So we can’t upgrade season 1 items anymore…

It would not be a issue if at least M0 or heroic dungeons would be open already

This is what I wish we had more of. Thank you for actually coming into the thread to shed some light on the reasoning behind said changes.
Hoping to see more of this from y’all in the future

Does anyone know if bountiful delves are giving out season 2 crests or just not bother?

Just so I’m understanding this correctly, the gear I have saved up on my shadow priest, at all the correct iLvLs (to complete each of the transmog set tints), will be able to be upgraded freely come March 4th? Because that’s all I care about is completing the armor tint sets with the gear I’ve already earned. Thanks in advance for an answer to this!

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Slow down! Life is to be cherished!

But … brann is broken so I can’t do zekvir in the last available week …

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Looks like Blizzard snorting the lead based paint again…this has been one of the dumbest decisions you dullards have made in quite some time! You guys took 8 hours of downtime to give us nothing but negatives took away our ability to do anything for a full week didn’t even give us M0’s ffs all we get is maybe at best 2 hours of questing yippy yall dumb AF! thankyou for the waste of a full week of time we the players await our refund for said time.

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Don’t de or vendor epic just in case they throw another legendary on our hands that require breaking items down like the axe did.

Yeah, it’s so weird that they’d take away the rewards from this part of the game and have nothing to replace it with for another week. I’m not sure if they expect us to do Undermine on half dozen alts until we can get back to the core game loop of dungeons, raids, pvp, and upgrading gear.

Can you please post the source where Blizzard announced that Season 1 ends with the new patch update and when valor and crests will reset?

I went through my history looking for the source you are asking for and couldn’t find it because it’s not there. I made a mistake and that’s on me for misinterpreting what I read.

It wasn’t so much what they said it’s what they didn’t say that led to my confusion and from the looks of it thousands of others too.

Here is what I was reading that led to my misinterpretation. Blizzard won’t let me attach links but if you search these titles maybe you will find it on your own. The first two are listed under “Game Info” - Content Update Notes

  1. The War Within Season 2 Begins March 4 - WoW The War Within - February 11, 2025
  2. Last Chance for The War Within Season 1 Achievements and Rewards - TWW Season 1 - February 14, 2025
  3. Icy Veins, Wow, Home, News - The War Within Season 2: Full Currency Reset Guide – What to Spend Before March 4

Icy Veins #3 is where they “specifically” say what will reset and when. The previous two posts are from Blizzard and I read through them again and didn’t find where they said currencies would reset with the patch but they didn’t say it either, which has led to the confusion.

My guess is if you already have the gear at the appropriate item levels and intend to use the catalyst to complete the Raid Tier Sets (LFR, N, H, M) then yes you should be able to freely do that once S2 begins on 3/4.

However, for myself and many others, we were planning on using this week prior to the new season beginning on 3/4 to finish those sets using valor/crests to upgrade our pieces. Since valor and crests were wiped yesterday, we can’t do that now, which I don’t understand because I don’t recall ever being this way and never saw a post saying to spend all your currencies before 2/25. But Icy Veins did say we had until 3/4 and Blizzard didn’t say it at all (unless I missed it someplace) which leaves thousands with some incomplete sets and no way to upgrade them even though we have items in the vault this week from season 1 to upgrade with valor but no currency to upgrade with.

This doesn’t make any sense to me. Undercoin is still there and they said that it was going away so this is a real bummer leading to frustration and confusion.


Nope. I cannot. Because that’s not based on a source but rather a precedence ranging from either the end of Shadowlands or Season 2 of Legion. Depending on when you count.

So there’s no source for this, just precedence. But there is a source stating that Season 1 ended yesterday and Cäpslöck have linked it in this thread (it is the “Last Chance” article you mention as well):

It is specifically this line: " Tempered Hero: The War Within Season 1 : End The War Within Mythic+ Season 1 with a Mythic+ Rating in the top 0.1% of all players in your region. (Complete before the content update to earn.)"
The content update signaled the end of Season 1.

Icy Veins isn’t directly associated with Blizzard. Essentially… Icy Veins tricked you.
This is why it is a common theme whenever folks ask for guides is to tell people “Avoid Icy Veins” because… they kinda do stuff like this. They aren’t bad for use in general, but they get stuff wrong since they are also kinda speculative.

If you could find something like a non-errated or non-corrected Wowhead article, then you have a better source for this. But Icy Veins isn’t reliable because of stuff like this.
Sorry to tell ya’ that you got tricked but… at least now you know?

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This isn’t making sense to me. You wiped valor and crests but didn’t wipe undercoins. You say you need the “world to be in a “season 2” state in terms of currencies so that the undermine zone content can function as expected”

So why then are valor and crests reset but not undercoins? Players were planning to use this final week to finish upgrading their S1 gear for the different colors of the Raid Tier sets. We can’t do that without the currency to upgrade the gear we already have in anticipation of using the catalyst next week to complete the sets.

nope nope nope !!! O_o

we’re between seasons. season 1 has ended. season 2 starts next week.

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Just a big bummer. I don’t recall it being this way previously. I guess the patch and the new season are “usually” at the same time? I don’t remember.

So because there is a week in between this time that is the reason for the confusion. IDK. Just a big bummer. Thought I had this week to upgrade my S1 gear for the purposes of completing the Raid Color sets. Not to gain ilvl’s, I don’t care about that. Just the set colors. /shrug oh well

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Why do we still have undercoins when they will be reset just as the other currencies? I don’t understand why valor and crests were reset but not undercoins. Not to mention we still have S1 gear in our vaults. I just don’t remember it being like this in the past. Not that I paid that much attention to it. But I never had a problem with the timeline before. I guess because the patch and the new season starting were always on the same day? Maybe I’m wrong. I can’t recall it just that I didn’t have an issue with the ability to have my gear at the appropriate level for catalyst usage to complete the season raid tier set colors.

At the end of each season, that season’s gear has turned grey. Which is why this precedence can be argued to extend all the way back to Legion, sort of. Legion did things a lil’bit differently due to it being the first time we had M+ in the game. But that’s why I’m saying that there’s not really anything one can say than “it is the way this has always sorta worked.”

It has been the most noticeable during SL’s and DF’s fourth seasons, when we went from just having a single raid and M+ tier to having all of an expansion at the same time. Most folks don’t think about stuff like this, as most folks typically ignore game design stuff since… why would most consumers think about how games are designed or how seasons work when it doesn’t affect them?

So I can’t blame you for not remembering, but I’m just letting you know that this is how it has always worked effectively.

I get that, and I’m sorry both for yours and other’s sake that ya’ll missed out on it. But hey, at least you know for the future, and it seems like there might be a potential internal dev discussion about allowing older seasons to be upgraded for longer? We’ll just have to see if they do anything in the future, but at least now you know.

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Then let S1 items be upgraded for free.

It’s not like anyone’s using them for player power anymore. They’re just unlocking transmogs at this point.


I think I might have an OCD meltdown. HALP! :slight_smile: :grinning:

Oh, this is not intentional? I assumed it was to not allow people hanging on to Hero-track gear to upgrade it for the Mythic appearance once it becomes “free” (just costing Flight-/Valorstones) because there was one week in DF S4 where a bug re-enabled S2 stuff, making the gear upgradeable again.

Ignore every reply about a “special NPC” etc., items could just remain upgradeable, even though their track’s associated crests are gone, once you have a higher-level item on that slot, you don’t need crests anymore anyway, just the Valorstones (or later-expansion equivalent)

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