So what are we hoping to get?

I mean you’re generating stacks pretty frequently and when you use a stack of maelstrom for a damage ability, the stormreaver proc lasts for 30 secs…you just don’t use it right after using a maelstrom ability. You save it for when you need it. Run away-----> Hp drops low ----->astral shift if off Cd-------> Stormreaver------>LoS------>casted healing surge or 2---->Stabilize enough to get back into the fray and start bonking dipstick hunter, etc. If it gets real bad, and you blew stormreaver and you’re still getting bursted on then hopefully burrow is up. I don’t try and keep myself “topped off”, I save the stormreaver heal for when I’m getting blasted. Earth Shield + Healing Stream Totem + allied healer(hopefully lol) keeps you afloat. The stormreaver is more just a burst heal for when you need it.

Just 1 scenario, but stormreaver drastically improves survival for Enhance if you “hit and run”. Almost like the way a WW monk would play, enhance are not fury warriors. Don’t just stay and fight all the time. Pick your shots and then move out(easier said then done, I know).

Yeah, this sucks. I wish certain abilities were just baseline for Shaman. Ex: Grounding Totem, Burrow, etc. I usually roll with Burrow, Stormreaver, and then switch between Grounding and Static Field Totem depending on who I’m facing. Now that they increased the cooldown of Static Field Totem by 30 secs to 1.5 min, I just don’t see it as worthy enough. I hope they change this though. 1.5 min for static field is garbage.

I honestly dont want much for Enhancement myself. Just have the two point talents made into 1 point talents and give us a little more defensive power and I think we would be good.

I would agree with this if we existed in a vacuum, but we don’t. With other classes having impressive choices, as in more useful choices, shaman suffers from lack luster talents in the class tree in general, which means the amount of impact these have are low to meaningless. This feels good for freedom of choice but bad for meaning of choice.

If other class tree were like this, that would be perfectly fine, but they are not, so that creates, at the very least, the feeling of getting ripped off. It chaffs people a little. If they could replace Primo Wave with something new in the spec trees and add it to the class trees I would say that wouldn’t be the worst thing. Through put wouldnt be hurt that bad if they put it high in the tree. Just make Maelstrom Weapon baseline and put Primo Wave in it’s spot.

Gonna have to hard disagree with you here chief.

Stormweaver is a almost mandatory talent. It for sure should be baseline because it just feels so good not having to choose between healing and doing damage, would be huge for pve. And in pvp, in your run away scenario, you just jump, spin, shot a lightning bolt, heal and never lose your forward motion. It’s easy. Only thing I wish was that I didn’t have to use a global when stormweaver was procced.

I really like this idea. Been too many times I’ve gone down and popped ankh only to immediately go splat again because the boss dropped a puddle under my corpse.

Retaining buffs might be pushing it, but the HP/MP on rez definitely needs to be increased.

OMG YES, PLEASE! Why this is a restriction only to ankh I’ll never understand.

I really like the concept of these two spells and how they play, but they just can’t compete. Hopefully one or both of them see some tuning and buffs to make them more competitive to just spamming Chain Heal all day.

Cause BM had the “special” pets, they prob didn’t want to lock the special pets for melee.

I would rather get the option to play with a 2h, and i still believe blizzard can make it work by tuning, they just don’t want to waste time on it, but i think the transmog option should be a well enough compromise and everyone would be happy with it

im hoping electrified shocks gets removed too it is so tedious to play with

I really like Wellspring, and with some tuning and a little support I think they could get these two to a point where you would want to take either and they could be good as a chain heal alternative in non chain heal builds, where it doesn’t do as much healing, but does more than baseline chain heal, or can add some utility to chain heal with the +10% hp on downpour.

I like the idea of wellspring, but I think it needs more then just tuning. An actual redesign is in order. Even the visual for it is bad. I wish they made wellspring into something similar to the Evoker Empower type abilities.

I was thinking, maybe they could take the Riptide-cleave of P.Wave and put it into either Wellspring or Downpour. Like, baseline, either spell would apply the Riptide HOT to all targets healed by the spell. And then a follow-up talent that adds the HW cleave effect after using the spell. And then P.Wave can either be deleted from Resto’s tree or kept in as a sort of more mana efficient alternative for M+ or something.

