So what would you like to see?

I thought Stratholme would be a great place for the Forsaken. That’s a city that is worth taking.

Don’t presume I’m mad, you cringewrap supreme. I know that literally nothing you say is capable of occuring, because polarizing as the Blizzard writers are, I respect their narrative integrity and creativity far more than the hamster wheel inside your head where your brain should be.

I’m just baffled that you could have such a godawful take and mean it.

Well they got away with the angles they pulled for BFA so why not just go off the rails?

You can’t fix the mess that is Warcrafts lore even if you tried.

I know you meant “mannequins”… and I read it as mannequins. But it looked enough like “mankini” for me to laugh.

It certainly seems like the Horde is nothing but the Alliance’s soiled Mankini. It gives style and irritation for the Alliance when the plot demands (MoP and early BfA), only to be discarded and forgotten from the story entirely when the winds change (Legion and 8.3).

EDIT: Oh, just learned manikin and mannequin are two different words. You were correct. Still, I laughed while reading it before I learned.

I’m not even sure what you’re arguing now.

You have not lived a full life until you have experienced the virile prowess of a dwarf in a mankini.

Unrelated: Ardmccloud’s forum RP is best enjoyed by being read in the voice of Heimskr, the nord preaching about Talos in Whiterun.

I have nothing of actual use to add.

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I beg to differ. You added more than enough.


I hope Calia doesn’t end up the leader of the Forsaken and is instead being set up to be one of the major players in a Void versus Light expansion down the line. The Forsaken already have a line of succession in the form of the Executors, so the current High Executor would be the obvious leader… if Blizzard remembers their lore, anyway.

I especially don’t want her to be the leader because the idea of the undead traitorous nelves needing to be guided to their true path by yet another human character vexes me immensely.