So what are we hoping to get?

Mine are gonna be mostly Enhance focus and this is big stream of consciousness but:

  1. -Lava Lash spreads Flameshock to 5 targets instead of 4 (multiple ways to do this)
  2. -Molten Assault becomes a 1 point talent
  3. -Feral Lunge baseline
  4. -Elemental Weapons just become a 1 point node granting 10% damage. Remove the Weapon aspect in case they dig their heels in about Windfury Weapon remaining in the spec tree.
  5. -Crash becomes uncapped or they make the fall-off damage past 6 targets not as drastic so we can have a crumb of mass AoE.
  6. -Chain Lightning with Crashing Storms talented hits 6 targets.
  7. -Elemental Assault and Legacy become 1 point talents OR if they must remain 2 point talents they get moved to comfy spots below the 20 point line.
  8. -Doomwinds becomes off GCD and either lasts for 10+ seconds or has a 1 min CD
  9. -Splintered Elements gets its haste buff value increased by having the additional Lightning Bolts past the first one grant 6% per target hit instead of 4%. It would still have the base 20% for hitting one target. So hitting 6 Flameshock targets would grant you 50% Haste. (Before you light your torches, remember we’re losing this tier set so no CDR on Pwave and no guaranteed Lightning Wolf)
  10. -Pwave applies Flameshock to your target and 5 other nearby targets. (Ele needs this too)
  11. -Legacy of the Frost Witch’s buff lasts a few seconds longer (maybe 7 or 8)
  12. -Buff natural MSW generation from melees by a slight amount.
  13. -Windfury Weapon should buff the chance of triggering Windfury Totem for the Shaman themselves by a slight amount (maybe like 5% or 10%)
  14. -When a target dies with Flameshock on them, it should apply Flameshock to a nearby target that doesn’t have Flameshock.
  15. -Lashing Flames should apply its debuff to your target and one another nearby target, hopefully, smart targeting a mob that already has Flameshock on it.
  16. -Stormstrike deals Stormstrike damage so it scales better with our mastery. If not that, then our Mastery should also be adjusted to increase physical damage by small portion.

Class tree stuff:

  1. -Thunderous Paws’s 3 second movement speed increase should be higher like either 40% or 50%.
  2. -Spirit Wolf should be changed so it front loads the DR when you enter it rather than after 4 seconds. You’d enter Ghost Wolf and get 4 stacks of 5% DR (20% total) with a stack decaying each second. Each time a DR stack decays you get 5% move speed for a total of 20% move speed.
  3. -Nature’s Guardian should have a Will of the Necropolis where its DR damage taken below 35% permenantely. The Insta heal component should be converted into an Absorb Shield for 20% of your max health with a cooldown of 45 seconds.
  4. -Surging Shields should be made into a 1-point talent and moved below Elemental Orbit.
  5. -Make Mana Spring trigger off of Ice Strike and Lava Lash in addition to StormStrike.
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Seeing how other classes can summon raid bosses, i want to be able to summon ragnaros. Honestly make it a 10 second cast and make him kill me for my insolence but then he would just go pewpew for 30 seconds on the enemy mobs.

Also i want to get rid of lightning in favor of chain lightning

Get rid of flame shock and leave magma totem

Get rid of earthquake and make earthshock do aoe.

Get rid of primordeal wave.

Make chain lightning be castable while moving

Make icefury a passive.

Ability to stack over the maximum spendable amount of maelstrom. Makes spending less of an immediate priority. Just feels better imo. Some people on the Discord explained it way better than I can.

Ah ok. I’ve seen some people talk about it in some places. I kinda get it, I imagine with high haste this would be pretty fun fast paced gameplay but I think a lot of stuff would need to be adjusted to allow for it.

At the same time I have the feeling that playing with 5 stack spenders while stacking up to 10 might be a little hectic at times or lead to extreme resource bloat. We already sometimes get crazy MSW generation with single GCDs (Stormflurry goes burrr) and Crash often can just give 10 stacks from pressing it on 8+ targets.

It’s not hard to imagine what 5 spenders would look like, we’ve only had 10 spenders for one expansion. They cranked up MSW generation because of Overflowing Maelstrom. If they wanted MSW spells to hit harder they could have done so without having to rebalance MSW generation.

All I’m saying is that I preferred the spec prior to this change at the beginning of DF.

Yes, it is PvP only.

Hot garbage, leave out of the game.

