So what's the deal with this lore?

And that’s fine. But you can’t expect her to have a high opinion of them when they spend most of their time doing things she considers irrelevant.

Her purpose is to ensure that Ardenweald continues to exist, so that it can rebirth nature souls, wild gods or not.

What makes you think she wouldn’t? She seems to take her job quite seriously.

I don’t think she does. But again, why would she care much for those who spend most of their time faffing about with mortals? She’ll resurect them since that’s her duty, but don’t expect her to praise them.

Hakkar is an obvious one. Rezan seems to mostly care about the Zandalari, and used most of his power to bless their kings. Bwonsamdi seems mostly interested in making deals that favor him. Why would she have a high opinion of a huckster like him?

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Sure I can, because the upkeep of nature is not her purpose.

Three loa are why she says the word “Loa” like it’s a four-letter word, eh?

Without Ardenweald, there would be no ressurection. So keeping Ardenweald intact and healthy is more important then ressurecting souls. One cannot happen if the other doesn’t exist.

Let me put it that way. What loa does anything except meddle with trolls? Does any of them fulfill a function in nature, so to say? If not, it’s quite easy to see why she consider their ressurection to be her sole concern regarding them, since their motives does not align with her own.

Without the Void, there would be no existence. Does the Void also care about the upkeep of nature?

This is a unique qualifier. You assume that it’s the only thing Loa do and if a Loa does this it is instantly inadmissable as a god worthy of respect or reincarnation.

Goodbye, NEFPA.

Bwon admittedly has a bit of a reputation it seems EVERYWHERE. His trickster nature has not earned him a lot of friends. The way she acts with him I got a feeling the Winter Queen has had to deal with his shenanigans more than once and she seems a pretty no-nonsense cold person at the best of times. Talk about a personality clash. Even with Ysera she scoffed at the notion of reviving “her sister’s pet” and was fully willing to let the wildseed be killed off until she was talked into intervening by her advisors.

Ardenweald’s duty is to revive nature spirits (which includes Loa and Wild Gods) and then send them back to their home planet in the mortal plane to get back to their job. They do not directly protect nature, no… but they protect the beings that do. All Loa, even if it makes no sense with their theme, are classified as nature spirits. From Rezan to Shadra and everyone in between.


Because as we see during the questline, he’s actually been giving Anima to the wild seeds of Azeroth wild gods

He is helping sustain her Groves so it, and the wild seeds in it, and the forest, and her self dont die.


Come to think of it, do wild gods actually do anything in Ardenweald other than snoozing in pods? I’m not sure what their living activities do for it. If anything, they kinda seem like big leeches to the realm’s ecosystem unless they somehow bring in anima themselves while alive.

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No they are just in Ardenweald to be revived.

They’re not leeches, they’re the POINT of the realm.

Only when they don’t have a home to go back to or choose not to go back so they stay in Ardenweald and do things. Eg Aliothe


Have you tried putting water on the fire?

I know, I know, “buckets” are strange and somewhat terrifying to your species, since you can neither dig them out of the mud like roots, nor transform into one yourself. But I assure you, they’re perfectly safe.

if push comes to shove i’d strongly suggesting just chunking your priesthood and learning some Shamanism. Moonlight doesn’t put out forest fires; rainstorms do.

Bwon also implies he’s a bit of a lady’s man…
And those two act like they have a past.


Bringing up the Voodoo mythos point that Baron Samedi’s wife is Maman Brigette, which is a creolization of Saint Bridgid of Ireland, which may have been a christianization of the goddess Brigid, who in some myths is tied to the Tuatha de Danann and the Fairy Queens, like the Winter Queen.