So what makes your mog stand out?

I've gotten lots of compliments on my transmog. I don't know... I guess it's just that the items all match even though they are from vastly different parts/eras of the game.
02/28/2012 08:30 AMPosted by Iawl
Pssssh nothing stands out on mine. -Shifty eyes- Maybe it my lightsaber? :O (That looks REALLY WRONG on my armory because the light doesn't shot up.)

Teehee ;p It looks like you're holding a BIC. I bet it looks cool in game.

♄ Aune
02/28/2012 08:30 AMPosted by Iawl
Pssssh nothing stands out on mine. -Shifty eyes- Maybe it my lightsaber? :O (That looks REALLY WRONG on my armory because the light doesn't shot up.)

You look like your holding an itsy-bitsy hammer :)
Old school PvP set.
what makes it unique is that Druids were super rare back then. Of those Druids that existed very few PvPed, so even fewer got the rank 8+ required to buy this set.

combine with the fact that it has FLAMING SHOULDERS (not glowing, but FLAMING) a pretty unique silver/orange spiky motif (that works wonders with my horns and nose ring) and it is Perfect.

I mean I will go as far as to say it is the best transmog you will never see, because nobody can see it when I am running around in my feral form.
on my lock i wear t5 shoulders in the game
Mai booty shorts make me speshul.
I'm a cheap !@# and my mog shows it, I do wish it would show my weapons though, I think its what sets it all off.
The only time I see anyone dressed like me is in Dalaran. I know it's not original, but I feel very magey.
it's Bright Yellow!

it's not a unique mog, but it sure is a flashy one.
for all the final fantasy fans out there.

im building a goblin mage named tonberry. finding plain brown gear is kinda tough. if you wanna look him up hes on the same server as this toon.
02/28/2012 07:57 AMPosted by Hocusfocus
Are there any chest pieces to match my leggins? Any help would be appreciated. Might do the trick lol
My boobs. Duh?
02/28/2012 08:42 AMPosted by WolfhĂĄusen
im the only scarlet crusader left
oh really.
I'm blue and ON FIIIRREE!
02/28/2012 08:44 AMPosted by Protecter
im the only scarlet crusader left
oh really.

LOL brotherhood... haha
I have a few pieces that are actually part of a set, but most of what I wear is really just what I like.

The helm matches my tattoos and shows my hair, the belt shows my belly button, and the rest is still somewhat sexy old school art without being too revealing.

I've always been a huge fan of old fantasy art. Olivia, Boris, and a whole list of others, so I kind of build all my characters around that.
I am unique (On my server). No other Rogue is as dashing as myself, nor wears a head on his head while he removes the heads of his enemies.
Mine might not stand out, but I have it because it's the same helm, axes and shoulders as are on my shaman hoodie. ._.
I haven't seen anyone use this chest yet, so I thought I'd give it a shot. It was fun to put together because I had to get quest greens, a crafted piece from ah and a few dungeon drops, random world drops etc. fun to put together!

its true.

you dont even have the real armor but even tho you think I am not a brother, I still will count you as one.