It would have been nice to at least be compensated for the crests and valorstones on our characters the way you’ve done with previous currencies in the past rather than simply removing them from the game with no warning.
as a way of apology, blizz starts season 2 early on thursday
- wish ful thinkinh
This plus Brann no longer functions in Delves, great patch so far. Running with no QC is working out great.
Are you willing to pay for quality control for WoW? I didn’t think so! All you’re paying for is your sub and eventually cosmetics / gold.
If you aren’t willing to pay for blizzard hiring people for QA, why would they be?
The problem is, you applied this to EU as well before we even got the patch. So last night the content we did before our reset prematurely stopped awarding crests or allowing is to upgrade.
I realise nothing can be done about this now but please remember the different dates imposed on different regions in future.
So WTF was the point in spending all this time and effort on upgrading S1 gear? This REALLY sucks because it makes it feel like all the work spent on getting and upgrading the best S1 gear was a complete waste of my time. I’m not excited to get new stuff, I’m pi55ed that I have to do this all over again. New gear in a new expansion is one thing but this is just ridiculous. Feels more of the typical Blizzard just giving people chores because they can’t come up with actual content.
I didnt wait until the last minute. I did it all yesterday
Replacing gear with a new patch has happened in every wow expansion and is by now the intended way to play the game. Their problem was not communicating when currencies would be leaving, not in giving us new gear to grind. Indeed, giving us new gear to grind is in many ways the core of the game as it exists
why did you move to a season 2 eco system when season 2 has not started? technically, you could have not done that.
Why, does mentioning that your favowite company has the resources to actually communicate what the changes entail offend you?
Because that’s the only thing people are upset about.
And your idiotic excuse of “muh 20 year old code” means nothing here as well because the currencies are as we’ve seen in like 4 expansions so far extremely flexible and absolutely nothing stopped them from implementing s1 and s2 valorstone and crest currencies - the only real reason to not do it is that it’d create an enormous mess and confuse even more people, and it’s also why they shouldn’t have bothered doing that.
I believe the same was true between seasons in Dragonflight, and it also isn’t unreasonable, but unfortunately I forgot and ran out of time one M+ run short of enough crests to get Harbinger of the Gilded.
So, yeah, like others have said, a specific announcement a week or two ahead of time with a reminder of exactly what currencies/achievements are resetting and which aren’t (and which are this Tuesday versus next Tuesday). ESPECIALLY since this change happens early (Monday night) rather than with actual server reset like nearly everything else. If y’all figure out a technical way to allow both S1 and S2 to be upgradeable during the “off week(s)”, great, but just the announcement in advance would be enough for me.
(Though, again, if the change could happen at server reset like most things, that would be a huge improvement even if “both upgradeable” is too much to ask).
It has always worked like this. I did 37 runs of Ara Kara +7 to +10 in 3 days last week to get some Hero track gloves which I put in catalyst and upgraded to 5/6 for the mythic transmog.
I did that last week because if you paid attention since the start of dragonflight it has always been this week where we can’t upgrade anymore.
It’s already been noted new players don’t know that.
What do you mean no QC. Look in a mirror, there is your QC.
The technical term for this I believe is “Testing in Production”.
I would like to say that I am shoked but so far this is striket 2.
When the expansion came out you screwed up guild banks and you said you could not fix it.
Now this happens and its not like this is the first time you do crests and seasons. WE have had like what a WHOLE expansion before this one with the crest system and NOW you have issues with “Season transitions?”
I mean I know you guys think we are walking wallets but wow…
I bet a 90 dollar mount will never have transitional issues am I right?
BEWARE crafting a Spark of Fortunes – I got a Spark of Omens (season 1)
Now I’m convinced the buggy patch is some kind of goblin meta storytelling.
If SpaceX had taught us anything, is that we gotta crash and burn a few rocketships until we can design one that safely launches and lands back down!
yeah but this would be like SpaceX already put people in mars and suddenly cant send the same spaceship and blame it on… assembly mistakes
Probably less confusing to do what FFXIV does and use a new currency every season with the currency for the previous-previous season converted to gold and deleted from the player’s UI. Gear from the previous-previous season should at that point be upgradable with gold.