So.. we have blizz polls

Why dont they do a poll to determine the popularity (on the forums only ofc)… of
future allied races or general races?


Good point. I guarantee the mechagnomes wouldn’t have made it into the game if they did this.


They do internal polls for what faction gets what race; just the Devs vote.

Unfortunately, since all the Blizz Devs main horde and despise the alliance, they always vote the cool races for themselves/horde and fat humans and diaper gnomes for alliance.


I dont know that that is true but I wouldn’t be surprised.

I think if we made enough noise perhaps they would actually give us a poll similar to the covenant one we saw yesterday.

We know the game director mains horde and will not play alliance. The game director leads the horde guild Elitist Jerks, which likely contains more Devs (yeah, but the Devs aren’t bias, horde players say…yeeeeeaah).

An ex-Blizz dev from vanilla said that all the staff favored horde, during his tenure (can google this).


That’s true, but at least mechagnomes have really useful racials

I wouldn’t trust a poll on the WoW Forums to determine the popularity of anything most players never come here


The forums are a pretty inaccurate thing. Very few people come here at all, most just stick to the game and avoid this place. So any polls here couldn’t represent the majority of players.

They had great racials in ptr until Blizz nerfed the hell out of them.

Blizz got wind that a few top horde guilds were thinking of going Alliance for the op diaper gnome buff, but the Blizz Devs nerfed it really fast. Blizz Devs can’t have any top horde guilds going Alliance, that may start to balance things.

Op racials are only for horde for 10 years concurrent before they get nerfed (20% haste troll racial).


I’m not suggesting they take the results as anything but a slight indication of popularity.

Yes I know.

I’m a big horde bias theorist as well but I have not seen any real proof of the internal vote concept.

Also true.
Lol they were even going to forget our Bee mount :joy:

All poll results will be taken as a solemn promise of development from blizzard whenever possible. That’s how we’ll treat it as far as this forum is concerned.

I seriously doubt it is a vote from Devs. Ion just tells his underlings that he wants to play vulpera or whatever race and they put them in for Ion’s faction, horde.

Ion then tells the horde playing Devs to put in races that are insulting for alliance. Then he drives home wearing his clown shoes and goes to bed.


Because the races that would win would be the popular, super elaborate ones.

Many of the allied races, especially on the Alliance side, were designed to require as little work as possible. We can’t get Vulpera-level ARs every time unless you only want one AR an expac.

Which wouldn’t necessarily be worse than the current situation of getting lots of crap nobody wants. Just saying.


Why do we need to play the popularity game with the races in the first place?

Once we do that it’s just going to be variations of elves or androgynous borderline anime characters.

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I mean it’d be nice if they gave the Alliance races they actually wanted like they do the Horde.


They get so close but always manage to corrupt the wish


Dark Irons were good at least.

Yes they did execute them well.

Short people on fire just isn’t my preference.