So what is the average player

your words not mine.

It’s ok to be a solo player. Just as long as you know where your limit are. Problem is you never do. You complain, whine and complain some more about not getting handed things.

“mythic raid loggers” wont be doing mythic for long. Simply because there’s alot to do to keep your character atleast fairly competitive to do mythic. So no I dont see them as “casual” but as lazy.

again you’re words not mine.

My attitude is simple you get what you work for. You work for scraps you get scraps. Doing bare minimum should give you exactly what you worked for. Why exactly you deserve gear that the rest of the playerbase worked for?

Next you’ll tell me 80% (or some stupid number) gets carried. Ok then pay for those carries. Rather than expect handout for free.

Never played wildstar. It wasn’t for me. But post like this is why GD is a joke.

No clue. I dont follow the guy. I’m not a uber-negative karen who likes to see what’s wrong with the world. I care about my play and my friends play time. Anything else outside of it doesn’t matter to me. I dont know them. I only know Ion as a game director. What he does outside the game is up to him.

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No one can gatekeep your own key.


Such players often refer to any gear not obtained from actual Mythic raiding as “free” Mythic gear, such as the M+15 Great Vault loot or Duelist PvP gear in 9.0 before the nerf. This gear is hardly “free”, or else it would be waiting in my mailbox or Great Vault!

These sorts of players are living in their own world, and have no idea how the actual “average” WoW player, or an actual “casual” WoW player, approaches the game.


The data has consistently shown about 40% of the playerbase gets AOTC pretty reliably, so Robokappa’s summary was pretty close:

If we take “average” to mean “median”, the median player isn’t getting AOTC. But they’re certainly clearing Normal (the combined Heroic/Normal %% is over 70%) and probably doing some Heroic (but we have no way to verify that last bit).

The “mode” player, though, is getting AOTC.


oh I know what average and/or casual players are. I know alot of them in-game. And you’re not one of them. You’re a below average solo-ist at best. Hard pill to swallow I know


None of them.

The game should be balanced within itself creating a full and varied experience and then the players left to choose their own adventure.

Base game and end game should be balanced.
Original one-and-done activities and repetitive activities should be balanced.
Story progression and power progression should be balanced.
The RP elements and the action elements should be balanced.
Support and promotion of co-operative play and support and promotion of competitive play should be balanced.


I literally could not care less what you think my skill level is, or why you think my skill level must be low because I have opinions that you disagree with.

WoW is just a game to me and I do not tie my self worth to it. But WoW needs to start actually being developed like a game and not a sport, or WoW will mean so little to the normal-minded player that it’s not even worth playing anymore.


You can be social and interact with other players and be in guilds without wanting to do raids and mythic+ content


Thank you, exactly


^ What does this even mean?


That is not at all what casual means. Casual means you do not play a lot. It has absolutely nothing to do with your mindset regarding how many accolades you want to have under your belt. The dude clearing Mythic who plays 4 hours a week for progression exclusively is more of a casual than the player who spends 40 hours a week slamming m+ but still can’t play the game correctly or do anything above a +5 keystone. The former is a casual, but elite player. The latter is a hardcore, but trash player.

Casual was always defined as “player who casually plays the game” as in they put maybe a couple of hours a week into it tops. It never once had anything to do with people who think “Oh well I play 40 hours a week, but I don’t clear Normal, I’m a casual.” That only started happening when a bunch of noobs began playing the game and distorted the definition to suit them, or because they just started to fling around words they heard but never knew the meaning of in a desperate bid to emulate their peers.

There were people clearing AQ40 in Vanilla that were by all definition casual players and were seen of as casual players, given they casually played the game in terms of hours clocked. That never ONCE prohibited them from doing higher levels of content, it just meant they didn’t no-life the game.


The median character on is rank 685,927. At the time of this reply, that’s this character:

Mage, Horde, 910 IO with no 15s done on time.

That’s the median character. There’s a difference.

Good point I’ll edit

Does that count people who don’t engage in those activities? Or is that just the median of people who actually raid and do mythic+?

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That site picked up my level 50 bank alt who’s never done anything and is in her old guild, so…

The average player is a 50th percentile player in anything they do. Some choose to only do normal raids, some pick heroic, some pick 15s, some pick pvp/arenas. Whatever they dump their time into, they average around the 50th percentile.

That being said, I think that most only ever bother with normal and maybe clearing heroic toward the end of a patch. As filler, they go for 15s and KSM for the weekly vault.

The average WoW player plays for no more than an average of a few hours per day. Maybe on the weekends, they play for five hours, maybe they don’t play Monday’s. I think you’re starting to get the picture now: The average WoW player is casual. Probably around 80% of the WoW population is casual. Casual doesn’t imply bad, it just implies limited time or interest.


and that’s fine. I dont see an issue w/ that. The issue are people on this post wanting gear which people dedicated themselves to learning the game, class and dungeon have and saying they’re gatekeeper for not helping them get the same gear for free.

cool. We all do. Some of us just don’t want to be a bother to other people when we group so we can be helpful.

got news for you. Wow is for “normal” minded people the 1% of the 1% doesn’t matter. People who atleast play this game knows that we can’t be as good as those guys. And guess what we are fine w/ that. But clearly you people can’t see past it. Hiding your ineptitude by calling this game “e-sport”

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There really isn’t any average players left.

Most of them have walked out the door by now.

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There is no “average” or “typical” player. There are groups of players that do different things/have different goals. Trying to average them out is pointless.