So what is the average player

The zone based quest stories arent actually bad if you play through every quest in the zones.

The larger scale stuff gets a bit more problematic but if your just playing the stories they are great

Drustvar in BFA was amazing to play through, Maldraxxus is quite fun.

I would say “average” player probably does not raid much if at all. LFR is probably the most, maybe they’r in a Normal raid guild and might clear the raid on normal, but likely end up middle-ish in the tier. If they do M+ at all it’s probably very low keys, sub 10 I’d say. PVP is probably BGs, doubtful arena but maybe they have a friend or two and have a low-ranked team.

The ‘average’ player in this game mostly does open world/old stuff for transmog, pet battles, will do LFR at least once to see the raid.

Anything else is kinda delusional in thinking what the typical WoW player does.

if they hated casuals thered be no lfr and no pet battles and zero content that gives no player power at all.

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I’d say these two as these are the most obvious in-game systems to understand without having to consult outside third-party resources. Anything more you are getting into Min Max territory.

Pet peeve here.

Your statement is based on a few false assumptions.

“Casual” means too many things to too many people to be a meaningful term.
“Solo” does NOT equate “Anti-Social”.

I have seen many cases, both in forum complaints and from personal experience to see that there are many anti-social people grouping. Anti-social are the griefers, the people who berate others, who work selfishly for themselves at the expense of others.

I play mostly solo. Why? Because I have time constraints and a RL that prevents me from committing a specific amount of time. And because I don’t want to ruin other people’s fun by dropping from something suddenly I rarely group.

I help people out when I can, chat with people often and group when I can. I’ve made some good friends in this game as I’m sure many people who still play here have.

So please let’s stop with the mis-use of terms here.


So this big group of casuals is too hardcore to run with each other, but not geared enough to get into other’s groups?

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And here comes the question. This is open world, finding treasures, killing rares, with WQs and daily quests. Other rares require you to do things to pull them. You even get a little robot to level up and help you.

It is what it is, just like Korthia was, how do you make the open world experience better?

Please stop confusing casual and solo.

While a player can be both, they are not the same thing.

Plenty of casuals do group content like PvP, run M+ and raid. Just reading this board will tell that.

They just don’t do it at the highest levels.

So casuals have a wealth of content to play in.

If they choose not to engage in it, well, that is on them, not Blizzard.


There have been certain mind boggling changes made over the past few years that has caused people to raise such suspicion.

Firstly, why was the amount of loot from raid reduced? What purpose does it serve the general player base to defeat 11 bosses in a raid and walk out with only 1 piece of loot?

Secondly, why does 99% of the player base have to wait for 100 horde and alliance guilds to kill a Mythic end boss to enable cross faction raiding for everyone? Why is something that bolsters players playing with others tied around a select few raider’s beating the final boss on the hardest difficulty?

These are just some quick examples, but if you look at most of the changes that people don’t like they were made to combat the top end player from speeding through the game which also affected normal players as well.

Counterpoint: what purpose does it serve the hardcore players to get much worse rewards for completing the same stuff?

Counterpoint again: Nobody likes this, least of all the 1% Blizzard allegedly caters to. Recruitment is obscenely difficult at the moment and this is a big reason why.

None of these things are implemented to the benefit of the top 1%. This doesn’t cater to us; it just tries to slow us down even though we actively hate being slowed down just as much as the other 99% do.

PvP at least should never be balanced around what casuals think. Their game knowledge is god awful. They cry about the complete wrong stuff all the time.

Average player does not join a guild most people will think that’s creepy.

Average player

No add ons
Plays less than 8 hours a week
Will quit a game that doesn’t value his or her time

Vastly out numbers “hardcore” players and it really should be studied in business school how a company with the metrics blizzard has about its player-base tailored a game to the smallest portion of its customers and then wondered why it’s customers left.

If you need proof look at the estimated sub counts or your friend list.

They need to cut mythic raiding, cut a raid tier and make a game that is casual friendly. Or charge a premium for the “mythic” content because 1 percent of the player-base should not get the dev time it does. It’s how you kill an unkillable game.


Interesting to see the perspectives in here. I don’t have anything to add other than that. Blizzard knows that information better than I do.

hate to break it to you but the “casual” you call that are not “casual” but solo-ist is a very very small portion of the player base. If anything they’re much much smaller than the raiders

Yet all your posts are incredibly negative and highly antisocial. You keep telling us about how you despise the overwhelming majority of people who play the game.


This. This is the best answer to this question.

Fix it for you

news flash: you guys aren’t playing the game. You’re simply “existing”

Sub numbers are on my side and I suspect your friends list also.

care to provide me with this?