So, my thought is: cast Wellspring / Downpour > all allies healed get the Riptide HOT > next HW heals all targets effected by Riptide. HW isn’t a terribly powerful heal, though, so maybe it would be better with HS?

I actually really like the Empower mechanic they introduced with Evokers and think they should spread it to other classes. Could lead to some really interesting new builds and play styles.

Lackluster talents deff has an effect on the spec tree but Enhance really not needing to grab stuff in post 20 point section of tree is a pretty good strength. Even in Season 3 when everyone knew we were squish we’d still got some favor to be able to grab a lot of utility for affixes like Hex, Clense, and Poison Clense. I’ve even had some group invite me because I can run double ES to put on a druid or hunter to help ease out with rot damage. If a lot of the 2 point nodes were reduced to 1 the class tree as it is now would actually be pretty strong in the utility department. Hope fully that happens alongside some good changes to the nodes themselves.

Season 1 was perfect for Enhance since all throughput was in the spec tree but we had a lot of point diversity since we could drop Windfruy Weapon or Elemental Blast to run M+ build with WFT for fights like Broodkeeper or grab bits and odds like crash for Kurog to have even more consistent cleave.

I’m honestly open to a decent range of things. What you describe sounds interesting, what others have described for Wellspring/downpour also sounds good. It just sucks the way it is now.

Yeah, I mean think about what evokers have with their empower spells…now imagine that(maybe not an exact carbon copy, just something similar) with a RSham channeling and all of a sudden a massive Spring of Water gushes out from the shaman, healing all in it’s path. Think of the visuals of like a high pressure white water stream in the grand canyon spraying out in a large cone in front of the shaman. That’s what I want to see!(Not holding my breath though)

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Honestly, how do you play your enhancement shaman without macroing your main damage abilities to an MMORPG mouse? The abilities I put together are:

    ; Flame Shock
    ; Lava Lash
    ; Storm Strike
    ; Lava Lash
    ; Frost Shock
    ; Ice Strike

And I just mash the keybind.

Once in awhile I’ll have to manually hit a separate lava lash keybind when the buff procs. Otherwise the mouse macro will skip sometimes which obviously ruins my dps.

I tried playing it the “legit” way and just could not do it… not in pvp anyhow.

So many great ideas here.

I’d like a way to turn our Elemental Shields into cooldowns, for both personal and external use. Maybe change Surging Shields into a choice node with Elemental Orbit.

10 sec duration/ 1 min cooldown? Something like that.

More utility for what we already have.

I agree that I think doing regular keybinds would be rough for enhance but I also have never played with doing proper keybinds. I was a clicker from vanilla all the way with terrible binds until cata when I got the good ole razer naga and then actually setup bars and modifiers so I might have bad perspective. I use a 12-button (4 rows, 3 buttons per row)MMO mouse so its pretty easy for me. This is how I have my primary bar set up:

2-Lava Lash
3-Ice Strike
7- Elemental Blast/Lava Burst
8-Lightning Bolt
9-Chain Lightning
11(-)Crash Lightning for M+ or Totemic Projection if need to actually us it for some tech
12(=)- either some type of utility like Stoneskin or Poison Cleanse for M+. Raid its either a target macro for an important add, a macro specific for a fight (ex. Purge macro for Raz) or it’s my bind for the cringe Macro you have to use for private aura mechanics (Cages on Fyrakk P2, Orbs on Smoulderon)

I try to set up things so the columns flow together so I can do Ice Strike (3) then hit Frost Shock (6) which is just one button below on the mouse. First row are melee abilities, 2nd are the “shocks”, 3rd is spenders, 4th is CDs and 12 is my context-specific button.

Then I just have Shift and Control modifiers for other things like defenses, thunderstorms, movement abilities, wind sear, and trinkets. Alt modifiers are for stuff I’m not gonna use in combat like toys, hearthstone/astral recall, and my mount macro. I think all in all its about 42 buttons I can hit with my mouse lmao.