For ele

  • Icefury gone or at the very least made into a passive and electrified shock gone
  • some way to cleave 2 - 3 target
  • lvb scaling with Crit
  • AOE scaling with mastery without having to spec into it (or high in the tree)
  • defensive defensive defensive
  • if no new raid buff , let us mimic the existing one and be jack of all trades
  • reduce lvb procs
  • make fire elemental a real cd
  • make Ascendance a real cd for both lighting and fire
  • rework Dre rng fiesta
  • a way to spread flame shock
  • pw replacing flame shock completely if spec into it ( would solve cleave issue)
  • Eq feeling more impactful
  • make nature swiftness actually impactful if It is to stay
  • rework ankh in being some kind of cheat death

This would make the spec in a good state. Obviously not expecting 10% of this sadly


I agree with most of his points, and would like to add for enhance maybe pruning 1 or 2 abilities and then fix the rotation to mirror that. like a example do we need sundering now? or frost strike? Do any of you guys like using frost shock as a offensive ability? To me using frost shock is like a warrior using hamstring in pve it just doesnt feel good. leave it as a utility ability please I have enough buttons to press and things to worry about lol.

Also to add for enhance just put windfury as a raid buff or something. It being a 2 min totem i have to keep dropping all the time in a raid fight isnt enjoyable.

I think I could get totemic to work if we got rid of our 2-point nodes for more budget.(not saying it’d be good)

Class tree is awful though.

From an ele perspective, I know all of these won’t happen at all but it’s more of a wish list of potential changes.

Even if just a couple of these go through I’d be very happy.

  • Flame Shock CD removed

  • Flame Shock cap upped to 8

  • Surge of Power Flame Shock spread range increased and spreads to 3-4 targets now

  • S2 Tier set built into Lightning side of tree

  • S3/4 Tier set built into Fire side of tree

  • Normal Fire/Storm/Earth Ele automatically primal elementals now and use their ability(meteor/tempest) on current target without triggering their respective ability CD when the button is pressed. Remove Primal Elementalist talent.

  • Let Primal Storm ele start with Call Lightning (300% buff to damage) as soon as it is spawned.

  • Can have more than 1 primal elemental out at a time now. (For Earth ele purposes)

  • Earth Elemental gains it’s hardened skin DR back (or make it give a group wide absorb shield every x seconds while out)

  • LMT applies flame shock on 6-8 targets

  • Lava burst Crit scaling while outside ascendance

  • Mastery Changed in some way to scale beyond 100% so it cannot be hard capped.

  • Mountains will fall becomes baseline passive for ele.

  • Make Icefury either do a lot more damage or become instant cast or passively buff frost shock.

  • Burrow added as PVE talent

  • 2 charges of Astral Shift

  • Raid buff

  • The ability to pick where you resurrect with ankh by walking around in dead/ghost form until you find a safe spot (within 40 yards of where you died)

  • Resurrect with 50% health and mana and all buffs you had when you use ankh.

  • Ankh resets its CD on boss wipes

  • Let Pwave spread more abilities other than just lava burst (even stuff like elemental blast could be super cool if balanced properly)

  • Remove cast time from Elemental Blast

  • Remove Earth shield charges and give Earth Shield the 6% resto damage reduction.

  • Lessen overall duration of Earthquake, Widen its AOE, remove knockdowns, add an attack speed/cast speed slow to it instead.

  • New cosmetics/glyphs for ghost wolf forms/totems/ascendance/fire, storm and earth ele.

If any of these happen it would be a miracle, but a shaman can dream :slightly_smiling_face:

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What if they baked a self-Bloodlust effect into a casted Ascendence not available to DRE?

For Humans to be able to be Shamans…with Gryphon totems


For resto id like to see

  • Both Deluge and Ancestral Vigor both dropped down to 1 point talents
  • Flash Flood removed and replaced with something else
  • Wellspring tuning
  • A choice node to support Downpour to choose either its double burst or +10% hp from legion
  • Maybe have Surge of Earth come back? Id like to interact Earth Shield in some way other than recasting it. Maybe have it come back as a single target heal and have a support talent to have it restore charges instead of spend them?
  • The old Swirling Currents back
  • 6talents for ES is a lot for a maintenance buff, and another point for WS, id really like to interact with these more than we do the pvp talent Unleash Shield is a lot fun in PvP imo id like to see a PvE version

I still don’t understand how they seem to have zero intuition with Elemental Shaman, as there are so MANY ways they could do elements so that we are finally rid of the “Fire vs. Lightning” or “This element vs that element”.

They have some principles that could work easily, E.G. Lava Beam; give us easier access to Lava Beam and make it something that spreads Flame Shock to all targets hit. Or a way to infuse Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning with a specific element that does something like that. You can make it like Stormkeeper where it’s “Your next Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning is infused with Fire/Water/Earth/Wind and does XYZ depending on which one you infuse.” Similarly, maybe instead of Icefury forcing us to interact with Frost Shock for the Damage increase buff, bake that also into Chain Lightning so your next X casts apply Frost Shock to all targets hit or place the debuff that way. Give us ways to infuse other elements on our main generators and spenders so that we don’t have this possibility of breaking/manipulating one portion due to a tier set or something. I’d love to see something like a Tornado for AoE either rather than EQ or maybe a replacement node or something that spawns both and the Tornado can follow targets or stick onto a target kind of like Voidweaver Spriest gets the rift.

