So what, exactly do non-raiders get to work on for Season 4?

If you had Ion’s ear, what would you even talk about? The game has plenty of “casual content” that is readily accessible at the click of a button.

CE raiders were the ones who demanded titanforging and such get cut because they couldn’t help themselves with it. They impacted everyone else because they had to min max to insane degrees with no self control.

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I would want to understand the amount of resources dedicated to insanely small numbers of players relative to investments in other areas of the game, for one.

More pots and flask sales for the treadmill :smiling_imp:

Titanforging was terrible for Mythic+ too, and awful for PVP. Why are you blaming CE Raiders? What about the 2-day Heroic guilds who finally killed their first Mythic boss to be awarded with loot that was literally worse than what they already equipped?

Titanforging muddied gear.

So, let’s be frank – you want a way to achieve a higher item level without doing Group Content. Congrats for Dragonflgiht, Work Orders exist and you damn well can get a Blacksmith with some top-tier materials to make you a shiny weapon.

Could you share your data on who does what in-game?

I’m sure humanbeak appreciates the extended demand for his AH goblining

I don’t want the game to be WQ or die. I would like this patch to have some effect on that content, yes. I’d like more resources invested in the quest design and reward system, yes. It sounds like this tier was such a nightmare on mythic, they could’ve easily cut a couple bosses and spent more time designing that stuff.

I actually don’t care about item levels one bit. I care more about the visual aspects of gear.

You realize LFR is part of raiding, right? The majority of the work is in the art vertical. Making an NPC isn’t terribly time-consuming. Making a decent experience for LFR/N/H/M raiders takes some time, ofc.

You need a better reason to hate players.

The visual aspects of gear? Transmog?

Great. Go get it. You can collect them now, or in a couple expansions when the raids can be soloed.

LFR is part of raiding…kinda as of today, right? It’s not “any” raid difficulty apparently. If they actually cared about it, they wouldn’t have left NZoth (hopefully I’m pulling the right name from memory) a nightmare in LFR for the entire patch while mythic bosses receive real-time adjustments.

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But it is, the game is WQ or die, yet no one called them out on it.

Literally without WQ i’m not allowed to wear 2nd legendary, and i hate that.

No, LFR isnt “raiding.”

LFR has an expectation of success, as does all PVE matchmaking content.
Normal+ does not have an expectation of success.

Or, Blizzard could consistently allocate resources to art design for gear not intended for only 1% of players in the current content we’re all equally paying for.

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I could be wrong about which group it was that complained about Warforging and Titanforging, but wasn’t it the CE raiders not wanting to do “old raids” for BIS farming?

Again, could be totally wrong on this.

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There wasn’t much else they could have done. People refused to click the giant button on their screen once a minute. That fight needed like 8-9 people awake to do and groups still went to 10 stacks.

This doesn’t even make sense. Why are you so focused on the 1%?

The overwhelming majority of art assets can be experienced by everyone. The “1%” literally has nothing to do with art. You can get Mythic gear right now. You can get Mythic gear literally any time. Whether you do it now or later is up to you.

The overwhelming amount of high quality gear art is reserved for mythic raiders. My point earlier is that covenant gear is a good open world equivalent, but it’s not released nearly often enough throughout an expansion.

They magically find a way to make real time adjustments mythic boss fights. They didn’t even bother with a number pass IIRC. It’s hard to describe how frustrating that boss was when the only raid content you do is LFR, and Blizzard didn’t care at all.

They are literally the same set of models with 4 color variants/recolors, and 3 of them aren’t Mythic.

At this point, you’re disillusioned by your victim complex. JFC, just play the game or find something different.