So we can’t upgrade season 1 items anymore…

Lol this was a kind of unwelcome surprise. Finally got hero track legs in my druid’s vault so I could upgrade and finish my myth track appearance set for it. But no… season is over and can’t upgrade them. Ended up buying 3k worth of gold instead… wooo.


State a source for this. So far the only thing that has been posted corroborates that the Season 1 ended this reset, and that a postseason where we can finish up (some) achievements from Season 1 is ongoing until Season 2 starts.

It is awkward.

So why do it? Why delay the season by one whole week when the Undermined patch is Season 2?


Blizzard aren’t going to sleep with you…

And you would be wrong. It was like this in S4 of DF because M0 opened the first week and there was new content to do - and even then it was clearly communicated. Even the blue poster admitted this was an anomaly.

So, new bountiful delve (Sidestreet) and the reward is … grey and not upgrade-able. Wonderful.


New patch, nothing to do…

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Ya know, I made a post about this not long ago asking what currencies were going to go poofs. The general consensus of replies said they were not going poof until S2 actually went live (next week).

What items/currency are/is going poof on Tues with end of Season 1? - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums

This would have been the perfect place to hop in and say something and let us all know that currencies were in fact going poof today, not next week.

Do you even monitor these threads on days that are not patch days?


That’s a great observation actually, the only time I ever see blue posts is when patch day hits and someone makes a post worthy of being replied to which is normally someone who calls them out on bs and then they try to back peddle and justify it. :thinking:


The lack of communication about WHICH Achvs are still available, why it’s so vague, why some ended at this time, some ended at that time …

… is inexcusable and makes no sense.

I went to great lengths to complete the “Harbinger of the Gilded” Achv … only to be told “oh no, it says PvP S1 ended 10-11 hours earlier than the rest.”

“But it’s not a PvP Achv.”

“oh yes well… it was some others, too.”

It doesn’t say that anywhere.

There is no reason I shouldn’t be awarded that Achv, and all Blizzard is going to do is hide behind “oh uhh… please just submit a bug report.”



Any response on why alts who have not accepted any of the renown rewards from the non undermine rep vendors are getting over 100 S2 crests now? New alt has over 100 weathered and carved undermine crests from just accepting rewards from the dornogal, assembly and hallowfall reps

You should just end the season once the patch drops. No reason to keep it running


Would’ve been nice

The expansion has been out since August of last year.

And not a second sooner. The exact season end needs to be when the servers go down for maintenance, not 8-10 hours earlier while players are still playing and trying to finish things up during their normal playing time when it is late evening/early morning pacific time the night before the patch.

This week is how the night before the patch felt during each season transition during DF. They took the awkwardness and frustration and made it worse and longer lasting. I’d be running keys around 10pm pst like I normally do and when I got out it felt like how live servers do right now. It’s awful.


There’s one good reason: this season has the lowest completion rate since Queen Azshara. Less than 1600 guilds have killed Ansurek.

The seasons just keep getting shorter and shorter.

Would it not be possible for Season 1 content and zones to still just award Season 1 currencies? What technically is preventing that? Not to sound obtuse, but every WoW expac has ran multiple currencies for different things throughout the expac. I seem to recall WotLK had several different heroic/raid currencies that players were still able to access.

Also, even assuming that implementing Season 1 currencies isn’t technically viable, what about just utilizing the gold system to allow for Season 1 upgrades? If Season 1 gear is obsolete now, what is the harm in just letting players pay Cuzolth a fee in gold to upgrade this obsolete gear for transmogs or whatever? Gold’s been the primary currency since 2004, so why not utilize it here?


Sooooo about that. I was about to finish Delve Loremaster and now I have the 2 new delves added to the achievement… I think yall need to work on communicating in better detail the changes to expect. First the currency going away sooner than many of us expected, and then not being able to wrap up this achievment sooner than later coz the new content added MORE steps.

Feels bad man

Blizz really showed it’s contempt for his players this time.

https: //

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could have just removed currency requirements from s1 gear