - water cannot be soaked with itself, because it is the thing that gives an object the property of “wet” to begin with. Fire burns things, but fire is not in and of itself burnt. Same principle.

So in this hypothetical, Smallioz would actually be correct.


Alright an amendment:

Smallioz floats neck deep in the Pacific.
Smallioz: I am not wet.

He did not frickin’ say that, you can’t trick me you FIEND.


He’s saying a book doesn’t say what I have picture evidence of it saying.

He’s like some kind of European Trump.

Alright, comparing someone to Donald Trump because they don’t agree with your take on a video game is deranged, and you should probably take it down a notch.

For the longest time, you told everyone that undeath automatically damns you to hell based on a vague notion you surmised, and that was verifiably proven false. You DO have to admit that you have a tendency to draw large scale assumptions from relatively little, and assert them as fact.

There is nothing wrong with having a headcanon, even an outlandish one. But if you’re going to lash out at people when they don’t agree with them, then that’s weird.

You’re on a forum for a video game talking about “tarnished reputation” and comparing people to Trump when they disagree with you. Consider introspection.


That’s not what happened.
He’s saying that Chronicle does not say what I’ve produced picture evidence of it saying.
That is exactly the kind of stuff Trump does.

Gonna need a citation on that claim, Ben.

It doesn’t. It provides something you made an assumption off of, but it does not provide hard evidence. Comparing someone to Trump over that, or really anything in a video game, is COMPLETELY uncalled for, and you are not arguing in good faith. If you want to do so, remove your emotional connection to your fan theories.

There is a world outside World of Warcraft, and you’d do well to remember it exists.


There’s more, but I think you get the picture. All I had to do was type in “Treng mass damned.” If you’ll notice, these are all prior to the revelation about the Maw.


That’s not what you said, though.

Glad we could clear your confusion up.

Though, to be clear, they were absolutely enslaved.
All undead require souls to exist.
Those undead were locked in a permanent mindless state to ward away any and all from Lordaeron.

It absolutely does, Ben.

What did you mean by “mass damned” then? You consistently said it every time in succession every time you cited what she did at Lordaeron, yet this was well before any word of the Maw came up. Your verbiage was very intentional, and you conveniently stopped this rhetoric post-Shadowlands, even though the expansion explicitly DID condemn Sylvanas’s actions, yet also confirmed that the undead are not “mass damned.”

I’m sorry, but I’m not buying that you didn’t pivot quietly. Which is fine, everyone here’s been wrong before. But let’s not play dumb here.

Reposting the same rhetoric you yourself wrote, based off a single image you made an inference from and not hard-written evidence, is not going to magically make it true or make me believe you. If this means you believe I’m Trump as well, so be it.

Also genuine word of advice - I would ditch the phrase Pax Nelfana. It sucks. It sucks really hard, and I feel less inclined to read what you write every time I see it. Just say the Kaldorei Empire and call it good.

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They cannot rest in death. They are eternally screwed.

You’re looking for an out after wormywiming with “water can’t be wet because it is water.”


You either misunderstood or purposefully misconstrued what I said.

Hell, Shadowlands even backed up what I said. Kyrians do not collect the undead. They still see them as alive.

Didn’t ask.

Don’t care.
Feel free to cease communications.

The quest you have posted presents conflicting evidence with what we have seen in Shadowlands, where souls who have been raised into undeath are shown to NOT be “eternally screwed,” some even going to Bastion of all places.

If we’d like instances prior to Shadowlands, Alexandros Mograine’s spirit was perfectly fine after being raised as a Death Knight, and he went on to his afterlife unimpeded by his undeath all good.

Undeath does not “mass damn” you, and a vague line from a character known for intense verbiage does not change the overwhelming evidence against this.

Yeah, but they clearly pick them up after they die again given there are Forsaken souls in Bastion. If you’re claiming that Sylvanas turning an orc into a skeleton has damned his soul ”eternally” because the Kyrians won’t pick him up as an undead, that’s a clear exaggeration. You just need to kill the skeleton.

Yes, it still can’t be wet.


If collected.
You’ll also note that Shadowlands came out years after the posts you linked.
Funny, that.

She mass damned them by raising them as a group.

If they can collect their souls.
The Arbiter – and Kyrians – do not intervene when a soul is already claimed by other powers.

'member Darrowshire?
I 'member.

Yeah, I actually mentioned this when I posted them, because Shadowlands deconfirmed it and the rhetoric no longer held water. But even prior to that, it didn’t really hold that much water either, I’m sorry.

And yet the souls of Alexandros Mograine and numerous Forsaken exist within the Shadowlands. I’m sorry, but there’s not an argument to be had here, and I’m not really interested in arguing this anymore after that’s been shown.

If you need to tell me I don’t think I’m wet or I’m like Donald Trump… do what you gotta do. I don’t really see any use continuing this circular conversation.


What are we arguing about, undead being perma-sent to the Maw?

Hell, Shadowlands even backed up what I said. Kyrians do not collect the undead. They still see them as alive.
