So what's the state of the story community at the moment?

How are you feeling with the plot developments going on in Shadowlands? Especially your respective races, classes, and factions?

Anduin got abducted a bit too easily


And people are losing it over that?

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The abduction cutscene is already a massive disappointment and boy I can’t wait for the Sylvanas glorification along with 3-4 cinematics just for her alone later in that joke of an expansion.

If abduction cutscene writing is what we can expect from the expansion oh well then prepare for a ride

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I think it’s all fine so far. Not jamming over anything but I’m interested.

Not really loosing it per se, but the people I talked to who’ve seen found it more funny than anything. It’s not the worst cinematic I’ve seen, but it could have done more to hammer home how much of a threat Sylvanas is to everyone.

I’m still curious enough to see where the story is going to lead.

I’m actually looking forward to it personally!

Have taken a few notes from the forums post with the current lore players have clarify… over the past months…
So I can have ready a session to RPG ourselves a bit deeper in to SL story just roleplaying as our characters reacting to what’s happening on WoW SL… nothing to hardcore just for laughs and giggles to enrich our experience if we manage to cover all the story content too fast while we wait for the next update I guess.

If all that fails I got other MMORPG who by that time have story content content out… so ill just jump there in the down time or stalk the story forums for more story or lore I might have miss or forgotten.

But that just me…of what I been up too. :grin:

Night Elven players and Horde players are still upset over getting whatever shaft they got this expansion?

Looking forward to the gameplay. Story? Not so much, I am afraid. :slight_smile:

Mostly a night elf thing. Most horde players are upset over their faction being villian batted again.


I did smirk when I watched it. Don’t you hate it when some random angels kidnap your king out of nowhere?


Especially spooky black armored angels from hell itself :gift_heart:


It’s a big Meh from me. But I don’t have any plans to play Shadowlands.



I’m looking forward to the stories going forward–the new lore to uncover, that sort of thing. I will probably obsess over something minimal and trivial, but it will be SO COOL! And there will be lots of screenshots to take (once I get my new computer up and running.)

I can’t speak for the rest of the story forums, but I’d say my state is both excited and anxious–excited to see and play all the new stuff, and anxious because I don’t know how I’ll feel about the story overall but hopeful that it will at least be interesting?

Also wishing I didn’t have the memory of a goldfish sometimes. Or that I could hold games to a higher standard story-wise. Thus far, though, the wishes are not fishes, and my koi pond is empty.


Anger with a mix of annoyance and sadness.


None of my any of those things is doing anything significant in SL.

But, I’m psyched about the Kael’thas content!

Arthur feels his pain.


I’m more excited for an expansion than I have been for as long as I can remember, because it’s one of the few times that genuinely new lore, completely unrelated to the events of WC3, is being introduced. More of the cosmology is finally being revealed and catalogued. As far as new lore goes, MoP was a little too low-key for me: ignore the haters, power creep is almost always awesome, I want to continuously increase the stakes to cosmic proportions. I’ll never be convinced that “DBZ syndrome” is even remotely a bad thing, and I think a lot of people object to it only because it’s the cool thing to do these days.

Bring on the cosmic escalation.


Mixed, I want to see Vol’jin storyline and see if Blizzard can actually do something good without killing Horde characters to promote their cool plot that turns out to be cringe and nobody liked it(like Sylvanas Warchief career)

But in another hand, the team still continue to fall into the same mistakes they did in Legion and BFA (Too much screen-time in one character, retconning previous stories to say “this was always the intention from the start”,etc) and using Arthas as the second panic botton isn’t giving much trust despite I didn’t like his ending in Wotlk


Shadowlands looks to be an interesting expansion I’ll enjoy, especially if Sylvanas is adequately punished. The race customization is already very good and though I was anti High Elf I will be making this character into a Quel’dorei when Shadowlands releases. The hunter class is still good and was given back a few useful abilities though the GCD could be better. Atleast for MM, I don’t know how it is for the other specs. The Night Fae has become a favorite faction of mine and I look forward to doing their quests.

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Not so much about the plot, but overall. It takes about 3+ years (it seems) to get the development far enough to testing. There were a bunch of changes in leadership. Celestalon → Chilton → Hazzikostas. Ion got to his position around mid-Legion. It was way too late for a proper BfA development. It could be just a patchwork, salvaging of whatever was possible to reuse.

Shadowlands seems to be the very first expansion fully made by the current team. It has some meh quests. But it has some amazing ones. Ardenweald theatre and later, story involving Kael’thas, individual bits here and there. So, I am cautiously optimistic, when it comes to where it goes. Shadowlands is their opportunity to unshackle themselves from what was done before the current team, and go forward with their vision. Maybe.

We are going to meet a buch of familiar faces, so, seems ok. At least for me, since I do not have any specific race-preferences in the game. Way, maybe I like draenei and trolls a bit more, but it’s inconsequential.

I do not think the class fantasy is a big deal this time. And maybe for the better.

Factions, factions… I don’t know what to tell. On one hand, conceptually, either option could work: keeping the faction conflict could work, ditching it and replacing with some kind of evolution of the covenants, where races unite in temporary alliances for expansion or a few, and the players pick the side they like for whatever reason.

But I am not sure. So far, I did not see too much that would make me think that the devs can currently handle an interesting and persistent faction conflict. I am open minded if they’ll try to tell such story without too much internal changes. We’ll see. Could work. Could fail.

gl hf

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