So what is the average player

been pretty rough these past few years, huh?


You are describing the average raider, not the average player. Less than half of players get AotC, and many of those do it in PUGs.

To cater to a type of player is to give them special treatment or give them what they ask for. How is possible that casual players are being catered to when they are getting a minimal amount of content, and their rewards progression structure is so inferior that it doesn’t even include weapons or trinkets?

Allowing Cypher gear to scale up to max item level and include weapons and trinkets, and adding in multiple outdoor zones, storylines, and questing hubs with each new patch—even at the cost of minimizing new competitive content—would be examples of catering to casuals.

WoW Shadowlands simply does not cater to casuals, it just throws the casuals a bone every now and then to keep them from leaving the game in droves.


I’d say average is between normal and heroic. Some gets aotc some doesn’t. Do keys around +10 - +12 and some Bg on the side.

you’re confusing casuals to solo player.

Heroic dungeons and unrated BGs are pretty worthless in Shadowlands for progression, so whether solo or casual, the average player is now getting their best gear in Zereth Mortis. The experience needs to be better for them.


again you’re confusing solo to casual. Being casual doesn’t stop you from doing raid or m+. Stop hiding behind “I’m casual” when in truth you’re just anti-social


blizzard hates casuals well thats mutual i hated what conspired at there company and how world of warcraft has devolved over the years for the worse

Or the rest of the world that has problems in it but hey nothing is done about it they get to get away with these practices that any “average” person would have to awnser for its no wonder people protest outside the capital of Washington for good reason we dont live in fairy tale wonder land no we live in a society of corporate greed at its finest and that top end getting there ways like in russia the so called “elite” walk on people enough they will eventually step up to say something about it.

Because i sit behind a computer and type this or any one else doesn’t excuse any of it because im not there in person saying it thats the flaws of how people can get around on ignoring on the internet because at the end of the day is my post or anyone elses post gonna get any credibility even if its for good or for bad.

Actually, it does. It can be hard to get into premade groups when you have a low item level and no RaiderIO or M+ score.

In theory, most people should be capable of clearing Normal raids and low-level keys, but they simply are not because of the gatekeepers.


and why can’t you make a group? Oh wait it’s also greyed out right?

sigh gatekeeper this, gatekeeper that. When in reality you want a free carry and only join a group that clearly wants a fast clear who would say “farm”, “aotc” and/or fast clear and refuse to join learning group.


That is not the average player and hasn’t been the average player in a considerable while. The average player is someone who logs on, does their daily quests, might dabble in some side content like soloing old content for transmog, and does their LFR once a week before calling it good.

Being in a raiding guild and being able to achieve AOTC without a Friendship Carry Run, or buying a boost to it already puts you in the top like 10% or so of the playerbase. Being able to clear a Normal puts you in the top 30th percentile easily.


People in PUGs these days are quick to leave groups after inspecting the leader and finding them unsatisfactory, or if the leader’s instructions are not to their satisfaction.

In Shadowlands, I would be terrified to create a group for competitive content I am not familiar with. This was not the case in early expacs.


again creating group in m+ doesn’t mean you’ll have to lead it. 9/10 times tanks will lead the group and all you have to do is follow.

Raid. Is abit different I will admit. But if you have time replying to this then you have time reading and/or watching strats in wowhead/youtube. And yes having some idea is better than being clueless going into a raid.

Next you’ll tell me “people learn different ways” and again having some idea on what’s happening in raid is better than being clueless.

I had a freshly ding dps w/ no IO and detached to my main. Started a m0 to get a key then use the key to get into m+. M0 did took abit to find a tank but max was 10mins. The +2 about 5mins. They fill up fast. Saying something about m+ when you’re clearly clueless why things happen and only complain how the “elitist” player are doing you wrong when clearly you’re not helping yourself and only want hand outs

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I don’t want any raid carries or clears whatsoever. I am happiest as a WoW player when I stay the heck out of any raiding activities.

This is all purely speculation, but seems very plausible when you consider that less than 40% of players clear Normal while it is current and many of these clears are from paid boosts or friendship carries.

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so you’re a “solo” player. Not a “casual”.

Are you one of those people whose definition of “casual” only includes mythic raid loggers?


casual is amount of time played. Doesn’t matter what GD believe because you’re wrong. But keep hiding behind “I’M casual” when you’re clearly not. Just baddies and soloist

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There is certainly a difference between solo and casual, but I happen to be both, and I am surely not alone.

I will do LFR, lower level M+, and low-bracket rated PvP with PUGs, but anything above that I won’t do with strangers. Most group experiences aren’t toxic, but that one toxic run can really derail me.


so you’re below average solo player. Gotcha

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So yes. You have redefined the word “casual” to mean “mythic raid loggers”, and people with a casual attitude toward the game are scum in your eyes unworthy of sharing pixels in the same game.

It’s a common affectation among l33tists to try to claim the hardest core players in the game are the only true casuals, and everyone else is worthless trash. Good to see you’re owning up to that attitude. But not remotely realistic, unless you’re looking forward to the full transformation of the game into a tiny hardcore ultracompetitive esports game with a cult following, one that never gets new content because so few people are playing it. Go wildstar, yeah!

Now that Ion’s playtime has gone down to zero, does that make him infinitely casual? Inquiring minds want to know.


As you said, these people are a very small portion of the game’s community. I don’t think that the average player is very different from many years ago, but they’re probably a little better because Shadowlands requires it. Mobs jump behind you now, stun you, have short interrupt timers, the rotations are more complex than they were in bfa, and one dungeon boss has as many mechanics as some classic dungeons’ bosses all combined.