If they don’t refund it I’m honestly probably going to sue and charge back my credit card. It’s basically scamming to make people buy gold to get items that they then remove from the game in terms of power.
Yes Blizzard, I’d like to refund all this used endgame gear and exchange it for the new DF BiS, s’il vous plaît.
Real adults fish all day
Yeah good luck with that
We all knew from the start of SL that legendaries wouldn’t continue into the next expansion.
Get over yourself.
I spent hundreds of thousands of gold on my legendaries, I made that gold back over the course of time. Go start farming.
Blizzard stole my bike
And I’d like it back
Dude my dad is a lawyer lol. I know that there are certain business agencies where you can also report this as scams and fraud and they can get into pretty big trouble. Basically the SEC for buisness scams.
My dad is a rocket surgeon
Welp guess that explains the entitlement probably spoiled as a child
On a technical level, no, there’d be no legal grounds here for anything. You’re paying for access to the service.
Okay, and?
You sound like a crazy.
Yep, troll. Report and move on folks.
So after you call someone crazy you than threaten another person with a legal threat? Yeh, definitely crazy.
Lol good luck with that their comments haven’t harmed you in real life whatsoever like do you know how those laws work?
And I bet you work or have stock in activision/blizzard or Microsoft. Yeah the merger isn’t happening buddy, and for exactly this type of reason. No one trusts your company any more. You’re a bunch of swindlers.
Do you not understand how borrowed power works?
You had the option of making them yourselves
The legendary system was predatory from the start. They should give you a refund just for that.
I should also be refunded for all the gold I’ve spent on consumables since the raid gear I acquired using them also becomes worthless.
You really aren’t thinking very hard about this.