I love it how people who make this post invariably say “we can’t do things socially with others in pvp” while blatantly leaving off the “while stomping pugs for easy wins” half of the statement.
Move on chump. Sucks you can’t pug stomp this weekend.
Who cares what alliance wants. Blizzard cares about money and 70% of it is coming from horde so they’re going to continue to cater to horde as long as they keep resubbing. I bet they lost a ton of horde subs/revenue in the last few months due to these long queue times and daddy Activision is probably breathing down there necks. If you’re smart, you should join the side that has the money, they always get what they want. What’s the population ratio like nowadays? 2:1 horde?
Not by any stretch of the imagination. Just by conspiracy theorists who want to act like because they are a certain faction (as an individual) they are better than anybody else on the other faction. lololol.
My experience is similar to the given statistic, and pvp (pugs) is 90% of my game with my Horde and Alliance toons.
i know exactly what im saying, i havent HAD a casual random bg, i’ve been pitted against sweaty premades who are black holes of fun and so i stopped pvping, do i have to spell it out? wasn’t my post clear enough?
It really sucks, because I think it’s a lose-lose situation. With HvH BGs, there is a valid point that alliance becomes pretty much pointless.
At the same time, this is a game, and people should be allowed to pvp without 1 hour queue times.
Unfortunately, 3 nether weave cloth will not be enough to get players to pvp.
I played a different MMO and put a LOT of effort into getting PvErs to PvP. Simply put, it’s nearly impossible. PvErs generally want an artificial sense of progression without actually getting better at the game. PvP is the polar opposite- you progress by learning, adapting, and reacting dynamically. It’s ice and fire.
PvErs want to progress and see the content available in the game, kill bosses in record times, and gear themselves out. PvPers generally are happy with the same 5 battlegrounds/arena for all eternity as long as there are new challengers to play against.
With most alliance purely PvE focused, the best thing blizzard can’t do is add some unique reward to pvp which can be used to buff PvE performance in a way that cannot be gained without PvP.
The fact that you’re mad shows how unbalanced queuing as a premade was for solo players. You can still queue with 4 others FRIENDS. Anything more is a planned beat down on the other team.
I never had a problem with 1 hour queues, I just went and quested or better yet farmed mats while I waited.
Alliance I couldn’t do that, but the trade off was I could do several BG’s with almost instant queues, then go do some PVE so it was a wash.
Now however with 15-20 minute Alliance queues it’s even worse, not long enough to go farm like I did on my Horde toons, but not short enough to just do several in a row and then go PVE.
Unfortunately, 3 cloth and a water isn’t enough for me to waste my time any more, so no more Alliance playing for me since that’s all they do for the most part. Back to full time horde, just like the doomsayers said.
Hopefully, they do keep the premades away, or make it premade vs premade.
If they made premade vs premade, I only see two outcomes. #1 no one will queue up for it since you face a long match if teams are even. #2 If they did queue it would be like ranking. Teams fight at BS and loser takes a knee.
What? Your argument doesn’t make sense. I don’t like premades if that’s what you’re getting at.
First off, let’s not pretend that horde have a massive advantage here lol.
Wotf is definitely powerful but perception, stoneform, and escape artist are all very powerful in pvp and especially in the case of perception compare well with warstomp, arcane torrent, and hardiness. Many alliance have the capability to do very well in arena and blizz themselves have said the w/l rate in bg’s is 50/50 for both factions.
The vast majority of ppl only did premades to pug stomp and get honor the quickest way possible. I don’t believe people when they say they want premade vs premade as there is really no benefit to doing so in TBC, and most people are just trying to play with every advantage possible.
yea i will agree most that want premades want it for the only reason to curbstomp other teams and to have little to no competition. I would be all for premades coming back if they were forced to queue into other premades if its more than one five man group
i have rolled the same faction, class, race, spec and name as i did in tbc originally when i first started to play, try again with your low iq attempt at projection.
I also started on an american server as an oceanic user on a pvp realm which was 55% alliance, i am not going to be told im a meta slave by a freaking orc rogue, if i was, i wouldnt have picked a tauren shaman as a main. Cringe.