So what exactly are the mods doing?

I made a thread a couple of weeks ago about this same topic.

It got removed and hidden so there’s proof that there are mods here, they just don’t like criticism.

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I don’t think the forums need more moderation. People just need to not click on threads they don’t like. Self control is important and nothing is more effective.

They ban you for being mildly scathing if you are critical of the game, ignore you if you spam political threads, and have some real clown shoes appeal process.

The CoC is cosmetic, they need restructuring with the forum teams.

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You’re proof they do

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It is fine to really really dislike a game feature or a decision the devs made. You can be as critical as you want. You just can’t use profanity, masked profanity, harassment/insults, etc. Same as the rules for everything else on the forums.


Appreciate the insinuation, but you’ll find my record fairly clean in that regard.

I even saved some of my flagged posts due to the absurdity of them being actioned, if you actually cared for proof, lol.

The mods don’t take kindly to blatant sarcasm.


Probably not. I also find tone to be a bit difficult to determine when dealing with text.

That would be a bad idea to share so I would not ask. One of the forum rules is not posting about specific account actions and not re-posting moderated content.

I don’t actually like seeing folks get in trouble.

I just dislike it when people seem to say that criticizing Blizz will get you banned. It really does not and I do it all the time. It is just how someone says it that causes issues.

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Well, theoretically Blizzard’s just supposed to be about game design. But when the RvW overturn happened, I feel like I remember that hundreds of Blizzard’s employees staged a walkout in protest of it on a work day. The people who work at Blizzard and design / manage the game have a very clear political bent (that more or less mirrors the politics of California’s tech sector).

Seems absolutely normal that you’d see reaction to that on their forums. Both in encouraging the spamming of “approved message” type posters, and in spurring critical posts (which are more likely to get moderated).

I remember on the main thread announcing that they were changing “male” and “female” in the character creation to “body 1” and “body 2,” there was a lot of mockery of the change and the philosophy behind the change. The initial supporting posts had half as many likes as the initial critical posts in the thread. Then Blizzard deleted the initial critical posts. Something that also had the effect of making the thread give a deceptive view of how people reacted to the change (suddenly, instead of a thread where mockery was obviously the more common reaction, it now looked as if supportiveness was the main reaction).


Pretty much. As long as you don’t use naughty language or blatantly racists or 'phobic comments, you can pretty much say whatever you want.

I think the forums are pretty much modded by AI at this point, searching for certain phrases, words, etc. Plus anything that gets buried is also looked at, but as long as the buried comment doesn’t have any of the stuff I already mentioned, it won’t get deleted or actioned.

Heck, I have called both Steve Danuser and Ion idiots in many posts, any nothing has ever come of it.

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It actually does though.

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I sometimes wish it was, so that more things were removed in a timely way.

It is not though. The Forum Mods handle reports in the same manner as tickets. More reports gets something bumped up the priority scale. They are not on duty at all times though and moderation is… inconsistent.

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Okay, that makes more sense if people were discussing the employees reactions to RvW. It just seemed like a wild card kind of topic to end up on a Warcraft based conversation forum. Thanks for clarifying that for me.

All of this is really helpful info, thank you. It adds to the broader picture and I’ve learned a lot. Hopefully folks skimming this thread have also found it useful. While we haven’t solved any problems, it’s nice to better understand the process and teams of people dealing with the forum’s chaos.

Social media moderation will always be thorny. Particularly when folks feel like they’re randomly getting the ban hammer for something trivial while others get away with blatant breaches of the rules. It’s one of those slippery eel scenarios that feels like it should be easy to pin down and solve until you actually try to get ahold of it.

If it makes anyone feel better, I recently spent 3 days in Facebook Jail because I scrolled through content too fast on my phone. I had -no- idea that FB had the right to tell me how quickly I could utilize my own phone to find my own things that interest me at my own pace. I wasn’t speed clicking likes or even interacting with posts, just bored scrolling. Bam. We’re sorry to temporarily suspend your account but you’re scrolling through content too fast. I rarely use FB as it was, I’m obviously using it even less now.

Social media is a wild place you guys. Thanks everyone for adding to this discussion while I went through the re-education process of learning how moderation works (theoretically) around here.

We don’t take kindly to your kind around here. :cowboy_hat_face:

Leave those feelings at the door when entering Gen chat partner. :disguised_face:

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Totally going to say this from now on.


I can post whatever I want outside these forums, though.

Are you just patronizing me, or?

Playing Hearthstone on the phone.



They either don’t care or they are scared of PR backlash.