So, what's the problem with this event?

Got three hours to play so that’s two events to do. With one character.

I guess if I had 16 hours to play a day it wouldn’t be a problem. Alas nothing much of anything is a problem when you got 16 hours of free time.


Really? OK thanks. :grin:

I certainly don’t have 16 hours a day to play but I do have 10 mins every couple of hours.

Ion? That you? Or do you think if you shill hard enough, someone at Blizzard may glance your way and smile?


Is it dropping faster now? If so then I’d agree.

500 per boss, and 1500 per quest

You have spent 22.4 of the 22.5 hours involved in the above activities doing functionally nothing. Even if you farmed mobs in the downtime, that was worth functionally nothing.


If that’s the intent, then it’s bugged as I said. I have had many boss kills where I got nothing.


Oh i forgot my other complaint.

I only want to leather set, yet the drops arent dependent on your class.
Right now i have mainly got plate gear.
I dont have a single plate character and have no intention of making one.


I haven’t farmed mobs. those hours you say I did nothing… I was off the game doing life stuff.

Sure buddy. Let me hop into a PC every hour and a half for ten minutes while I work,travel,do other grown up stuff.

But that’s really not the games fault.

It’s my own but hey you asked. I’m sure most people also can’t bother to or cant drop everything for ten minutes every hour and a half to play a videogame heh.

But sure… Sure indeed…


Did you set a bell reminder on your phone so you could be like Pavlov’s dogs and come running when it was time for the next event?


So, according to you and the OP, the event is only fine if you no life it?

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no. I can do math in my head. it isn’t hard.

Right… which is the point.

You spend 3 minutes every 90 minutes playing the game. The rest of the time you do nothing. You can’t spend an hour and then log off for the day. You can’t do something with 10 minutes left until the next spawn. You are completely locked to the whim of the 90 minute timer. It defines your playtime (and your offline time), while making up 3% of it.


I personally don’t find this acceptable. What reason is there for them to time gate it like this? All it does is annoy and anger people. “Oh it will be better next week and the week after” does not make up for the fact that it’s bad right now. Time gating it like this has no benefit whatsoever.


I get where you are coming from OP but I feel like alot players have a set time everyday where they can play the game. And 90 mins is too long for these players to wait between events. So they have to farm mobs that drop 1 essence or w/e its called. And few people have the attention span to do that during that play time. :laughing: (because its really boring)

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Even at 30 minutes, the idea that you have an event that lasts less than 5 minutes on a 30 minute rotation is absolutely idiotic game design. Assuming you want to farm it, it completely defines everything else you can and can’t do, both in game and out. This factor becomes more limiting with a shorter cooldown, even though the time required to farm overall gets shorter.

What would have been better is if they designed the event to actually be fun to play, for a longer period of time, and allowed people to play in timeframes that work for both them, and for how wow generally functions. 1 spawn per 30/60/90 minutes that takes less than 5 minutes is attrociously bad game design. I can’t see how it can possibly be motivated by anything but statistics.


Honestly I could get more gear off a guild normal/heroic run with an alt. But I wanted to farm the mogs.

That’s Gona happen with how this event is designed heh

The high health on bosses and boss adds is really killing me. The fight goes for like 15 minutes x2 each almost. I’m genuinely fatiguing over it and I’m 1 memory away from getting the heirloom ring (I hope, please tell me 20 of each one is all I need. PLEASE!)

It’s also buggy and I had ‘Kill King Mosh’ in an area where King Mosh doesn’t exist so I missed a reward chance there.

Onyxia keeps ‘resetting’ and I have to reapply dots. Thankfully her health doesn’t reset but there’s a brief moment where she ‘evades’.

It’s far from perfect and I only have 1 gear each on 2 characters and I’ve been doing this for 12 hours today (purple, not blue)