So what will it take to save WoW?

More gnomes

Send me money and tacos

Lemonade items

More ducks in WoW

A bunch more fun dungeons and raids per tier (not enough)

Unnecessary but nice rewards out the wazoo like in Legion

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An MMO is supposed to be a forever game. It’s not supposed to be a game that you can take or leave when you’re in the mood. They keep the population up by keeping people in the game busy enough that they won’t go elsewhere and maybe find something that feels worth letting go of all you’ve invested in their game.

The fact that they’re saying “go play some other game” is a very bad sign.

Because they think that they only thing wrong with the game is the unreasonable expectations of paying customers, who were expected to hop to and get with Ion’s new vision of what an MMORPG should have been from the start.

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Me and my girlfriend j started playing and we are having a lot of fun starting out. I think if they did more marketing the newer generation of kids would fall in love with the game so fast like we did.

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This is all fact
Wow and its profitability exists in ebb and flows. Traditionally as content is released there is a big big influx of players, that ebb over time (this is why 6 month subs are a great prize for blizz).

The data does not lie. The retention of players after content releases is getting shorter, the spike in players returning is also getting smaller, while no one disputes (or if they do they are flat wrong), wow has a very healthy player count however there are some trends evident in the data.

Assigning meaning and reason to the data is the speculative bit.

For me. It’s simplifying the PvP system. Adding soloQ. Removing PvE requirements to progress in PvP. This is my soapbox.

Going to be honest,kill Alliance off since people want a new faction ,start one from the remains of Alliance ,give the Horde their total victory over the whole of Azeroth that way they can rewrite history.

Murlocs, lots & lots of them.

Banning people who make Wranduin demand threads would be a good start.

In the words of a Blood Elf at Winter Veil once…

"Que… the Infernal."

i think i figured out what we need to save wow.

We need Khadgar to be transported to the real world with his mage powers and to see that his entire world is just a game and in order to save Azeroth, he needs to take over the narrative and write in a good ending and lost of side quests asking players to give him exactly 34,890 super mega prismatic shards.

AND it must be EXACTLY 34,890. one too few and he simply wont have enough energy to finish writing the story and we get a cliff hanger. and one too many and he will go hyper and over write the story such that even N’zoth gets a happy ending and the expansion lasts 12 years but packed full of content. 11.12.5 would become a thing.

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I’ve been on a 3 month sub since January, 2005. I finally decided to just cancel for now as I haven’t logged on since mid August. When asked in the feedback question part, I basically don’t bother anymore since everyone I’ve played with quit. I only get so much out of the solo thing.

If they get it right again, I’ll be back but at this time it’s not worth my money.


Content modes
/systems that survive more than one expansion and customization

Character profession instead of regression to get progression

  1. Wow become like a job. Can’t just enjoy my time and do other things. Cause I have to grind something.
  2. I need a friends inside WoW. I’m feeling alone because I don’t have a Raid team or Mythic group. I want to talk while doing things.
  3. Lore is mess so stopped enjoying quests. Honestly I didn’t want to fight my Warchief Garrosh. Also now Sylvanas? They’re good during wotlk :frowning:
  4. Snowballing downhill because Devs are lost touch and I don’t feel wow’s magic anymore. :crying_cat_face:
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I think new polished activities will save wow.
Instance were character just hang out and talk like in Moonguard realm.
Re do world events and holidays.
Ability to mass gather in 1 spot regardless of server and faction.
Community reward system so people actually help each other.
Generally I’m escaping IRL so I want to feel something different and have fun

I know Blizzard isn’t big on polling but maybe to get a true feel for what their current & former customers want in a game they should do just that - poll ALL current and former customers. I know that would take a lot of work but in this digital world it shouldn’t be too daunting if they choose a platform that everyone uses (such as email).

From viewing the content of this chat-thread it looks like opinions are all over the place but I’m sure sensitive thoughtful game designers could come up with some path back to greatness - my bet is their customers have LOADS of ideas on how to resurrect Wow.

That’s someone elses job to worry about.

I just wanna play the game i paid (and continue to pay) for.

That is a really great idea. They could start that path by announcing that people can transfer individual characters for FREE but only for max of 2 transfers (so that its not abused). I have characters on dead servers I never play but don’t want to delete them, I would be happy to move some of them but cant afford $25 for EACH move.

OR - they could identify which servers have not only low population but also low activity, and offer players on those servers to transfer their characters 1-time, for free, to a specific list of servers chosen by Blizzard (they’ve done that sort of thing in the past).

WoW is making amazing profit because they found ways to make up for the drop in subscriptions that inevitably happen in the later stages of any MMORPG.

Nothing needs to “save” it. WoW is standing in the ashes of so many “WoW Killers” that the joke isn’t even funny anymore.

Could they fix stuff to make the game better? Absolutely! But it’s not on life support in need of dire intervention.

I want a cute hamster mount that leaves rainbows behind it when it flies.

Other than that… more content at a pace a bit quicker than the current one, cross-faction groups, a little less time gating, more character customisation, more mog options, and some good, competent and fun story.

They need to bring back class identity back. Everything feels the exact same besides a different class toolkit for a class. In one moment when they went the class fantasy route is when the game lost it’s luster. No matter how many things they added in Legion with class legendries and the systems for that legendary. I, personally miss making poisons on my rogue, I miss making ammo on my hunter, I miss making the small little things to make a class different and, feel different.

They’re doing too much for a game that’s simplistic. They add about 2-3 different other systems on top of the talents we have to try and balance things out. It’s too much when they can’t even get one of those systems right for starters. The addition of the covenants is again a cool idea on paper but, everyone knew from day one we’d be flip flopping around to min/max. No one enjoys the constant number crunching like present day WoW is, people anymore rely too much on this ideology with an outside source as a measuring stick.

Not that I don’t believe in having tools and resources for us to have on hand. People live and die off that more than anything I’ve seen before in this game. Those tools were just a hypothetical stand point of a perfect situation of your rotation. Last thing is the lack of freedom we have anymore of customizing our own playstyle. We all have to be the same, cookie cutter mentality to be effective or not frown upon in this game if you think otherwise. It’s like people don’t realize things can work when you think outside the box and not what someone else tells you to use or do.

For WoW to make gains a few things need to change:

  1. Professions need to become a solo alternative with tangible and comparable rewards to the other 3 pillars. Without this then no new player is going to want to play this game.

  2. Devs need to focus more on Overworld development and less on instance development. For too long the overworld has been treated as if it’s a lobby. It needs to be the main focus of the game. The overworld should not be separated like the Islands have been for the past 3 expansions. Make an entirely new continent that we can run/fly to that’s connected to Azeroth

  3. M+ Moves to queues. Sorry not sorry. It’s time to dispel the mysticism around organized play. The game needs a queue in order to get around the gatekeeping the community builds. If you want to continue to make your selected groups, go ahead, but a queue option should exist. It’s 2021. Everything should be queueable with the only exception being Mythic Raids.

  4. Player Housing. There’s no reason not to implement it. Every argument I’ve seen against it is silly and it’s childish. Give the players what they want. They want to build houses.

If you announce these features at Blizzcon I guarantee you’ll see player activity skyrocket.