In all honesty the more I think about it it’s really hard to say much, because after seeing a majority of the other classes reworks which most have been great, I’m not sure what abilities are staying changing, and being adjusted.

A lot of classes now moving into TWW have gotten their covenant abilities pruned off to help bloat, some feel like day and night going from Dragonflight to TWW.

I think it’s safe to say Defensive’s are 100% going to be addressed, hopefully visuals aswell, but for the rest it’s hard to say much until we see what survives the chopping block and really the direction Blizzard sees Shaman and it’s each of its specs.

Once I see the changes in a few days and play around/test it I’ll have more to say and try to see the direction. Just to me now I keep thinking “ohh this and that needs to be changed” but I then say to myself “is that ability going to be even around.”

While I am super happy shaman is finally getting some proper love and being looked at, something I’ve wanted for a while, I’m a little apprehensive and nervous to see what the changes are.

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That’s actually a great one, I’d like surging shields to be made into a node in the general tree as well. Don’t like that it is a pvp talent.

Volcanic surge pvp talent added as a pve talent.

This removes instant cast lvb but makes it deal 45% more damage. The flame shock procs reduces cast time of lb and cl by 35%-70% and the talent increases their damage by 30% all the time.

This gives shaman a choice. Either massively more mobility with lvb procs but less dmg or higher dmg but less mobility.

I live using it for pvp and wish it was a pve thing. It feels drastically different and I think it would be a welcome play style choice for many players.

I think we might be in a different boat since Pwave is set in our spec trees and have high value to them vs something like Bonedust brew which was never picked by Windwalker IIRC and is kinda of whatever for Brewmaster. I would be very surprised if they removed/replaced Pwave or drastically changed it. I expect Pwave will stay but they’ll have changes that affect the gameplay loop around it to cut down the setup for Ele and Enhance (basically flame shock shenanigans fixes). They would be absolute apes to not adjust the Pwave gameplay loop for all specs.

I’m mainly hoping to strip out 2 point talents and provide multiple paths to get different talents in the Class tree. I’m also hoping they provide more ways to path throughout talents. It aggravates me that you have to talent Chain Heal to grab Earth Sheild for Ele and Enhance and that Elemental Orbit comes before Surging Sheild. Much rather have a stronger personal Earth Shield than be able to put a weaker version on me and another person, especially in the raid.

Another big thing I hope is that one of our “free” nodes becomes Astral Shift. For resto their free nodes are Chain Heal and Lava Burst, Ele gets Lava Burst and Chain Lighting, and Enhance only gets Chain Lighting. For DK they made the free starting node IBF which makes a lot of sense. I’d like Chain Lightning to be moved up a bit in the class tree so we have the option to drop it for single-target fights to use it elsewhere. They can easily move Frost Shock and Brimming With Life to accessible spots and just make MSW and Flurry baseline for Enhance.

Has Feral Lunge been fixed yet? Last I recall is that it would sometimes lunge you into or past your target

I only play Elemental, but these are my personal pipe dreams that we will probably never see.

  1. Icefury needs to go away, forever, it’s not fun to use and was never fun to use, leading into 2.
  2. Shock spells are boring. They don’t feel fun to click and they don’t fullfill any class fantasy. They are a remnant from classic wow that should have been upgraded to something else years ago.
  3. I miss using and seeing totems. Totems are iconically a shaman thing. We don’t want to be chained to ground by the totems like we were in the past but I feel like we should use them again regularly somehow.
  4. Elemental shamans feels like the worst caster spec to solo as. The spell pushback feels so brutal. We should be able to spec into a weaker version of the earth element to function like the warlock’s voidwalker, it would make the spec feel a lot better out in the world (of course have glyphs to change it into any if the 4 types of elements). (The permanent element would only be good for soloing, not enough of a dps boost to effect shamans who do dungeons, pvp or raids).
  5. Our talent tree is filled with weird useless utility totems that aren’t worth going to the bottom of the talent tree to get. Make them baseline, make them easy to get, or rework them. Totems mostly suck at the moment.

The idea that people here want Frost Strike removed and don’t know how or why it is used is frightening. God I hope Blizzard ignores this forum.