Hell, we hardly deal with water as an element in Elemental Shaman so what if you gave us the ability to infuse our Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning with Water and then all targets hit get a debuff if infused w/ water and if you run Icefury/Electrified Shocks build the Frost Shock still has the “hits X additional enemies and deals increased damage if it hits an enemy affected by the water debuff”. But make it more selectable on which element you infuse your Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning with so that you don’t end up with SV hunter’s Wildfire Bombs that go sort of in a rotation so you don’t get boned on a new pack when you want Fire Infusion but are stuck on Water, or something.

Lastly, for Elemental Shaman I’d like on beta to see them just delete PrimWave from talents and delete Farseer’s ancestors. The idea isn’t terrible but put it on a tier set, Hero Talents is NOT the place for a passive spirit. Get better ideas or ask the community.

EDIT: I’m just going to make my own post about my ideas, though I assume those will be met with no interaction as my last one but I hope to hear what others think if I have a decent idea or I’m just batsh*t crazy.

Yea, but what other pvp talent will you give up to get Stormreaver?

Also, the weakness of Stormreaver is you have to consume your maelstrom with an attack before you can get the huge heal benefit from Stormreaver. So if you are running away while getting smacked by a ranged attack (hunter, rogue, pally for example), you can’t use that built up maelstrom from lightning shield for a heal unless you stop running away and attack the guy chasing you.

But if you like to stay and fight all the time, then yes, stormreaver is a very helpful.

Absolutely love it.

  1. Ice Strike + Frost Shock + Hailstorm is such a large source of you MSW generation that if we lost it would severely impact us. A large issue with Enhance was the fact that you had resource droughts and had no filler. Those 3 talents filled that need.
  2. Ice Strike + Frost Shock with Hailstorm synergizes well with the damage profile for Elementalist because it allows us to do significant cleave without losing out on Single Target which made Enhance core for pretty well desired much every raid tier in DF in addition to it’s raid buff.
  3. Storm still values Ice Strike because you will need to use it in case Stormstrike doesn’t reset especially during Doomwinds where you will end up losing a lot of value if you have to use a GCD to cast Lightning Bolt hoping for a Stormstrike reset. Since you can run Swirling Maelstrom it has a higher prior since Ice Strike is gonna generate 2 MSW vs Lava Lash giving only 1 so you’re gonna build you bank of MSW faster.

I feel like that a very narrow comparison given that hamstring is not build around multiple talents and has specific synergy with the spec as whole. In M+ Frost Shock ends up being about 20% of your overall damage.

One of the reasons were were fairly popular in Season 1 in M+ and to extension for raid was the fact we had 3 core cc/stops: Cap totem, Thunderstorm + Thundershock, and Sundering. The worst thing they ever did was tie the Season 2 tier set to activating off of Sundering which meant that it could no longer freely used as CC stop combined with other issues devalued Enhance in keys considerably. Good changes were made to the Spec tree in Season 3 but a negative was due to positioning and mandatory 2 point talent nodes preventing you from taking Sundering in a lot of cases. I can tell you now that doing RLP, AV, NO, and AA now in Season 4 without Sundering feels really bad when compared to Season 1 when we had it. If Totemic has a good build but Totemtic Coordination is better than Earthsurge then we can that niche back but even better with Sundering being a 30 second CD which is going to be powerful utility in M+; a 30 second incap which doesn’t DR with the rest of our stops that also does uncapped flamestrike damage is pretty nutty for both builds on its own.

Unless you’re doing high-end mythic raiding, you can just macro-totemic projection into your abilities to have it follow you around. For example:

/cast Stormstrike
/cast [@player] Totemic Projection

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Remove ice fury, or at least make it passive

More defensives, we have been bottom of the pack for so long, bring us to middle and adjust from there.

Something I have not seen mentioned, make elemental blast instant cast. That is the reason I finally decided to abandon my favorite spec this whole expansion. Maybe it plays better than I expect, but the idea of replacing an instant cast spell with a cast time spell is just crazy to me. The button literally becomes worse in some situations!

Finally bring back the harmony between lightning and fire, they should not be at odds, I am an ELEMENTAL shaman, I want to use lighting, fire, earth, and ice is there… rework ice fury…

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I want water spells, specifically not ice. For some reason game developers don’t like letting players use hydromancy but are more than willing to make enemies that use it.


It would be cool if in addition to the lightning and fire they added some water damage spells like the Tidecallers/Tide sages in Stormsong Valley in Kul Tiras. I want to be a water bender!

The only thing now is what R-Shams have with acid rain, which is dope, but more would be even doper(For the other 2 specs too I mean).

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