So we're all getting gold refunds on our legendaries right? RIGHT?

I’d like a refund on the time wasted reading this.


Is that all?


Let us know when you hit 1 million.

No need for refunds. they will still be in the bags/storage the day 10.0 hits.

they are there.

why some like me want housing. Here is what I do in my Skyrim and fallout 4 housing. I put up armour displays. And weapons too. the I did this armoury room! A trophy display as it were. It makes me happy.


Can I get some too?

So many alts, so many 291s… so… much… gold…

Lol jk we ain’t getting nada

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Get in line buddy. I made the leggo that gets you more Phantasma in Torghast. All 8 of us were here first.

Sorry but, lol and good luck with that!

well all i can say don’t fall for the next scam i tell myself that everyday. the only true way is to not buy dragonflight and not fall for the next one cause there will be something but look at this way more and more people keep quitting so eventually the playerbase will get so small blizz will eventually just give on really trying to themselves.

Buy a token and get all of your gold back and more instantly, they are super cheap and people are always willing to buy them for game time or balance it’s a win, win.

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This is why I only ever got leggos for one of my characters, this one. I knew they’d be obsolete next expac, so might as well only sink in gold to my main.

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Yeah get out of our scam through spending more money, get deeper into the scam.

Lol nice try undercover blizzard employee, you think I was born yesterday?

I have to agree because no one can possibly be this stupid.

Then don’t but you won’t get them to refund you any gold, I came with an easy solution you rejected it, that’s on you not me.

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This is a very pot-meet-kettle statement.

Buying from the Auction House is 100% optional in everyone’s case. I have an alt in each and every profession so I can be as self-sufficient as I can be without spending gold on the AH for things I otherwise couldn’t get from my own main’s profession.

I craft my own gear, my own upgrades, gather and cook my own food, do my own enchantments, make my own potions and write my own scribes, etc, etc.

And I don’t have to pay a single coin for it, all the while feeling incredibly elated over this very fact while laughing at players like you who spend 200k on the AH every expansion.

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Your “solution” is to spend more money which makes 0 sense. I am asking for a refund. Not sure you get the concept or maths involved here.

Usually WoW adults understand that this game has never refunded gold you spent.


I buy tokens all the time so that other people can get easy balance or game time and I can get easy gold so yes I get it and I don’t see 200K as a big deal or loss you are the one here being fussy about nothing.

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Yeah me to man I actually built a clean room in my basement, heat my own silicon, put together transistors, logic gates, make parts out of 2x4s and glue, wrote my own boot firmware, kernel, user land, graphics stack, and Wow client. This is all inside of my house I carved into the side of a mountain with tools I made myself by punching trees.

Being self sufficient is just the only way to go yeah sure it took me 20 years to get my computer built but dang it’s only exploded twice.

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I can’t tell if you’re serious or using the most irrelevantly terrible analogy I’ve ever heard in my entire life.

No, you’re not serious. You’re acting like it’s the biggest mountain to climb to make a few alts and level them with unique professions to one another lol. This isn’t rocket science.

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