So what' up with the alliance 80% BG loss rate

There is a lot of changes. Boomkins are just as oppressive with starfall and ridiculous damage. Hunters can spam kill shot at 40 yards (crit clothies for 3k+ and 1.5k+ on mail/plate). Rogues can spam backstad from the front or side or back (LOL) and get free out of stealth ambush procs. If a mage pops frost orb get ready to see 1.5k+ ice lances outside of that they tickle. Warriors are ok but could be better if MS ever gets a buff. Locks are locks dont see many in bgs.

Shamans tank spec is a god against melee dps. Ele is ok now and Ehn is nonexistent.

Its higher than 80%. There are weeks where Horde win 99% of the time if not 100%.

and 90% of the time is alliance giving up. That’s not horde outplaying them, its alliance playing themselves. lol

Lol what? Maybe I’ll get sometime to track it but I would say i average 50/50 maybe 40/60 since I don’t premade.

There is a lot of mentality and skill issues from what I can tell.

Thx for a wide answer. Is ranking gear good? Or you have to pve still. Did they update loot from pvp events?

PvP gear is good. If you use PvE it wont have much stam on it and you will get 1 shot’d.
Bloodmoon even has a lot of new stuff. 2min trinket, crazy stam gear. its very, very good to run.

I honestly couldn’t even understand what he was saying. It’s like he was trying to disagree with me but just ended up proving my point? That people will flock to the OP classes / racials.

Says racials can be overcome, but doesn’t explain if that’s the case why are alliance dominating in cata? Just overcome the OP racial :joy: there is 1 horde team in the top 100. Why aren’t they just overcoming the racial?

5000 posts of double digit IQ and he still thinks his opinions are important.

Ally can only function in premade, all the good ally are done ranking. Can feel it on my warrior who is not done yet, I can actually kill stuff…

Honstly its kinda simple… When you wait 15mins between games instead of near insta pop You try a little harder… you care a little more. The win means much more.

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Queues are same same for horde and alliance on cata, but alliance are dominating. What’s going on there?

Ally has the best and worst players while Horde sits in the middle of the bell curve. Hence why Ally pugs are such a mixed bag while our premades dominate, yet even last night I won 8/10 pug matches just by taking some initiative.


people cant give the “half your team quits before the first attack is done” any credit cause it undermines their view that “all these things are op and insurmountable” when even if they are op , IF YOU CANT EVEN FIELD A FULL TEAM HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO WIN AT ALL?

like wtf is so hard to understand about that point?

edit to add:

if you guys would just shut your stupid yap and actually pay attention and get others to buy in , you would win alot more than you do currently by a land slide.

its night and day when running with a full team ready to go vs 5+ people quitting before the countdown to the bg ends.

Explain the alliance dominance on cata?

care to explain why it matters in the slightest what some other version of the game with its own balance and player/faction makeups have to do with the fact that half your team quits before the bg timer reaches 0 to enter the bg?

also how does that effect the fact that IF YOU CANT EVEN FIELD A FULL TEAM HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO WIN AT ALL?

or any of the other points reinforcing that notion or do you just not have a counter other than “but but cata”?

The funny thing is they dont believe us when we say. Try and dont give up… horde will give up once you guys put up a fight. 80% of horde games they zug from node to node. If alliance didnt give up 5mins into the game. They would for sure win a hell of a lot more games.

But, but… something shamans!

Just explain it

how about you explain how you think they should make alliance so op that even when down 5 people from the start or with 7 guarding stables and the rest sitting at gm , you guys should be winning vs horde who have a full team?

like how op does it have to be made for you to have even an inkling of guts to actually fight to win .

do a premade. try taking more than just 2 bases and not quitting before the timer to enter the bg even counts down.

do something other than crying on the forums about how unfair everything is and how much better the world would be if everyone just listened to you and made your faction the supreme ruler of all and anyone who plays horde must be just worthless people who have everything handed to them.

you cant even counter what you know to be true about you guys quitting before the gate opens or “just hold two” and what that does to your win % vs even horrible horde players.

stop with the stupid misdirection and counter it.

All I’m asking is to explain it