So what will it take to save WoW?

To save wow get rid of all the diversity hires and pc police it really is that simple. In other words divest from activision and fire all upper management.


I think my last bit of passion for WoW got extinguished today with the removal of emotes. And I have a strong feeling there removing transmogs next.

My conclusion is WoW is not savable it went too far down the dark path. It hit that Iceburg 4 expansions ago. I’m not going to play world of wokecraft. The game is called World of WARcraft but it is getting turned to WOKEcraft. I’m not playing that game. Time to cut my losses here.

So i’m going to make preparation to leave the game. It is finished. It’s dead forever. I will begin my next adventure in another mmo.

I thought WoW could be saved guess not. Oh well have fun everyone.


So what do you think about that ALL devs are Horde? Do you think that could be a hinderance on overall gameplay? Good, bad? Ugly?
I’m Alliiance… won’t ever change …so that means I’m like a red headed or 3 legged, or no brained stepchild playing a game they created-- and they HATE me.

I wonder when the Horde will take Alliance all prisoners as 100 to 1, and put us in gulags? could that be coming?

Yes, WoW being pay-to-win will slowly erode its player base. It’s a sad thing to watch. I almost think the developers designed it this way so they could exploit their own system and make money off of it because the people selling boosts and carries are literally quitting their full-time jobs because they make more money doing this in-game. There’s so much money people are making, as well as Blizzard selling tokens facilitating this, that I don’t see it changing. WoW is now permanently pay-to-win and the people that come to these forums defending this are the people making money doing it.

Well the fact that they’re going through such lengths and putting so much effort to change things that the majority of their player base doesn’t care about one bit - while ignoring the things that those players have asked for, for years - shows how out of touch with its player base as well as reality the company really is.

By sending one dollar a day to PO Box that I have yet to set up.

I am starting to think the only thing that will save it is it’s own demise and then a rebirth as WoW II. With an updated engine and redesign of it’s game play.

He’s dead Jim.

People need to stop playing current content. Either they’ll change it or the game will die. The only thing they understand is engagement metrics. If you engage the content they’ll keep feeding you more.

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MMO is a dying genre. Used to be popular when internet was new during the time when people were still exploring to know what MMO is. It was fun at start. It peaked. As soon as they realized that it’s a game of grind that it requires a lot of time of dedication, people started to look for something else.

Then Tablets were born… a new means of playing has started. Then sophisticated cellphones started to appear as new medium of gaming. Kids started to use these new medium. These new kids started their gaming life from their cellphones. Then they move their gaming to consoles. The game genre they used to play are far from MMO genre.

I asked any of my nephews, nieces and even my daughter: how do they like WoW? They all agree that WoW is fun when they tested playing it. (I gave them free trials from my Collector’s Edition Boxes). But they cant commit long hours for it. They all know that it’s addicting game. SO they stay away from it becoz they rather use their time on something else. To them, playing WoW is a lifestyle. It would be part of your life. And becoz of that, they rather have different lifestyle than being addicted to gaming.

How could WoW grow when it cant entice new generation of gamers to play it? These new generation gamers are usually softcore people. WoW might be too hard for them. And the veteran WoW players dont want WoW to become a trivial game. To me, non-skilled players and skilled players wont mix. Ion is a a Scarab Lord. We all know he is a skilled player. So he is more on designing the game for skilled players like him. WoW would never become just a dress-up and design your house game or solo games that kid’s could do. It would always be a competitive game for dungeons, raid and PvP. It’s the same structure every expansion after expansion. And Shadowlands is among these expansions.

I love WoW. And I still enjoy playing it. And I accept it’s losing its fans especially the softcore. And the veterans are moving forward… getting a family. There were celebrities who played WoW like Mila Kunis and Henry Cavill. But when their career took off, they left WoW.

WoW is not for everybody. Who loves to grind? At this age, nobody. Even me. But I can manage WoW becoz of my past experience.