Given that horde has 45 minute plus queues, about how many bg’s have you played so far since tbc launched?
Also how do you know you’re playing a premade?
Given that horde has 45 minute plus queues, about how many bg’s have you played so far since tbc launched?
Also how do you know you’re playing a premade?
That doesn’t matter, I’m just one person and anything I say is anecdotal. There will always be outliers.
And I’m almost fully geared, so quite a few. It’s not like I keep track.
But again, taking that info from one person is not at all the same as blizzard taking that info from all of their servers most with thousands of characters on them.
And everyone knows when the opposing team is a premade, it’s pretty obvious when 90-100% of them are from the same server lol. Is that even really an argument?
premades should be perma banned
The flaw in your logic is that you think of it as horde and alliance, rather than one group of PVPers divided up between the two factions. If there are 100 good pvpers, and 80 go horde while 20 go alliance, what do you expect to happen?
Player quality is lower on alliance because of how the players sorted themselves out. There are plenty of good players on alliance. There are far more on horde. Horde pugs are just denser with strong players than alliance pugs with our token druid trying to get tank gear, talking about how he can’t wait to never pvp again.
Had the pvp community not stacked one faction, the bg win rates would be closer to even, and premades would be less popular. Instead, we ended up with serious alliance PVPers only doing premades, which made the pugs even worse.
Woah, woah, woah. Let’s not make this personal.
What’s your take on premade vs premade?
Just implement RBG’s because all the people freaking out about losing premades say they do premades for the challenge, well we all know that is a lie for the majority of premades, but give them MMR/Rating, that way they can have a challenge.
Queueing a premade into a pug is the opposite of a challenge
When reality hits.
“Alliance need premades to equal Horde pugs.”
Why do you think I said former Alliance players need to stop swapping over to Horde tipping the scales even more?
Well yeah, we obviously don’t want pvpers abandoning alliance for horde, but blizz has more or less incentivized that with their recent changes. What i’m pointing out is that the reason that alliance have what is perceived as ‘bad pugs’ is that we stacked the other team. It is akin to blaming horde queue times on alliance PVE players not queuing up. They never played pvp in the first place. Horde queue times are caused by the pvp community faction stacking. Same goes for the void of strong pug BGs on the alliance. The lower density of competent pugs has lead to serious alliance pvpers forming premades far more often.
I believe the blame is more on PvP oriented players choosing Horde over Alliance, if more players went Alliance the queues would’ve been fine.
I mean, that is literally what my sentence that you quoted is saying.
Alright, just seems odd that you blame PvE players not queueing up. Why would they?
Why would they when racials on Horde are so much better and most pvpers/streamers go Horde for the easy advantage?
Not to be rude, but it seems like you literally did not read or understand anything ive said. Second time that you’ve assumed the literal opposite of what im saying. I am explicitly pointing out that it is ridiculous to blame PVE players for not queues.
I don’t think they do certain decisions to get players on a faction. But if you consider retail, it makes you wonder. However, i know for a fact they absolutely don’t respect the players themselves.
So if I’m saying the same thing in a different way how is my logic different than yours or false as you initially claimed?
Should of also been implemented IMO.
You’ve mischaracterized what i’ve said, twice now, thinking that i said the exact opposite. If you agree with what i said, then thats fine. but you didn’t make those points, i did.
My initial point was that needing to pre-made to win vs pugs is lame, do we agree on that?