So what' up with the alliance 80% BG loss rate

Tale as old as time. Go out, get instantly one shot by a 6k Chimera shot or 7k Starsurge, or go against unkillable shaman tanks that can tick your health away like nothing

One tick of flame shock deals more damage than a Exocrism crit with wings + aura mastery buff and 600+ spellpower btw

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So throwing out the class issues-- Thinking player mentality changed with time on factions, I explicitly remember always being able to hold LM in AB through original TBC and WotLK as an Alliance Frost Mage. Quit afterward and years later when private servers rolled out TBC… Everyone went Horde, complete clown show alone on Alliance.

Only times I lose an AB is because Horde as usual zugged BS and Alliance rushed LM, then they wonder why they’re losing. Horde have some engraved mindset to always take BS then keep throwing themselves to be slaughtered at LM. When they look elsewhere one Paladin will stall for ST easily, and GM may as well have cooties 'cause they’re not going there.

Basically? I don’t know why more Alliance go LM at the start, you can defend BS from it with slowfall and see every node but GM.


Average exorcism from top parsers in AQ is 5k, while the top average flame shock damage is 950-990 per tick.

Are we sure now?

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And initial damage of flame shock? I got 1500 critical damage from flame shock yesterday. Way higher than My exo criticals vs players

Also ele shaman is parsing higher than ret pal, whos lying now?

Ret pal without Wf is dogwater

Ur gear must be terrible. I not gonna lie and say FS doesnt hit for 1.5k+ crits. So you shouldn’t lie about Exo not hitting them hard against players. kthx. =P

No one has ever been crit by a 6k chimera or a 7k starsurge.

You forgot to times that by 5

And 6 phases of shamans vs paladins. The one week where paladins were stronger they cop a nerf.

As alliance you know it is an uphill battle. 6 phases of losses make it hard to try.

Same thing is happening in cata with alliance steamrolling BGs.

Whatever faction has fotm racial / classes will dominate for that expansion.


Horde generally Premades while Alliance generally solo queues.

It also doesn’t help that the horde premades we’re seeing is half in R13/14 with carries while the Alliance players also generally don’t have PvP gear.

Blizz should buff AV honor make the 3 mark turn in at least be 2500 honor, buff honor from LT/Commanders and objectives.

i know alliance are used to losing but i am telling you now its way more of a mindset issue than a balance issue in most cases.

the alliance who premade or are actually ranking when ranking is available tend to come more prepared and have more of a will to win than most of them playing now .

when half your team quits or just says “lets just hold two” or random quitter talk , you are gonna lose 9/10 times .

thats just the way of things.

obviously some of the stuff is imbalanced like racials and tank shamans and whatever stupid “the map is even against us” thing you want to say.

but if you quit before you even try , well that just cements things before the first attack is landed.

yall need a pick me up and freakin speeches of the glories of war against the horde before every match or something .

maybe throw in a little pride in your work or something too.

why do people lie about things that are easily disproven

please stop. I’ve been spamming bgs on my mage the last few days. I see a hell of a lot more GMs on alliance side then horde. I see more alliance premades in the evening then morning.

it gets fixed in Cata.

Explain alliance dominance in cata?

well several different reasons really but you wouldnt want to be really honest about it now would you?

if youre talking about current cata then the 15+ years of knowledge about every man for himself being op and making it so you can use two dps trinkets instead might have a hand in alot of the more “serious” pvpers going alliance .

in terms of original cata? im not sure we really have the numbers to even speak to that but ya.

if you are trying to make the point that racials are something that cant be overcome at all with any amount of effort i would disagree with that assertion.

plenty of premades prove that wrong daily and even more so there were quite a few non premade teams that put up a very good if not winning fight in my experience in running 2 different chars up to rank 14 .

i could easily tell when the alliance gave up at the beginning as well as when they had fight in them by not only the score of the ab but the actual encounters .

somehow these guys figured it out so i know it can be done.

whats wrong with you that you give up before starting?

edit to add:

i dont get when it happened that instead of taking the knowledge about a class and its weaknesses and exploiting them or even other stuff in the game to your advantage , but instead crying and moaning on the forums like some powerless spinless lump that you cant do anything at all against “this unsurmountable ever present evil and theres no hope” became a thing but it sucks.

games arent fun when half the enemy team is sitting guarding stables with every ounce of their being.

It should be for every tower you destroy, you gain a mark. Every tower you have when the match is over, you gain a mark.

…and the turn-in should be 7500 honor; same as AB (and WSG?).

If we’re feeling 'specially spicy. A victory should still yield 3 marks.

That’d be a total of 7 marks (4 towers + victory).

The funny thing about AV, is they changed it in 1.8 to force more PVP. What they got was an even more PVE-ified BG, where each side actively avoids the other. :rofl:

“But Illutian, that’ll be so much honor from HKs, Objectives, and Marks!”"

So? The honor cap is 500k/wk (AFAIK). Are you really saying you’re upset at the prospect that you’ll get that 500k in 2 days with maybe 10hrs of BGing in AV?

i agree with this.

make it so you have to pvp and cant cower in the start cave.

something to bring the fighting spirit back to the alliance.

So you’re saying horde just have the alliance mentality in cata and give up?

Or you are saying it’s because of an OP racial? Just like an OP class?

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No one take anything this guy says seriously. He kiterally lives on the forums and has the worst takes in the history of anything ever

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So I was busy pushing r1 on my ret on retail. Is pvp still a hot garbage with shamans spreading flameshocks all over the place with burn rune and lava bursting people? Or they made some changes?