So what's the status of the Dark Lady?

Besides Arthas, what are the other examples? I’m asking out of curiosity because nothing else is coming to mind


Blood Elves in Outland, Guilneas, Laurderon.

Plus Arthas beats them all.

Gilneas was sacked by the Forsaken. And I asked what other genocides did the alliance commit besides what Arthas did to Lordaeron and the Blood Elves?

Not to mention Sylvanas herself plague bombed Lordaeron the second time around and had her own troops killed and raised during the siege

Well, she wouldn’t have to plague bomb the city if Jaina didn’t genocidally blast away the Lourderon wall with her arcane cannons from her flying ship.

But only Sylvanas is responsible for the killing of her own troops and plague bombing Lordaeron. That wasn’t the alliances fault.

The siege was merely a response to the genocide the horde committed on the Kaldorei.

I’m not picking sides here mind you. Just pointing out that there’s not many atrocities you can actually hold over the alliances head. And yes, that’s been a complaint of mine and many others for a long time now.


Genocidally blast away a wall? So did she genocidally wake up that morning when a rooster genocidally crowed in response to the sun genocidally rising and then genocidally get dressed before eating a brief genocidal breakfast to start her day?



For the record, I originally responded to someone who used the word genocide in a response to one of my post.

Honestly, I believe when there is actual genocide occurring in this world, it is a disservice to discuss such matters in a forum about a fantasy game. My apologies.

Good lord.

Hey word of advice - genocide is not an adjective to randomly assign to every action that a person does, and even though I know this is a crazy notion, it’s actually impossible to perform genocide on a wall, or any inanimate object for that matter.

Please use more consideration with heavy words like that, they actually mean something.


Take it up with Blizzard then. They’re the ones who labelled Teldrassil a genocide

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Very true…

You also can’t commit genocide on a tree. Depends how many people were on that wall or behind it.

Nobody is under the impression that Sylvanas committed genocide on a tree. The intention of burning the tree was to kill everyone inside of it.

This is not an equivalent comparison to Jaina blowing a wall open in the middle of a war so one army can fight against another.

Also I never invoked the tree (nor do I wanna argue if its burning quantifies as a genocide for the fiftieth time), I just think the statement “genocidally blowing open a wall” is an insane phrase to say.



Stonespire Tauren. Bildgewater Goblins.

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Comparing our glorious God Emperor to Sylvanas. The Ordo Hereticus wants to know your location.

“Status- Single, But Not Currently Looking For A Relationship”

nightmare image of Turalyon messily eating a cherry tomato induced

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Pax Nelfana.
War of Trolls where the humans burned so many trolls to death.
Every day in Elwynn re: gnolls, kobolds, murlocs.
Dwarves re: troll children
etc, etc, etc.


The orignal kaldorei empire doesn’t apply to the current Kaldorei. Those who made that empire are now Naga or Blood elves. The troll wars, well, the trolls were hostile first and were killing the humans. Gnolls, kobolds, and murlocs murder anything that gets close and gnolls are known cannibals

The whelps, that’s kind of debated really. No where does it actually say they’re kids though. Whelp also used to mean a young adult too

Where do you get this term? It sounds really cringe