I’m not convincing anybody. You freaks attacked me for saying that I prefer GDKP. And then refuse to acknowledge any of the actual points in favor of GDKP to just call me a cheater because you’re mentally ill.
Because you’re a cheater and GDKP ruined classic, thanks for keeping up.
Also, until you source any of your claims-I’m done with you.
No GDKP cheaters in the new fresh
In a way, yeah.
Back then, if you wanted the real good stuff, the BiS, then you committed to it. Most actual raiding guilds that accomplished anything were fairly tight knit and put in a lot of hours together. If you even wanted in, you either had to know someone or go through what was essentially a job interview. Being in a guild like that or having that gear meant something. It was aspirational.
Now, you got people who think they deserve Hungering Cold if they spare 30 minutes a week to play. Your PuG is full of weirdos who have zero social skills. They spend half their day on realm discord servers saying kekw and posting dumb memes lol
PuG culture also helped foster this obsession with logs and parsing. If you’re in a guild your worth is not JUST your DPS but if you’re cool to be raid with, whether you show up on time, etc. In a PuG the RL only cares about checking logs because his raid is going to be full of goobers and he needs as many carries as he can get.
I wish the moderation would do something.
It is unfortunate that a troll comes over and hijacks the discussion, turn into a name calling like that.
Well that but I was talking about the old blue post about GDKP trades.
Pug culture isn’t the obsession with logs or parsing. That’s reserved for ultrasweat guilds. I just want a smooth raid without having to commit to a guild when my hours can change.
100% happy about it. I never thought it was cheating and I don’t know how influenced it was by RMT, but the whole ‘I must be rewarded every time I raid’ thing is pathetic. If the only thing you care about is profit and you can’t have fun just playing the game then this isn’t the game for you.
I wish GDKP cheaters would have been permanent banned years ago, as well as the few of you sock puppetting on the forums crying your eyes out about the fact that you don’t get to ruin the new fresh.
GDKP didnt stop on sod, it just went underground.
Ive always liked Loot council when it was fair, fortunately for me my guild loot council has always been fair.
I had an LC guild from BWL to TOGC when we hit roster boss and disbanded. Only GDKP’d when they went on hiatus but the runs were always so smooth. Everybody just does SR now, not a fan.
Ya I really dont like SR. if i had to pick between ms>os +1 and SR id just do rolling +1. SR just doesn’t feel good when ur loot doesn’t drop .
Tell me about it, SRing Crul+cloak every week in BWL, have seen neither. The other 8 people on my token got almost all their tier though. Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll get something this phase before AQ opens and I have nothing to show for it.
Actually, ask the 1 or 2 druids in your raid who already have full Stormrage because it drops EVERY WEEK. The resto is eating good, and the feral is like the rest of the melee wondering where’s dft?
We have 5 druids 2 warriors and a rogue, maybe one more druid
5 Druids? Holy hell. Idk about you, but I’ve always seen at least 3-4 pieces of Stormrage every raid.
we’ve gotten 2 or less pieces the last few weeks.
Damn, what kind of drops does your raid get? All I know is Druid loot.
Just everything nobody wants. We’ve gotten 5 doom’s edges, 3 shadowflamed.