So what's the status of the Dark Lady?

I mean to the rank and file Forsaken?

She kinda did the fantasy equivalent of this;

To the entire Horde in an extraordinarily public fashion I can’t imagine isn’t common knowledge in her duel outside of Orgrimmar. But the Banshee Queen 900% had a cult of personality and all cults are based on unrelenting denial. There’s two tabards avalible for the Forsaken which would suggest some enduring schism between the Forsaken.

So is the population split between continuing seeing her as some God Empress / Founding Mother while others embrace the truth? Or is it just one of those third rails the Forsaken don’t really address in politics?

If it’s unaddressed for long enough I’d like the idea of newer Forsaken viewing her as some sort of combination of Jesus and Lincoln. Invoking her name in battle charges without anyone knowing who tf she actually is;

Replace Emperor with Dark Lady or Banshee Queen. Perhaps in the long term through sheer worship she could become the patron Loa of the Forsaken.

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Loyalist get a message from her in the Forsaken questline which boils down to “I was wrong, you should chill and help them new Forsaken out.”

So I guess it depends on how the Undead would feel about her admitting she was wrong.

Rest of The Horde probably hate her.


I miss the dictatorships and monarchies of the Horde. Why must the Horde Warchief be replaced with a council, Sylvanas be replaced with a council, but the Alliance can replace Anduin with Turalyon and remain a monarchy? Bring back Garrosh and the Dark Lady.


What’s Sylvanas’ status?

That is certainly a statement.


Don’t see Forsaken accepting her back anytime soon.

They are busy setting up the Desolate Council 2.0 anyway.

Well, I do,. They work so much better than councils in WoW. Even the ancient Republic of Rome elected a temporary dictator in times of war because they understood it would be more efficient than having the senate or a council run the war.

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I don’t think most people “get” cults. If you told me a majority of forsaken are still Sylvanas loyalists I would believe you.

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Even if that were true (and yes real life can work that way, don’t think Blizzard will write it that way). The Sylvanas they will be getting back will be a very different person (“Ranger-General Sylvanas”).

You are talking about a psychology where people simply refuse to change their beliefs. But having your leader try and do just that is even more threatening than having to get a new leader who reaffirms what went before.

Yeah, that worked out terribly for them, there isn’t an Empire there anymore. Anyone with a brain will be able to recognize that delegating sole authority to a singular individual leads to calamity, especially after two different Warchiefs had to be deposed.

I don’t think it’s been well-implemented at all, but having a wider body of leadership to speak for different bodies of people is hardly an unusual structure to implement this far into the faction’s existence.

Something had to give after the last Warchief committed genocide, and to keep the Horde around as a credible force for good the writers elected to shame its system of government rather than broom its remaining cast of characters.


In a Game that is coded with Racial enmity from the get, the histrionics persist.

Yes, in this game of fictional racial warfare, people often eliminate each other based on racial alignments. That is the way of things, as they are.

I see Sylvanas as a sort of Black Ball. Had the Alliance accepted the ambassadors of the Forsaken, perhaps she would have put an end to the Horde long ago.

That could be a whole ‘nother AU

Why would you accept terms to zombies? They were reanimated by unnatural means, literally a biological agent that killed them(most were just ghouls that attacked anything), so you assume they are your bestie? Didn’t the psycho night elves prove this?

Turalyon is not a monarch. He’s more equivalent to a Steward of Gondor.



He essentially dismantled the army. Sent his own son and elite guard to their deaths. No one questioned his authority, he didn’t recognize Aragorn… what point are you trying to make?

The Sylvanas that we know from Warcraft 3 up to shadowlands is effectively dead.
She no longer exists, what we have in place is now a more mellow Sylvanas with… more perspective?
When she finishes her community service she will come back as a neutral leader who is sorry but will never pay the same consequences if she was anyone else.

I predict she will see this big threat in the maw that the jailer saw and come to warn us.
That’s probably what will cause her to come back.

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


In that he’s a ruling Regent, not a Monarch, the same way the Stewards were. Until he’s either declared dead, or deposed in absentia, Anduin is still King of Stormwind.


Did it? They built one of the most powerful and influential empires in history spanning more than a thousand years. The influences of the Roman Empire can still be seen in modern culture today.

The Roman Senate, as well as the Roman people, realized you can’t run a war waiting for the senate, or a council, to come to consensus on what to do. You need someone who knows what they’re doing and can act decisively without being hindered by the politics of a council.

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If you want to go there with genocide, the Alliance has also committed genocide many times over.

Also, Arthas was an Alliance prince who, not only committed genocide on his own people and the Blood Elves, but, even worse, enslaved them as undead.

Let’s drop the whole genocide argument, It happens in Wow.